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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. The same way a steel freight ship does. Also, the same way a 1,100 lbs rain cloud floats up in the sky.
  2. No blue screen? This sounds like a motherboard or gpu issue. If either goes out, the computer will act like it just loses power. This obviously happens with other games, right? You might want to check hardware troubleshooting forums on Google.
  3. I can make one for Eyes, if they are both being kept. I am sure that isn't the case though. I made one for Glasses. I hope it's glorious. The map was designed for a lot of "options", for both teams. A lot of openings for offense, no "dire chokepoint" syndrome where tanks have 1 entrance and infantry have 2 and all 3 are clogged to hell so you have to supreme overwhelm 1 entrance to get a hit in, and even then unlikely so.
  4. Good maps have radar. I meant to do one on Eyes, when Glasses is released it will have one, assuming it replaces Eyes then problem solved. Otherwise, I'll do one on Eyes anyway. At any rate, enemy blips are important, especially for spotting beacons for instance. I too like the idea of disabling the enemy radar. Maybe disable enemy radar and healthbars? That would be cool. I am okay with just radar though. It seems "strong enough" given it's just a tech building. Note, radar is visual, q-spots are basically a faster way to do something, q-spots should be unaffected, just not show on radar. Otherwise, I'm going to redownload RenAutoComplete and bypass it anyway because logic.
  5. It's massive though. Losing a ref is becoming the new "intentionally lose it and just play conservatively" strategy that we've seen from Beta 5.1, and it's super effective, the difference is almost night and day. It's map specific, but it makes Gobi, TrainingYard, Field, and Mesa pretty rough if you're stupid enough to kill their refinery. In just 5 minutes, you make the VP for structure kill, in just the harvester alone.
  6. Ehh, if it limited the ability, then showing enemy mines wouldn't be that bad. What you suggested about seeing team mines, is... somewhere between "campy-OP" and "should be a default feature of the radar". I wouldn't mind reduced airstrike cost, airstrike cooldown time, and reduced beacon cost. That'd be pretty skong actually... ...it makes less sense, but what about reduced "respawn time", and this is again, pushing the fact that respawns should "get" longer later in the game. After 40 minutes, a death should set you 18 seconds, so you have one and precisely one chance to defend against any launched attack, and if an enemy thins you out, their attack has more unopposed impact, instead of instant respawn and building-save. Maybe with ComCenter, your respawn time is either always half, and has more effect later-game, or is always -6 so is instant early-game and significant late-game.
  7. Coms Center is too strong, when it prevents infiltration, AND buffs your own infiltration by avoiding encounters. I'd prefer it keep the ability to help infiltrate, and lose the ability to prevent infiltration. Meaning, make it ONLY show units in enemy base, not in field, not in your own base. Alternatively, could also just make it reveal "any enemy that gets within x units of your character", in the same manner that radar is shared. That technically still does both, but not total reveal, you still have to be close. I think in that case, the distance should be the width of the standard refinery on the minimap. If nobody is in a structure, structure is STILL unrevealed.
  8. One more thing. Harvester VP, rewards a team who lost their refinery, against a team that begrudgingly has their refinery. Their harvester constantly fields, the losing team's does not, skip to late game, team with no ref is elite and heroic, against a team of veterans and a few elite. Harvester should either, grant VP only to a team losing in score, and/or to a team that still has their OWN refinery and thus is gambling their own harvester as well.
  9. If you're talking about the server in the listings, I believe it's a server with 4-8 players versus 20-40 bots. If it's anything else, then it's a serverside mutator, ask the server owner (c4a?). EDIT: Also, it has Deck. I have no clue how it uses deck, deck is a deathmatch map soz...
  10. Still eagerly anticipating new SDK build.
  11. Yeah maybe IF we have 4 recorders, 2 on GDI and 2 on Nod. Need to be asked before PUG so we can switch teams We need to split up..... a lot of people.... for the PUG. Btw, I'm easily available for this PUG. I will sit in TS3 eagerly awaiting my appointment to a team.
  12. This is true, for future reference. Can you launch the game without validating via udk.exe? Can you see servers in the in-game server list? Can you connect to one, via clicking or via console "open xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx"? What I was suggesting before, was: 1) Just use your full 5.23 download (hopefully you have it in recycling in or wherever), extracted in a brand new directory, and then copy (not move yet) the launcher into it, and try that. 2) if that doesn't work, you could right click your ren-x folder, make a backup copy folder first, then on the original rightclick and click "properties", then go to version, and see if your computer saved a previous version from a time you had 5.16. Rollback, and then do step 1 again, where you extract a new directory and then move launcher from 5.16 into it. Either way, it's important to use new directories so you don't lose potential copies of older versions on your computer, that is, if you want to avoid downloading a full version to fix this. Even if it means making a copy of it now, a copy that is "fresh 5.23 not overlapping a 5.16", and a copy that is "fresh 5.16 with no modifications". Having 3 separate copies, gives you options.
  13. Helps a bit to know what you're updating from. EDIT: By which I mean, you had 5.21, you have a copy of the full 5.23, if you rollback 5.21, get your launcher to update, and if you do not have 5.21, then what DO you have? I'm not even sure if it needs to validate, can't you cancel and get it to go through? Is it possible you just need to reinstall the launcher instead of the game? I just think I can make an independent patch, but it wouldn't help launcher seizing. That's launcher-config or permissions issue. (is it running as admin?)
  14. This is added with a mutator, which is why it doesn't generate an .ini file. However, maybe Yosh should look into the O key as well as auto-minimizing and not starting game with it maximized.
  15. Not sure if the game TRACKS health for players once they enter it, it may store it and forget it while it tracks your health as the vehicles and then reapplies it when you leave. Otherwise, I would at least be in favor of heroic regen in vehicles, as petty as that would be.
  16. http://tyrant.gg/forumdisplay.php?fid=3
  17. Switch to your sidearm, it's faster than reloading!
  18. I Like Dis.
  19. Knowing the assets exist in higher res might be neat, but you can't just "apply it clientside" because UDK won't let one do it without the lot, and the way to bypass the 4g limit is very hacky and not user-friendly. Alas, we can have nice textures, or a playerbase, and I personally appreciate the fact we chose a playerbase.
  20. Is a decent map. I was not able to test it in editor. As such, you have a minimap with no testing done. I can give you the center, and the alleged scale, but the scale will be off, and if your SDK works, you can walk up to a wall and see if your standing against the wall. If you are standing away from the wall, raise the number. If you are standing inside the wall, lower it. Coordinates: X=538 Y=-3027 Z=0 WorldSize: 39900 (untested, test and adjust yourself please) Don't Use Image Below, It's Just a Preview, use zipped-file link for .TGA Rx_Minimaps - Glasses.zip
  21. Also, you do NOT load it into UDK Editor. It CAN do it, but worse than even MS Notepad. Your BEST tool to use for it, is Notepad++. It's amazing for scripting. So, what you do, is either get the RenXSDK, and go to Development/Src/RenXGame/Classes and load those .UC (unrealcode) files into Notepad++ where it appears as plain english, or you do this to decompile packaged .U files from the game into readable .UC (still need SDK though): viewtopic.php?f=136&t=75223
  22. I didn't even ask this last week, this is what I did though. The fact that he had to ask is worrysome, I didn't even ask.
  23. First Pug of Veterancy and 5.2, and alas, I will not be able to make it for the start, I get out from work an hour after it starts. I have just pitched a suggested re-scheduling of me for now on, to future-proof this situation because it's really that important to me. Hope to catch some games towards the end next week. Best of luck everyone.
  24. How about just make things automatically radar if they cross your cursor? Make things stay on radar for longer after being spotted? Make everything in THEIR base show on radar, but not your own? It definitely seems like the most OP thing about it, is having full radar of your base, and their base. It makes it completely sneak-resistant AND massively multiplies sneak by preventing random enemy encounters. It needs to do one or the other or neither at all and just something entirely different.
  25. The point is, a building kill rewards a "fuller" team as well as a winning team rather than the working individuals. And with extra code, it doesn't have to be "winner takes all", it can be every 10% building damage = 30vp for player damaging it. That way, if a med tank rush split it, it would be fine. 2 main focuses I feel for VP, is too much snowballing, too easy to build it over a suppressed team, and no negatives. All my points, grant possibilities for losing teams to vet, grant negative side-effects for the team that vets, and in case of granting multiplied VP for higher veterancy targets, both. I'd rather deal with a heroic, than a whole team of elites, via harvester kills and a stray building kill.
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