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Everything posted by Hohndo

  1. Because Med tanks are the best tanks. I would like light tanks to be buffed a bit more in the maneuverability and speed area. Faster turret rotation, slight turn rate buff, maybe 5% overall speed buff. I don't want them tankier, but I do want them to more easily dodge fire. I just want it to feel a bit more unique and useful. I don't want it to be a med tank. As it stands now, they are pretty pointless, even in early game where they can be useful. Whereas, every vehicle GDI has a use. (Except Wolverine where that applies..maybe Recon bike too, but it's fun as hell lol)
  2. Deploying the tick tank and then reversing that can get it to break out of some blocking volumes but that is a completely separate issue and it's so hard to do I don't even consider it a issue.
  3. At the moment there is nothing blocking me from being there both days. What's the plan as of right now?
  4. That's fair. I forgot. lol
  5. I don't know. Red Alert 2 set the bar really high. It was all downhill from there, though. We could do Dune. Because thats not something thats been done in a long, long time.
  6. I'm like a struggling doctor. I got no patients.
  7. If I could downvote, I probably would've raped that button by now.
  8. I don't believe that's intended but if you fire one of your weapons it will work again if I remember correctly.
  9. I'm running late so I probably won't make it
  10. Not sure yet. I'll look into something we can do. We still haven't really thoroughly tested Frostbite, no?
  11. Soon, I take it?
  12. How team kill works as far as I've seen is you have to hit the team player with your weapon then if they aren't damage by another player and somehow kill themselves, it counts as a team kill technically. Found this by accident a couple PUGs ago. My entire team in the warm up phase decided to run at me and I would shoot them, then they would blow themselves up with remote c4. I can't watch the video so I can't say for sure this is what is happening.
  13. Sooooo...maybe NOD should get it's own Weapons Factory?! I've been wanting to get one at least for some maps.
  14. I really like that map change.
  15. The problem there is that is still doesn't solve the problem. It might make their kill-per-minute go down, but only so much. I do think the damage boost from veteran levels needs to be reduced. I don't think any sniper should kill on a full health body shot. Ever. This is going to go against what I just said but I think it is the best way to level the playing field. I think maybe the best way to solve the skill gap here is to make the bullets travel slower and not be instant. It's a little more complex than I want it to be, but this also has a added benefit to help against aimbots and triggerbots in some capacity. The only way they should be 100% effective the way they work would be to be closer to the fighting. Which if that is all a person is doing, it would become a fairly obvious tell that way. I want to add more to that but I gotta get back to work. Edit: It does introduce a learning curve because the further away you are, the more you have to anticipate what your target will do next. I don't know how much this wil would actually change gameplay, but I'd like to see it play tested. But this is a topic for another thread..
  16. You should try that many on the Deck server. It's quite interesting. lol
  17. We were going back to tanks because they had 2 or 3 snipers just picking us off. I'd rather see something done with the snipers. Most aren't very good, but the few that are prove that there needs to be more balancing.
  18. Just bumping this to remind everyone about this. I want this to happen. lol
  19. Just means that you were one of the few people that left base and headed to theirs.
  20. ...so what happened to the last guy that harassed you to harass yosh for them?
  21. I would love to both see server split and map selection based on how players are in the server. I'd love to see 60 players playing all at once, but my problem with it is solely that some maps don't translate well to this that we still play with that amount of players. Thats why Snow was one of the first booted from this change because that map is absolutely broken with that many players. But it is a fun map that I enjoy..I just don't ever get to play it anymore now.
  22. Fingers crossed its added to CT lol
  23. I would tend to agree. I mean there are maps out there now that support more than that, so I feel maybe those won't ever get used in this case. I did kind of like the idea of only allowing certain maps based on how many players are in the server. I really feel like that would help a lot with that problem. 46-48 was still a good number to sit at. It didn't throw the balance off much if at all. I've been doing my best to keep track of the trends based on how many players have been in it. I just think 60 is way too much. Might be okay on the weekends as you say if you restrict to larger maps.
  24. I've gotten double shot a couple times. Never got no damage. I think the double shot is due to reading extra button clicks, maybe? My mouse has double click issue I need to take it apart for. I've gotten double vehicles for the price of one more often lately but it's completely random. I can't find a pattern to it. Similar to my mouse click issue.
  25. I think for what it is, Ren-X is in a good engine. I think it would be beneficial to convert to UE4 for longevity sake, but I don't think there should be talks of that till there is a 1.0 version of the game finally. Once we have the balance down, and a firm idea of where to go with things, it would make converting much easier in the long run. Maybe by that point I'd know enough about coding to pitch in.
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