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Posts posted by NodSaibot

  1. On 7/4/2022 at 12:11 PM, WildRover84 said:

    3. Lumen and it's GI


    I've seen a few examples and UE5's new lighting-engine personally strikes me as the most impressive feature. I just love good lighting. 🙂 How does lumen behave in practice? Does it feel more natural to work with or is it "just" and enhancment in lighting quality.


    A reply from one of our artists on Discord.


    Lumen makes the artist's life way easier since complex lighting updates in realtime. About quality, It's kind of a trade-off. Baked lighting is still better in some situations where the environment is mostly static (still hurts in the iteration time and memory footprint). Lumen benefits more of dynamic lighting changes in an environment (ex: a room being flooded with sky lighting after a door has been opened). It's downsides is that it can generate visual artifacts/noise if not handled correctly and it's kind of performance intensive.


  2. 2 hours ago, N3tRunn3r said:

    Hey there,

    I respect your work and your enthusiasm, especially this idea of a queue system. This is a needed system which should be implemented into Renegade X for sure.

    Though, I kinda feel like your "Launcher's" queue system is kinda useless. Renegade X takes around 1 whole minute until it is even loaded up. Until then, that free slot is already used by an other player already.

    So a queue system via Launcher is useless..

    To stand-by "in-game" within the Multiplayer Server List and spam the refresh button there, as well as to hope RenX won't "hard crash" by spamming the refresh button, is a faster and more secure way to join a filled server in where a single slot becomes available. Even then, one might be faster than you. Most chances to enter a filled up server is during a map change of course.

    A queue system is needed "in-game", not through the launcher. Except this launcher would "reserve" a slot to create a joining ticket.. This might be an idea "for the Launcher", but I guess, RenX so needs some updated code for it.

    As far as I'm aware, the queue system and code for in-game stuff is all completely done by a community member but needs to be implemented by any server.

    • Thanks 1
  3. It seems the last patch had an issue where our build pipeline did not correctly build the shaders for all the maps. Whenever you are loading the map where it doesn't have the shaders built, your client will build the shaders (which makes the game look like its crashed/frozen).

    A new patch with some additional changes is in the works.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, AshbyJones said:

    True fact: every bug in Ren-x is caused by devs—devs are the worst


    They know it can’t be fixed, that’s why they created this Firestorm vapor ware #blamethedevs 

    While true, we also created 99.9% of the fixes in the game too!

  5. 18 minutes ago, Odanert said:


    Is this plan still ongoing? Can we have detailed release date?

    Man, I had 3 months thinking about this.

    If the infrantry update is delayed, be cool and let me access to the alpha :P


    Current plan is still summer

  6. 10 hours ago, N3tRunn3r said:


    Yeah, was guessing about rebuilding/caching shaders. If a map has been loaded up for once, the loading-up process for that specific map is nearly as fast as it was before. Though before this patch and after a complete, clean and fresh reinstall of my OS and RenX, the loading-up process of maps didnt take that long.. I do clean up my caches nearly everyday.


    On Map "Tomb", I solely insta rushed GDI REF as a Nod Engy. 1 Timed C4 and 2 Remote C4 nearly killed their REF. As about 3% was left only, prob saved by a-second repair.


    A full server (Field) was nearly emptied while/after loading up the next map (Lakeside), as well as sound bug returned and applied after years. At least for me. Had to restart RenX. Also players were complaining about these both issues.


    Rockets of Rocket Soldier glitch out. After reload rockets wont be shot but still reloading afterwards. The "reloading-bug" from the past as we know it already.

    All shaders are built when we make patches, so it seems that something went wrong on our side. When shaders compile, it basically freezes the entire client and uses a ton of CPU, so I think people get confused with it being a crash/freeze, because there is no indication from the game that it is building shaders. We will most likely be putting out another patch relatively soon

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, N3tRunn3r said:


    Hot & Spicy



    It is epic being able to correctly spam explosives again, thanks a lot for that fix, but since this update I have yet encountered a longer and a more heavy load while entering a server which causes an increased time to join. So sometimes I cannot be sure, if Renegade X has been stucked/frozen on main menu while loading up into a server..


    Is it happening many times? It's possible the shaders are rebuilding. You can check the logs for that.

  8. Not sure about UT4 style, but the deathmatch bots are based on UT bots, not RenX bots.

    In regards to mutators, the exact implementation and complexity would vary depending on what you want to do. I'd recommend joining our Discord and looking at the modding channels if you are wanting to start on that.

    Currently our documentation is a bit sparse programming-wise.



  9. Using kismet for that wouldn't be possible. We have a team death match mode, but I don't think we have a free for all DM game mode currently.

    You'd do this by selecting the gamemode in the Map Info to be death match, and toggling Is Deathmatch Map on. (I don't think Rx_TeamDeathMatch works, I think just Rx_DeathMatch does)


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