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Posts posted by NodSaibot

  1.   Rx_ForumBanner_New.thumb.png.624e0d56011aa4d2cabb98a3101c3d8e.png

    "Welcome Back, Commander!"

    Patch 5.63.282 fixes several issues that have popped up within the last few months, along with several patches to maps to ensure equal footing for both factions.




    | Changes |

    • Added potential sound bug fix submitted by community member
    • Particle fields (EMPs) should now always be visible
    • Proxy Mines can no longer be stuck onto infantry
    • Repair Gun can no longer reload
    • ADS/Un-ADSing should no longer change speed permanently
    • Fixed being able to Q spot yourself to teammates (requesting repairs on self)
    • Change Map admin command will no longer crash server by inputting non-existent map
    • You now move slower when walking up/down slopes
    • Fixed several out of bounds inconsistencies
    • Fixed an issue with bot's dead characters spamming logs
    • Refineries should no longer get bugged when harvester is destroyed while depositing credits
    • Grenades from crates now remove themselves from your inventory upon use
    • Weapons
      • Now fire when you press and hold down fire button while equipping
      • No longer be able to cancel out to reload state if it's being equipped
    • Spectating
      • Removed sprinting
      • Scrolling now changes the camera move speed


    | UI / Visual |

    • Added team silo icon to scoreboard
    • Added option for mappers to add a location when Q-spotting defenses
    • Texture alignment issue on Nod Obelisk fixed


    | Maps |

    • Toxicity
      • Mine limit increased
      • Removed 3 gun turrets and 1 guard tower from both bases
      • Added Advanced Defenses
      • New minimap
      • Harvester dump times synced
      • Infiltration routes adjusted
      • Tick rate tuned down slightly
      • Harvester dump amount reduced
    • X Mountain
      • Added to rotation (was accidentally removed)
      • Enabled strafing on ladders
    • Oasis
      • Crate vehicles will no longer spawn glitched into the landscape
    • Cliffside
      • Lowered landscape level of outer path near Tib field
      • Lowered landscape level of both vehicle perches outside both bases on beach side
      • Added invisible walls near the sea-mines at all three coastal points
    • Reservoir
      • Fixed stuck spot by Barracks
      • Added wall segment to narrow gap by Hand of Nod
      • Fixed background water missing
    • Uphill
      • Removed some unused assets
    • Desolation
      • Fixed LODs on some assets on Nod infantry path
    • Arctic Stronghold
      • Added some vehicle blocking volumes to prevent some cheese spots
      • Synced harvesters
    • Eyes
      • Added some blocking volumes to block bugged spots
    • Crash Site
      • Added some additional map geometry near abandoned WF and long-path for Nod base
  2. Thank you for your feedback, but it is not on accident that the art style is the way it is. In fact, we have worked with W3D Hub and have a close relationship with them, and even use some of their assets as placeholders in FS.

    Similarly to RenX, FS is not a 100% remake or 1 to 1 port of Westwood's original designs or intentions.

    Thank you for expressing your interest in Firestorm, I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

  3. On 3/28/2022 at 2:41 PM, Odanert said:

    This get me reborn vives. I hope it get fully release.

    We are releasing Firestorm Assault so that people can get their hands on something. This is a full-fledged gamemode that is similar to Battlefield Rush. We are still working on the full gamemode, however we are refining and working on a lot of art. (You can see that there are still many placeholders in the DevTalks).

    We want to make a perfect first impression with Firestorm, as first impressions are extremely important, even more so with indie titles. We are all gamers, and we have all been disappointed with several titles that have been released by AAA studios in the last few years. We are all passionate about the project, and we want it to be the best it can.

    Even still, we are recruiting new members in several departments, so don't fear. The game is still actively in development.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, LeonardMT said:

    That's slightly disappointing. What would be involved in rewriting the friendly fire mutator to have vehicles (and their weapons) voice lines, buildings, (and possibly airstrikes [bit hard to test on bots] unclear if they give off friendly fire) to properly work?

    Also on the note of writing mutators where is the code regarding the tusk missile I would to have its ammo count be 12 on legendary veterancy.

    You'd have to replace the mammoth with a new mammoth, but the mammoth weapon is Rx_Vehicle_MammothWeapon


        Vet_SecondaryClipSizeModifier(0)=0 //Normal +X
        Vet_SecondaryClipSizeModifier(1)=0 //Veteran
        Vet_SecondaryClipSizeModifier(2)=0 //Elite
        Vet_SecondaryClipSizeModifier(3)=2 //Heroic

    would be the bonus missiles

  5. 10 minutes ago, V3NOM said:

    why revert that cool and important feature? it was so much fun and an absolutely necessary feature that I have been missing for years.


    It is completely understandable that you can develop and implement such great features for the game, after the game is in such an excellent playable state. There is no need to worry about balancing or stacking, stability and performance of clients or servers, as they are excellent and there are no issues. Also, there is no need to think about and implement any anti-cheat measures. Such a problems does not exist in this game.


    Because people don't want it. While I'd love if we could make the game perfect, with the current workforce we have, if we spent all time trying to perfect RenX, FS wouldn't come out in our life times.

  6. 4 hours ago, Suspiria said:

    Found something!

    I'm a little more confident about this one as I'm starting to better understand what is happening.
    Also thanks to @Agent for mentioning the allocator a couple of years ago.

    So, here goes the incredibly complex and arduous fix:

    Add this within ProcessClientTravel within GameInfo.uc, (or override in Rx_Game)
    at the beginning of the PlayerController foreach:



    Let's hope this fixes it before Firestorm. 🥂

    If this doesn't work we could still look into byte-patching towards some code cave from which to reinitialize XAudio2.
    But hopefully that won't even be necessary.

      Reveal hidden contents

    How it works:

    While the client awaits the server to switch maps, it suffers a window of vulnerability where its periodic GC sweep could crash XAudio2. By forcing this periodic GC sweep to occur just before travelling, this timer gets reset and the next sweep will come much later.

    This also explains why the sound bug occurs so randomly.
    If these conditions occur together:
    - server is switching maps (like 8-15 seconds)
    - client was notified of the travel with native ClientTravel (-> here starts the vulnerability)
    - map duration including mapvoting was X min and 30secs or X min and 0secs

    .. in goes the sweep and adios goes your audios.

    So, in theory, this little trick here will allow the server a whopping 30 seconds to switch maps without the sound bug occurring on its clients.


    I'll take a look at it. We had some interesting progress regarding XAudio stuff as well.



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