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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. Idk. Spy Sakura. You had to have gotten ks.ol to stop fiddling with infantry path long enough to go over there and defend the diffuse. No other 3 or less man group would have avoided faceshot in a tunnel, no group larger than 3 would have allowed adequate repair and defense of obby. If Nod would have pulled it off, it might've been match-changing; Nod lands a flame rush on AGT or an infiltration of WF, Nod goes on to win PUG, and the crowd goes wild.
  2. I'm just saying. In Chess, that was not a "decoy". A 2 pronged attack, also sometimes called "double jeopardy", is for example, moving a knight to a position where it can strike either a rook or a bishop, and you can only save 1 on the next move. Another example, is moving a rook, opening a bishop across the board as well as opening an enemy knight, he can only save one next turn. By your logic, a nuke mass, means that all of them are "Schrodinger's decoys" until one or more hits a target, the ones that "failed" despite equal effort, are all "decoys", while the random ones that did hit get to be labeled as "the point of the attack all along". This, is not called "decoy" either, this is called "smorgasbord", where you jeopardize the same target with so many sources of attack, that there's no way to prevent each and every attack. A decoy, could be making an obvious attack or opening, like a solo Ion, and then slapping the motherfucker upside the head with a 2by4... which would appear to be what happened to Nod that game, which is why I can understand your logic. I am merely saying it wasn't set up as a decoy. It wasn't planned out as "I'll plant an ion, and when they leave obby, shitstomp them", it was planned out as "I'll plant Ion, and they'll be too busy repairing obby under fire to send more than 3 guys to respond, which I can shoot all in the face", then it turned into "oh, they left the obby, while it's under fire... welp, don't stop shelling it now!".... For the record, my first suggestion, was "plant against the side of the obby, and we'll drive in and park atop the ion until it does its job". That, would be called "attack with cover", and it would have been preferable to "taking the airstrip instead", but what happened instead was much better.
  3. It was less a "decoy" and more a "2 pronged attack". By your definition, the ion was not planned to be a decoy, your team made it a decoy by focusing on it. The ion and the tank rush were both equal-partners, and in fact fffreak9999 is entirely telling the truth, the meds were supposed to shell Obby to prevent response to the ion, but the Obby was abandoned, the tanks got an armor break, and only when they got it, they dived in. Note, they did not PLAN to dive in, they got the armor break, Yosh did the "homina-homina-homina-homina" thing, then yelled "Obby is outdamaged, tanks all go in!".
  4. Yes, and Yes. You have to set it to 120 in config (might've upped it to 120 on in-game slider actually lately), and to keep the config, you have to find the config file and set it to "read only" in it's properties. I believe it is in "renegade-x/UDKGame/Config/DefaultSystemSettings.cfg" and "UDKSystemSettings.cfg".
  5. When you play a Pug:
  6. If you actually look at the code, and you have to look at individual ones, you can see that a lot is signed in the code in snippet notes. If it's unsigned, then I'd assume it's either @RypeL or Agent. If it's signed, then you might have to try to find that person and ask in email or whatnot. Some of the newer things specifically, might be Yosh, you can ask him entirely seperate. Other than code, a lot of that stuff is tied up as being "C&C related".
  7. So, this was another 5-0 pug. Last week was 5-0. The week before was 5-0. I heard discussion that next week, to make it "better", we should "kick voice activation users" and "people who leave early". I sincerely hope they were joking, is all I'm saying.
  8. Trust me, there will be like 2 terrible ones, and the ONE you miss will be great, and then it'll be another 3 terrible ones. Had it happen before. Don't make my mistake.
  9. RoundShades

    New Forums!

    Agent had this problem when testing the beta server, months ago. I forget what exactly caused this... just hoping I ring a memory or two...
  10. Will try, but is sick...
  11. RoundShades

    New Forums!

    What we should do, is allow emoticons, but disable text-based ones, any combination that could be construed as a text-emoticon that doesn't make a picture-one instead. Why have both things, when disabling other people's things is fun? As long as it isn't my things. ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (ง'̀-'́)ง (>ლ) ಠ‿↼ Also, I know it's some work to do, but new SDK plz?
  12. RoundShades

    New Forums!

    I like this. Wait... I can actually just click like, instead of posting a reply saying I do. Excellent. Take notes, @DoctorB0NG. We can tag people too. Simply fucking outstanding, @Agent.
  13. Just throwing this out there. If it's an item that keeps you off radar, tying it to a credit purchase, is really making it easy. Then the radar is just never to be trusted, and if it's too cheap to purchase, is too effective, and if too expensive, just increases the cost of infiltration when the infiltration is already a semi-costly endeavor. Just throwing this out here, why not tie ownership of com center, to purchase of jammer? That way, you have to capture center, to get jammer, so when you lose center, you can still infiltrate, and just need to recapture to get another jammer in case you die.
  14. This is literally the 1st thing I had asked to be incorporated into the launchers =p It's on the to-do list now ;p I seen player-made atomshell launcher for PA build an IRC chat into the launcher. Could look into IRC plugins you can mount into the launcher.
  15. Field didn't have PP, making AGT/Obby standalone. Under doesn't have that, and PP is killable by infantry. So field was worse than Under. We do need to tweak Under too, though.
  16. Com Center doesn't reveal own base anymore, just enemy base. Nod can still sneak structures. Happens all the time.
  17. viewtopic.php?f=135&t=76095 Under needs wider semi-divided tank exits, so tanks can flank rather than "chokepoint", which is simply unreliable no matter who's playing who. Also needs more than 1 outlet-tunnel. Was considering adding an outlet tunnel forking from where the 2 entrance-tunnels connect to each other, up to the silo, along with the one already going to the under-hill. Maybe even make the silo a com center Was also considering making the WF actually fucking fair to get to from the bunker path. Hope this isn't too saddening to you.
  18. *checks Old Ren video* *Checks RenX Video* ....... *checks newest version of RenX in-game* Oh, they gave it a new whistle-chargeup OVER TOP OF the hum. Still entirely different. How did I not notice that, and why did they even bother updating it when it was fine last update? They had to have an interest in doing it, so they'll likely overrule you on this suggestion. The whistle still sounds different from Halo 4. It sounds like a mix between it and the "Ricochet" sound from Fallout 4...
  19. Broly wen? No seriously, I barely even use the editor, but I'm somewhere between "when I do need to do a minimap, it would be nice to be able to load that fucker and test that it works", and "I would probably start putting effort into an urban map I have an idea for if I knew I had every full advantage of the most up-to-date SDK"... So, SDK wen?
  20. Sounded the same to me.
  21. It's similar, but it's actually IDENTICAL to one in C&C Renegade, and is just a hum played backwards IIRC.
  22. Smart money would have been on letting the Obelisk die, despite veterancy or score, it cost more in both to let it live 10 more minutes of shelling, while the base is easier to defend. HoN, should have never died, Obby should have been abandoned to defend/watch HoN. Honestly, so much about that was a total fustercluck. 4 sbh died to ref door mines, when we could have wasted the building with 4 of us concentrating firepower through the door on the MCT, I managed to do it myself and strip it down to 40% (armor, not health, but that's 1/3rd of it from just me alone, imagined 4 outside-remotes along with 4 clips of laser rifle on MCT)
  23. Is there any stop-gap to connect to a server via IP that we can post here and in popular teamspeak? If not the server's IP as it shows up, then possibly gift this thread and TS3 with the actual IP instead of the proxy, just for the time being? Or is this to be fixed in very short time...?
  24. I like the recent addition where healers get assists for kills by their target-heal. That gives combat-repairs much-needed motivation not to abandon their repair-job and go awol doing some sniping or something else unhelpful.
  25. 5.24, ammo boxes can give you 2 clips of ammo (12 ammo for Gunner), and you will reload once (6/6), and when you fire 6 it jams at 0/6 and is unreloadable. I assume it has to do with picking up ammo while totally empty or while magazine is unreloaded and off-hand before you pick it up. Try combinations to figure out reproduction, I'll comment back if I figure out more.
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