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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. To be fair, I feel it'd be HELLA easy to get a building to call out attacked from team mines. EMPs don't damage structures but call out attack. Make mines create a trigger area that ignores friendly fire. Then they too would trigger building alert in their detonation. Bonus points for making disarmed ones still trigger alert. More bonus points for creating new alert specifically for mines that can only be triggered by mine-trigger, and having mines 100% trigger the alert no matter how many structures get it simultaneously, so "building attack" won't "drown out" mine alert. You could even do something with spotting volumes, where you have mines call out their own deaths relevant to the nearest spotting volume. All of that, however, makes a base unsneakable. You have to ask yourself, how much a defender advantage you want to give the defender? Does he need a 100% alert? Does he need an alert at all? Is "keeping watch of your building" a personal obligation? I mean, if you play badly, you get bad results, and "wide-open building" sounds like "careless playing". At the very least, mine team alerts that are building-specific, should come with a mine limit reduction of 1 per door and 2 less spare for tunnels, on applicable maps. Or, less preferably, a damage reduction.
  2. I am flexible. I literally play like it's rpg pokemon. I either play super-effective against the current threat (sniping snipers, AT mines in reaction to rush, sbh defend), or I play some gimmicky idea to snab a kill (sbh mass outside-c4 and mct-doorshooting, or gunner rush, or two-prong with vehicles and emp-infantry)
  3. No, there are spare mines, and those mines can cover only the ramps, if not every single window. Makes the ramps useless, you still have access to any and all windows... if you get to the roof without use of the ramps. Pretty much like Nod can do, planting beacons in plain sniper cover, on GDI WF/Bar. I haven't seen much HoN deaths from unnoticed infiltration where mine limit were not triggered, at all. They were all from "engi's pouring in from the roof", mines being disarmed and most often from backdoor than ramp, or from other buildings entirely (air is much harder to notice infiltration, but still cannot be done without triggering mine limit, which invokes an alert). I seen air, ref, and pp, die more frequently from infiltration, because they are usually more auxiliary and distant structures, followed by HoN, only ahead of the Obby. Hard to infiltrate a little square room with no room to close the door, unnoticed.
  4. Right? I'm not such a bad commander in comparison. Still need people to listen to me. I understand fundamental field control with tanks and repairs. I understand having SBH shooting repairmen from doors on Nod. I understand multiple-pronged attacks to divide repairs. To get field control, just to throw a curve ball and gunner rush while they fight back for field. Proper defending and mining. Yosh's problem, sounded like "calling rocket soldier rush, and having 4 people show up". Maybe we should've switched the actual commanders, and see how they command their team, because my hypothesis is that Yosh commanding our team might've won. We might've just had less lone wolves than we first thought from casual glance at names.
  5. Suits you. On that note, If we're 40 or more in waiting room, and people are being stingy with spots, I might just stop showing up until we either have enough for 2 servers simultaneously, or so little that (assuming we even have one) it's at 10v10. This is by choice, as I'm usually napping in that room anyway for HOURS in advance.
  6. The only way the HoN has 9 entries, is if the player gets on the roof. If Nod lets a transport get to the roof, then it's more or less their own problem. Furthermore, if 1 building is destroyed, the mines can go to mine the HoN MCT inside ramp (mining the windows is useless, just mine a line from window across ramp to window). If there were a mine limit to mine it, just +2, then those mines get out of hand when something is killed, the HoN becomes unbearable if something else dies giving it more mines, and if the HoN dies, everything gets 5 mines an entrance. Lastly, the airstrip is not easy access MCT from the roof, if you do NOT mine the door and mine the MCT-floor instead. The roof, takes you to the same mines, as the door takes you. The mine limit tips off Nod if there's a problem, and they check air to find the infiltrator, kill them, and diffuse the c4. Also, I lied about lastly, but SBH are highly underrated. 2 of them, planting c4 on the outside of the Ref or PP (or even WF on opportunity), and then dumping laser fire onto the MCT for the next 2 seconds, can guarantee armor annihilation, after 2, 3, and 4 tries, eventually whittle it down to 0. Getting 20 damage to structure health as 2 sbh from damage outside the doorway, each try, is not difficult at all. Now, 1 GDI Hotwire can get a building kill, only if they evade mines and a watchful team, but SBH are invisible and 5 SBH can endanger a structure much worse than 5 hotwire can (and can get to said structure much more assuredly).
  7. Still think 28+ man teams with squads, are more difficult to accomplish than 2 separate servers with only 11 man teams. Manpower resources are stretched thin enough for there to be defensive openings because not 6 people cannot be assigned to defend on a 11 person team, and yet offensive resources can be dangerous against that lack of defensive resources because of field occupation resources and lack of reconnaissance resources. 9 man rocket rushes in 11 man games, are more dangerous than 14 man rocket rushes are in 20 man games, those rocket soldiers are called out from their own PT and the defending team get 7 repairmen to respond. Sadly, this is just RenX that causes this, various differences in Planetside2 make 60 man teams made up of 8 squads manageable. Mainly, complete autonomy, and multiple and wide-boundary battlefields. What RenX has, is generally only ideal in gameplay at 32, with veterancy it becomes much more solvable with 40 players, but still not ideal. Also, MadKill4Commander anyday. I noted Ryz because I distinctly remember him commanding a game I was in, I must've missed the half-decent one MadKill probably commanded, knowing my luck.
  8. I'd feel the benefits of trying it when manpower is available, are worthwhile. On weeks without most of you, playercount is likely not to exceed 40 anyway, so those weeks are worthy of "you just tossing the password when the waiting room reaches time".
  9. Oh, no, we are scrambling priorities. Flame tanks are pretty brutal being allowed to kill repairmen inside of buildings because fuck the system. It can be done with other tanks too, it has been done with them, and I am starting to feel much more sympathetic to those doing it with med tanks because fuck flame tanks doing it. My priorities, was base to basing on Gobi. The map is literally designed for it. If you are going to not-moderate anything, it should be that. Honestly, I'd do it out of principle that I know I'm playing the map as intentionally designed, both a decade ago, and today. If I were kicked, I'd definitely not feel anything resembling remorse, and would move on with my day unphased.
  10. The interruption would be fair for both teams, neither team would advantage/disadvantage from a migration. Bong, Yosh, Agent, You. If we have 47 players, and you 4, no reason why we couldn't run the actual servers. No reason why 1 person couldn't "fire and forget" 1 server, and run the other while team captains manage through teamspeak (remember, players can be kicked by vote for being on wrong team, then moved out of teamspeak) As far as Team Captain, Quinc3y, Ryz, Jeff, Yosh, B0ng, You, Me... that's 7 right there. Lastly, having less people per team means less extremes in teams, less management per team in moving players, and more effective communication. Really, this is why clan wars in every game including RenX exist/existed this way. It's nothing new, just manage PUG like a simultaneous 2-match clan-war. If anything, I feel the inability to do so, will cause two problems. First, no more than 40 people will get into Ren-X. If they can't get into the PUG because capacity, they will ditch and uninstall. Secondly, it'll make the playerbase feel stagnant and small from week to week. If anything, I notice the people that I stopped seeing week to week, more than I do new people that fill playerbase. We had a guy with a scottish accent thicker than Kenz' welsh accent, for like 3 memorable weeks, and I can't recall where he wandered off to.
  11. Shooting through walls is definitely a no-no (and wasn't possible from what I was aware), I am assuming culling makes walls stop rendering and allow client-side hit-detection to run rampant? If so, that is day-ban worthy. I was specifically, talking about, standing behind the 4-prong tank-trap, and shooting players in the opposite base around their 4-prong tank-trap. There's an open line of sight for a reason, there's no rock there, just a hole in the rock face, specifically to snipe from and for infantry to travel.
  12. Manage it very simply. 1) 47 people show up in waiting room. If 40 or less show up in waiting room at 7pm GMT, then slap a 40 limit on it and proceed with only 1 server; Allow late-comers to fill spaces of leavers. Read below for "team captains and order of choosing teammates and moderation". 2) Have 4 team captains, give them teamspeak privileges, each moves to channel, and takes turns dragging people into their channel to "pick" them, one at a time. 2B) I am led to believe from experience with SMNC, that it's better to pick "1, 2, a, b, b, a, 2, 1, 1, 2, a, b"... you get the idea. This is to give "last to pick" the "best pick" of "second pickings", and so forth. For 1 server, this means choosing "1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1..." 3) Tell the chosen of A & B to join other server, they have 5 minutes to do so, it ALWAYS takes this long after choosing teams to sort them anyway. 4) If you give team captains moderator privileges, they can pull teammates into channel, or remove from channel if not on team. Players should have so much accountability to get into TS channels anyway, but this is to set it up. If you expect this to be difficult, then i've a solution: stop allowing insubordinate players to join PUGs. 5) Continue playing as normal, until 1 server ends on a match that has less than 9 players per team. Both team captains will tell their corresponding teams, to join the other game, A and 1 merge, B and 2 merge. This isn't that difficult, team captains can move players in channels, the captains that were originally in server are the "captains" and other captain step down. Players that can't migrate servers will not be missed (see "stop allowing insubordinate players to join PUGs") and it shouldn't be difficult to move 1 player across teams if unbalanced. This is a competitive game. Joining in a mass lobby, giving 4 people full privileges for moderating their channel, and letting those 4 people manage their teams, and for players to get where they need to be or be discarded, should be possible. This is a Wednesday night for a clan-war in any game ever, "everyone show up at this time, don't be late, these 2 people will pull members to their teams, follow those leaders, malfunctions result in cuts from team".
  13. Perhaps the infantry structure can just reduce the mine limit, but not disarm existing mines? That would actually be a buff for killing it, mind you. Buying advanced repair, is still getting advanced repair, mind you, but with veterancy, that's still not stalemate-encouraging even with full-on afk repair and adequate credits for endless hotwire acquisition. By the way, the system to do this, has got to be good for it to work. Jeffs would be simple. I wouldn't mind if it were tied to veterancy, where you could have certain units and it were tied to team limit and veterancy limit: 0) t0=free | t1= >225 | t2= 400-450-500 | t3= 350, 1ks 1) Make infantry cost x2 when infantry structure dies, as well as reduce mine limit to 1/5th original limit. 2) Current t0 and t1 always available. 3) Team limit of 0 t2 and 0 t3 as Recruit. 4) Team limit of 2 t2 and 0 t3 as Veteran 5) Team limit of 4 t2 and 1 t3 as Elite 6) Team limit of 8 t2 and 4 t3 as Heroic. Vehicles need it too, would solve the current "good as it gets" of apc spam versus apc spam during stalemates: 1) 2x cost on factory death. 2) Recruit = 1 apc/buggy per team. 3) Veteran = 2 per team 4) Elite = 3 per team and 1 med/mrls/light/arty 5) Heroic = 4 per team, 2 med/mrls/light/arty, 1 mammy/stank/flamer. Let the best player earn the credits to claim their prize, first come first served, when they die a teammate can lay claim to it (respawn timer exist), as they rank up they can get one even when their team already has so many. If you wanted to simplify it so Yosh doesn't have to make tier-limits as well as vehicle-limits, instead, for both vehicles and infantry: 0) Do make infantry limits. 1) Recruit= 0 vehicle, 1 infantry limited to t2. 2) Veteran= 1 vehicle limited t1, 2 infantry limited to t2. 3) Elite= 2 vehicle limited to t2, 4 infantry limited to t2 4) Heroic= 3 vehicle any kind, 6 infantry any kind
  14. Gobi was basically a copy-paste from old Renegade, aye? Then wasn't it designed like this? I was fairly certain it is intentional, as: 1) Everyone does it, 3 people per team, every match. Moderating this, would be "turning the server off and back on". 2) No buildings can be hit through opening. Not even doorways. 3) Both teams have sniper cover specifically at that vantage point. 4) TrainingYard had this "problem" and if you want to ban HackerHam or Dr.Schrott or Ks.ol then I might actually play more because I hate snipers by default. I'd rather them be able to play though, they're sort of dedicated players and we can't go banning every player "that frustrates me because they kill me". 5) You aren't consistent. Firing through walls with flame tank, the "game allows this" so it is approved. A map of very intentional design, nobody "forgot a rock" or placed a visible asset that you can walk through, they made an intentional opening... bans for all who use "doors", doors gamebreaking, dooring is against rules. Honestly, airstrip light beacons are hard to get a moderator to look at, people do that all day till the cows come home, and nobody does anything to discourage it. Dislike.
  15. I wouldn't mind a smaller group PUG on Sunday. Had to leave early on Saturday because game trickled on past 3:30 my time and I had work to get at. Also, if we have 2 PUGs, we should do 1 new map per. Also, if we have 46 people for the regular Saturday PUG, why the FUCK don't we have 11 per team and 2 servers allotted? That way, we can spread thinner various combinations of people who are disgusting to play against stacked, not to mention leave more interesting gameplay without having a swamped 20v20. I've said this various times, and I think, by 7pm GMT, if 47 people show up, then start a 2nd server and 4 TS channels (Team1, Team2, TeamA, TeamB), and quickly divide them out. They can be entirely separate entities with no switching players in between until playercount mandates A joining 1 and B joining 2.
  16. Do my eyes deceive me, or is the new SDK out? Hallelujah!
  17. Was aware the camera was a "pawn" and part of actor, was unaware that it's "pawn" had "collision" with standard blocking volumes. Thought there was special collision to use to block it, that Thommy's ceiling in City didn't have it, and that he added it afterwards. The roof itself had collision iirc.
  18. Sounds like it'll get you kicked from game though. Good to know a Mendoza "could" diffuse it, but it's not reachable by infantry for all intents and purposes. I figure a blocking volume should probably be atop of every non-flying rooftop, considering it should NEVER be possible to get on roofs on maps without Orcas.
  19. Yeah, this did just happen, I was there. To be fair, c4 friendly fire would be terrible, and airstrikes weren't very effective. The worst part about that islands, is both teams having 3 vehicles and 3 mobiuses dedicated to camping. It was less about flaming infantry/vehicles, and more about neither team attacking with more than 1/4th their team and both teams defending with over half their team.
  20. Only got to play 1 match, game wasn't launching, game was full, game wasn't very balanced 1 match I DID play... ...WHY DIDN'T I CHOOSE SLEEP OVER PUG! I have an extended work week this week, and I chose to do this to myself.
  21. This is why I say 50 minutes, and not 7 hours. 7 hours was a distinct possibility before. Now, hour is rare but almost definitely never triple-digit minutes.
  22. In Under, the loss of a structure can in fact bait a 50 minute eventual loss and waste of time achieving said result. A surrender is in fact preferable to 50 minutes of unbreakable turtling.
  23. Sorry to see you go, but best of wishes and good luck.
  24. Tomorrow, aye?
  25. Don't know what's the fuss with arguing, but surrender is a system that's pretty frequently used and cherished. Why take something away from people who like it? Also, it's a vote, so "taking it away" is undemocratic. We don't claim to be democratic here, but we are functional, and it functions. To have surrender deleted, you'd have to convince people not to use surrender. Calling them names, doesn't change the fact that they play the game, and in PUGs, we use surrenders to avoid wasting time so we can play more matches, it definitely helps the target player. If a team surrendered, it's because at the very least, they were in a stalemate, and in a stalemate, everyone's the loser. That's why people will simply vote change-map if neither team is willing to surrender but both teams combined have a lot of people willing to.
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