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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. LMFAO, can I please have the updated script then? Did you forget how to be polite when you turned 18 Fix'd.
  2. Eh. Had other stuff going on. Felt like the PUGs, after the last two weeks, would be less than cruise control this week. So I simply didn't make it. Didn't want to vent my frustration over life-issues onto it. Wanted to populate it, just have a lot going on, and had planned on coming just to get my mind off things, but it ended up not being the best place for me right then.
  3. I can't believe you had the time to do City, little here and little there, up until now. Seemed like two years ago I had also worked on it, and had touched several projects since, but I am notorious for not finishing large projects. I get a lot of experience and no use whatsoever out of it. Anyway, can make a minimap, including tunnels inside the buildings and maybe some transparent portrayal under the overpass. Especially under the premise, and I rather assume it's bugged so if it isn't then it's a pleasant surprise, that we might actually be able to play this on a regular basis sooner rather than later. When we actually can play it and it has no bugs and such, I can see it being the next map to be as popular as Walls. Really excited for the patch, that puts this into the game, as well as other new game mechanics. That will be the next gold standard. I also have design concerns, I say concerns when some actually look like interesting "improvements" to me. One, you can attack a nod structure (PP?) from GDI-side overpass, but that might actually be alright. Two, Stealth Tanks had 3 entrances to GDI base in Classic Ren and I am not sure that is the case here. Three, the land seems not hilly enough, and four to boot, the material for the land in the bases is acceptable but grass in some places might have made more sense and more diversity. If the gameplay is fair for both teams, I can entirely live with this, and if assets to landscape or models are ever added, we can add them later and still enjoy having played the map all this time meanwhile.
  4. ...I think I will do a toaster-recording of this PUG. First time in about 8 months.
  5. Everything could use some reduced lethality, saying this even after the last update. Some things could use it specifically too, and might get it next patch, who knows. Officers are supreme damage on infantry for their "tier", chems are too distance dependant and otherwise you have to lead the shot. Mobius is a good reason to reduce all lethality, he is way too lethal and yet if he was less lethal then he would have no purpose. Snipers got a small reduction, but "instant" is instant and is hard to balance or validate. The instant lethality on headshot, and on bodyshot for pic/rail, is okay with current rapidfire bodyshot damage. If autofire damage is reduced, a little off the top for snipers and pic/rail would be appropriate. I don't see why people thinks 500 need headshot lethality for anything except engis/hotwire/other500s, and 1k snipers are still a thing that exist but people apparently only want to spend 500 for their damage.
  6. Please don't do this. I already get enough PMs during the PUG and it's gonna force me to police teamspeak even more if people are haphazardly moving. I modified the post to tell people they have the personal responsibility to do it wisely, but if someone DOESN'T do it, even if this person is you, then I will be severely disappointed if the quality of the weekly game pays the price as a result. If you do change teams up, and fix it, then people shouldn't be stupid enough to do it after you do it. That actually requires you to do it though, because Minji left last week, and that is the other option, to abandon it as "won't be fun this week" and kill it from lack of attendance 2 games in. Apparently, Minji will do this, I would do it depending on my mood or the reason why the matches aren't doing well, and I would respect people more to leave it, than to stick with it if the problem isn't being solved when it can. If the problem is motivating and one team is acting "soft", I'll stick with it though, that is the fault of people becoming demoralized. There is a difference. I just want this to work, and hope everyone will be on their best behavior to improve these tomorrow and do some justice in this week's game. It's long overdue from the last 2 weeks.
  7. So. Tomorrow. Remember. Everyone focus, and if teams appear to be giving us problems, arbitrate to trade teams with someone you think would balance it better. Otherwise, play like you actually want to win, focus on mine limit, don't get demoralized. I am not asking everyone to outright ignore team-locking or anything. I am asking, if it looks bad, to pick 1 person, and make sure you both agree to manually switch teams and teamspeak channels all nonchalant and such. If you have any doubts about coordination or if someone else is doing the same, then simply don't do it, those that know what they are doing will take the initiative this week with any luck whatsoever.
  8. This may be UDK related. It happens a hellova lot on SMNC, showing sometimes you killed someone with a weapon not even available to your class, or killed someone on your team. The game somehow thought you were the causer of damage to a teammate, no clue how it could happen in that situation, unless you were in contact with them when they stepped off an edge resulting in fall damage, and then died from another fall or tiberium or self-inflicted damage later. Since it checks first for last enemy that damaged, then last entity altogether, and UDK within reason will check for deaths related to fall damage that were caused by combat with an entity, sometimes it will award undeserving kills. Most frequent way to replicate in Ren-X, is probably goofing off in an empty server with friends, by one planting AT mines and driving a friendly buggy atop of it, and having the friend on the enemy team enter the buggy, causing the car to launch up in the air, which may at times even trigger him killing teammates with the buggy or AT Mine explosion. More of a fluke, or a mislabeled UI alert, than a bug.
  9. Just now replying to this, but the problems in the past have been: 1) Ramjet bodyshot-killing, was too strong and lowered. 2) 500 headshot-killing, when Ramjet was lowered, people didn't bother with 1k and spend 500 to get same results. Ergo, it's in a pretty good place right now. 500 do not insta-kill on headshot, but decimate health and any other source of damage finishes it. 1k is an additional investment to get the desired lethality, and it would be OP to offer said lethality at a lower cost. 500s I see still anyway, Ks.ol and Kenz still use them frequently while also dipping into 1ks also. I don't usually snipe, but I use 500 unless rich or recently destroyed bar/hon, and only really snipe other snipers and engineers. 500 are half the threat to a 1k as another 1k is, but that is the literal value of a 500, and a 1k shot in the face already retreats anyways and a 1k shot in the body gambles death on a subsequent headshot if they don't also retreat. Other 500s have lethality against each other, and 500s are perfectly equal against any and all forms of anti-tank and engineer class infantry, and perform their niche function by depriving tanks of repair and defeating infantry threatening your own tanks and snipers threatening your own engineers. 1k are just there to do better, what a 500 could already do.
  10. Honestly Quinc3y, you have a pretty good description of that game. There were problems, and they need addressed, but a lot of it can also be gameplay-related. I will now formally suggest code to check for stuck harvesters and either suicide them or unstuck them. Depends. Are they going to replace those that leave with, as Glacious said, "Jeff, Yosh, or B0ng" or even Quinc3y or Bananas or Minji or Kenz? If so, that might be for the best.A better way to fix it without jeopardizing stable playercount, is simply ask one of the above, to switch with 2 other perfectly good structure-players from the other team, switch B0ng, Bananas, and Kenz or something, with Me, Schmitzbergh, and Tony. Simply PM in-game, some of them, and agree to quietly switch teams right as the next match starts. Then there would be at least some mental reinforcement for the next match to improve. It does no good to claim WHO is listening or leading or playing well, but it does do some good to take the initiative and switch up teams. FYI, that last game of GoldRush was actually quite aggressive for an "inferior team", but that was only mostly because the "superior team" underestimated the threat of our team and didn't put enough into defense, allowing for a semi-successful field-gunner rush, and a fully successful late-game med-tank rush. Lastly, the more we play and stick with this, the more we can get a foundation for further suggestions to improve the game. Think it's safe to say, the verdict is in, and camping is too strong in AoW in this last patch. Hoping and expecting this to translate into balance tweaks and new gameplay mechanics in the future. Which will be as fun as patches always are, and is a great thing to look forward to. The PUG is definitely no waste of time in this regard, it'll help shape a more reliable and complete and interesting gameplay in patches that Yosh's hard work should help expedite.
  11. Discussion is obviously not getting very far. When discussed, one claims it was balanced but unlucky, and the other questions why show up for the amusement of someone else when they can play Rocket League while Bots play in the PUG instead. Honestly, if it were me, and 1 of them actually happen to be me, then I'd completely support Minji's stance, and simply leave early, no later than the 2nd match if the 3rd match has no prospects to get any better. Eventually, attendance will dictate that someone has to do something about it. That is up to the individual effort though, it always has been about the individuals helping shape things. This game and community requires and appreciates some personal accountability and self-management. If next week is bad, and people use their personal decision-making skills to either insist they personally move around the teams regardless of what anyone else says, or just leaves, then we can make this a whole lot better. 2 people said they were going to move teams after the 3rd match but then disappeared, but next week someone with a sense of "Constructive Tyranny" needs to think for themselves and simply swap teams, and i'd help them do it. Anyone, anyone at all who would decide to swap teams, cooperate with someone to swap with, and we could just do it without asking with the intent to improve the next match. And that is all I am going to say about it.
  12. So, is everyone just going to avoid discussing the PUG with how it went, or is it just late reaction?
  13. One team... won 5 matches... I mean, that's fine... I guess... we had fun...
  14. Does this have a minimap? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. I think the solution to this, is doing something to make games end in a timely fashion. In Field and Under's case, maybe map modification, maybe base defense nerfs against infantry so they are less overwhelming. In the general game's case, maybe a gradual higher lethality based on score. If damage to structures happened gradually based on score, then damage done to structures by hand would still count, as a team with a lost building could still win if they score enough to damage the enemy's buildings also. If score didn't damage structures, but rather increased damage done against structures, then 35k score into a game, 8 gunners would do the damage of 10, then at 40k score into the game, 6 gunners would do the damage of 10, eventually it would be easier to kill a structure than to keep it alive, and you had to earn it by score, and both teams can earn it gradually so a losing team can have more of a chance late-game to kill a structure as well.
  16. Okay, so 7pm GMT? So, 1pm US Central as of last month? So 2pm US Central as of last week, due to daylight savings adjustments? So.... WHY 1pm this week? EDIT: Apparently, because daylight savings came 1 week after it came here, in GMT. Go figure. At least it's 1pm again for not on.
  17. The option to remove it would be nice. Default on, toggleable in audio settings. Question: How accurate must "upk" files be before you version mismatch with a host? Could I modify one, however coy it may be, to remove or replace with an inaudiable equal-sized sound file and then repackage?
  18. It says your bAllowD3D9MSAA in your launch log, is true. You sure you changed it to false, in that defaultsystemsettings.ini file, and then deleted the udksystemsettings.ini? Sorry so late getting back to this, but I am glad you checked and bumped regularly, I know doing that is a hassle and not everyone does it, but it can definitely help. Okay, after you make that d3d9 change again, and make the delete, try to load the game again. If it fails, open your udksystemsettings.ini and ctrl-f to search for ballowD3D9 and make sure it actually changed to FALSE. Everything else in your launch log, at least to me, looks like the game loads the front-end map (main menu), including your steamapi (says doesn't find steam, which is fine) and username, and just doesn't continue to do anything from there. Also try direct connect? In main menu, press F5 or ~, and type in "open".
  19. I am sorry for my prolonged... wasn't completely absent, but was definitely not here frequently nor was I working on this, and for that I apologize. I finally did make that Minimap for the next version of Tomb. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxV7t ... UtsekNNcGM Notes: 1) Mounting info, same center x1230 y90 z0, size this time I aimed low rather than high and ended up scaled at 40400 when I tested. Same issues with darkness but it wasn't that bad last time so I didn't adjust as much. 2) I appreciate you fixing landscape lightmass texture, but it didn't completely fix all the issues, the silo and gdi refinery ones were there when I went to work. I blended them out best I could, no longer annoying boxes in minimap shadows. However, I fear these landscape shadow boxes may even show up ingame for some players. 3) This is a non-visible gameplay glitch and a recommendation. I am sure someone may have already told you, but Kenz3001 told me and I have confirmed, that your Tomb Wall and Brick Wall meshes catch the shoulders of infantry. The collision has friction. If you walk against a wall, you do not walk at all, it binds you in place, perfect way to get decapitated by gunfire. Short term easy solution for this map, is just to add invisible blocking volumes along the walls so infantry just barely don't come in contact to the walls. The invisible blocking volumes block infantry without binding them from walking, so they are an acceptable replacement. Make sure to do inside of tomb, that square that leads out to field, and the pillars along the outside of the square, plz and ty.
  20. They always can though. It costs something, but they have a permanent legal team on payroll. They also know from contact with Totem Arts, that the game was made as a project called Renegade X and from previous versions can bring code into court to show how identical the code is aside from models changing. Not saying it can't be done. Just saying it might not be the best priority right now. Especially unless someone feels like forming a team to do some of the appearance changes (all that needs changed really, appearances and names). After that, I am more than sure RypeL and Havoc would be all aboard helping with it.
  21. This sounds similar in gameplay to a map I had planned, and entirely different in design. By which I mean to say, I am excited for this map and expect it to play out fantastically because I love maps with Adv. Base Defenses that are strong but not overlord.
  22. TL;DR: Don't be in too great a hurry to aspire to change things just to make it bigger or better, just work to make it cleaner and more popular instead, it would be a better investment for a more manageable workload. Honestly, i'd say they might have a legal fight still yet if they were to reskin (you can sue anyone for any claim), and albeit it would be entirely winnable, to fight it legally in the first place against an opponent with superior legal representation and monetary capital, might still be undesirable. The community could gofundme the legal cost and IF it won then a counterclaim could even be an option, but win or lose, would it be worth it? Would the proposed cost be within the communities budget? How much per person would it be on average? I wouldn't blame the devs, even in spite of a reskinned game and offer of funds, to back down from a lawsuit. Honestly, I know I would. Just a muse about what sort of thoughts this can conjure. Probably why it isn't a high priority. You know, besides the "lack of assets" which is a very real deal. There are only so many capable and experienced-enough model artists and such, getting any single piece of anything costs volunteer man hours. Unless you have a whole bucket of that laying around somewhere, you might need to first somehow acquire it, in order to actually do this. I can do really rough-neck models, mostly placeholder, and I can make minimaps when I am not having a rough week around my birthday getting drunk and goofing off (I should have honestly expected this, I get withdrawn every year my birthday comes around). I am about to do the latter for 1-3 maps right now, so we definitely need more people than "RypeL, Yosh, Agent, Havoc98, Kenz3001, Kil, HappyConscript, Neilson, and community mappers". We have maybe 1/3 the manpower we would need, to get it done in 2 years, assuming 3x as many people as we had now, promised 2 years worth of work. It isn't so bad, how much work has Ren-X accumulated, probably 2x the current group, some more skilled perhaps, and 6 years or more of piecemeal manpower? Just the reality of the situation. Ren-X is real good right now, some of you have no idea how much of a miracle it is to put "effort" into something and get a "resulting product", it is a lot less of a "vending machine" and a lot more of a "crane game", it takes some skill but even then you sink way more effort into way less winnings unless you have at least a little luck on your side. It was more or less, putting in a 100 credit token, the only 100 credit token these group of guys on the dev team had, all into one slot machine, for one pull of the lever, and getting a modest 1200 from it. We have something here, to show that they had skill and luck, and we as a community just have to be reasonable with how we manage it. Some community members are trying to build youtube listings, some branch out to other games which is good to gain word-of-mouth, this isn't going anywhere or up and disappear overnight, so meanwhile it just needs humble sustainability and less soothsaying it's demise.
  23. No Then, can you pull the mutator from the cache, host a local server of Renegade-X with the config set to load the mutator, and join same-machine to the server and vote yourself commander and use spotting...? What I know you can do, is probably vote yourself commander and some bots, on an empty CT server during down hours if they run the commander mod, or after a PUG when everyone leaves oneday since it certainly runs the commander mod.
  24. Should be added to the main game if you ask me. Wasn't it? I distinctly remember it being added to vanilla game. Which means, go to skirmish, and vote yourself as commander? Then you can practice using the spotting.
  25. The ideas are alright, the problem may just be that mines used to be fairly bad, and now they have recently been... acceptable. I would support all those. I just also think, that players should probably get 1 free personal mine over the limit, and that all other mines shouldn't overmine previous mines. Besides that, yeah, diffusing others mines wouldn't be that bad. Just a bit of coding and scripting involved, and no hands to do them in the midst of other things.
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