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Everything posted by Hohndo

  1. Adding a addition class is already out of the question according to at least one Dev. I don't want to add any classes, either.
  2. I just took that as being the case since it had to be hotfixed after the latest patch.
  3. I thought it was updated to the latest version last patch then hot fixed after that?
  4. The damage at Recruit is already at that level. If you have a repair gun anywhere on the building, you'll save it most of the time. Just depends on the timing of the hotwire/tech blowing the remote c4.
  5. Put me down for all days. If something comes up that will likely take priority but I don't foresee anything.
  6. He already released the fix. Go figure. lol
  7. Yep. Got the two confused. Who do I see about that one?
  8. I already made a suggestion regarding the purchaseable c4 on all characters. I suggested a 800/1000 price point for it just because it makes all units more versatile, and thus make hotwire/tech not such a big deal since everything else would be bring closer to their level. However, what I want to happen, and I'm told it's possible but needs to be coded in, the c4 can be made to be purchasable only to hotwire/tech. Which would be the best solution, I think. I was thinking a 600/800 price point for this. Because even if you lock it out to higher VP levels, it's still spamable once they get there. I fully support louder c4 ticks. However, if it's going to be easier to find, it needs to be longer to disarm. I don't think I'd want to touch eng disarm time just because if he didn't catch it right away, then usually he doesn't disarm it. Hotwire/tech would need to be lowered.
  9. Its more getting used to things again. I play Renegade at least every 18 months or so for a stint. This is my first time doing it in Renegade-X. I did play briefly when we had the auto-rifles you could buy but only for like a day before I went back to good ol' Renegade. There just seem to be a lot of little changes here and there that I haven't gotten used to yet. I'll be on briefly but you'll have a better chance catching me o Thursday or Friday. I'm typically on at nights in the US but I don't always get on the CT TS server unless I see other people on it. A lot of times I'll be on UFP's TS server, which has no relation to Ren-X.
  10. I'd be okay with a rechargeable frag grenade.
  11. I don't agree with the above. Prior to getting the heavy pistol the penalty for soloing with a support class was the fact you could get demolished by just about every other infantry and vehicle in the game if you were caught. That's why you sneak around. Going in larger groups is also often riskier. You could also argue that the other team should be defending so that a solo won't work. That requires team work as well, but we aren't criticizing them for allowing it to happen. Just about every game I see a attempt at sneaking and a attempt at base defense. I usually do one of these two things. I'm good at sneaking, so in turn, I know how to defend against it most of the time. Sure, Hotwire/Tech are overpowered, but the reason they are not broken is because both teams have the same opportunities to do the same thing. I'm still going to argue that them being able to blow up a building should not be taken away, but it either needs a much more significant less spamable cost through a purchaseable c4, or a damage reduction to the Elite VP level.
  12. Which is why I think the purchasable c4 is a great idea. Because adding a 2nd c4 for 600 credits seems like a reasonable trade-off. Alternatively, I would be okay with locking it out at Veteran or Elite VP level but Heroic is too much. Heroic might be reasonable-ish for PUG, but most people don't only play PUG on the weekends.
  13. It also has a minigun on it you can't use because reasons. I'm still going to push for a better turn rate. I feel like it was better in old Renegade. Since one aspect of the game was changed to make them less effective, that means they should be changed to be better at what they do. If only slightly. I don't think I've used a Light Tank since patch so I'll try that before I push any further.
  14. I think they just need a speed boost and a better turn rate I'm not saying they need to be on par with medium tanks, but they should be more effective against them. In original renegade the speed advantage allowed you to move almost unpredictably. I say this because the Tick Tank feels closer to what we had for light tanks in the original game. Primarily, this is because of its awesome turn rate, since I'm told the Tick Tank is actually slower than a Light Tank. #makelighttanksgreatagain I'll post the topic later. Lol
  15. The point of this whole thread is they already do too much. We're not trying to make them more versatile than they already are.
  16. Maybe I'll give it a shot again. Prior to last week, and in the original renegade, I almost always did base defense. I've actually been enjoying being in the field recently. Got a bit better at sniping but I won't be doing that very often. I like doing it, but I don't know all the little strategies on some maps so it doesn't make me the best person in some cases. When you spend most of your time thinking creatively on infiltrating and avoid getting caught and how to get to certain spots you tend to know how to defend better.
  17. I'm a bit more okay with machine pistol swap.
  18. It's what I did best on old Renegade. Thanks! That and owned in my light tanks. The light tanks in Ren-X don't feel the same, though. I did a terrible job on Complex repairing but the vehicles kept driving over tiberium, or just too spread out, or Ukill kept sniping me.
  19. To add to this, Gobi is spawning vehicles on top of the Silo.
  20. Agreed on the PIC vs hotwire/tech. Louder mine disarms would not have changed anything in this situation because everyone was preoccupied with the rush doing or preparing for rushes both times. That person had good timing, which is not a reason to nerf. Even if this is locked out to higher ranks for "elite" players, the same thing probably would have happened. But, since they were in a credit bind, having the 2nd c4 cost 600/800 credits, they might not have done it.
  21. I do like the idea of Patch being off radar and having more visibility for stealth units, not a ton more distance, but some. 3 timed c4 is going to be the new trend if this issue is addressed with some major damage reduction on hotwire/tech. Building stealth kills will not go away because of a fix here. They will just get harder to stop because now you have more offensive units infiltrating instead.
  22. Yeah that puts NOD at a huge disadvantage there. I'd still like to see a weapons factory. It'd make maps more balanced. You could also do Hand Of NOD similar to Tiberium Sun with only one direction to enter to really level things out to be completely even.
  23. and aircraft.
  24. Has anyone considered making a Weapons Factory type building for NOD smililar to Tuberium Sun's building for balance sake on some maps as a alternative?
  25. I hear more complaints about snipers than I do about this issue, because usually they blame the team for not working better together, and I think thats where the heart of this issue really is at. Are we going to ban the good snipers or nerf those units to where those people start doing something else, then? We have good sneakers and good snipers that do unreasonable amounts of damage sometimes. Both of these issues are causing servers to not fill up and it'd be a shame if we addressed one issue and not the other. I don't have a problem with reducing the damage lower at Recruit level damage, then having the Veteran level damage be the same as Recruit now because that damage can be countered. That very counter made the PUG last a single map last a hour and a half today. Even at 0%, NOD kept that building the entire match, and even won. What I would like to aim for is not having the hotwire/tech be able to do this till roughly the 12-18 minute mark. I prefer my matches to go about 40-ish minutes. But, once we've hit an hour, I'm typically just ready to move on unless there is progress being made. I think most people feel this way, too. There are two ways to accomplish this, one being adjusting the Vet system for them, which I feel might be the best way. The other being making a 2nd timed c4 purchasable which puts the price up to close to tier 3. Sydney/Raveshaw and Mobius/Mendoza can both take out buildings, they just can't do it as quietly, but they can still do it decently quickly. The trade off being that Syd/Rave and Mob/Doza have weapons they can actually defend themselves with in almost any case. That would unlock building destruction for Hotwire/Tech a bit sooner than I would like, but I feel people would be much happier with it being a lot less spammable.
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