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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. its nods defence against Titans "Nod has spies every were"
  2. odd i thought i fixed that a long time ago ... ill go back and have a look edit: this is just a visual glitch from were the lava material moves up and down (it wont damage anything)
  3. they do it "coz they can" most attacks on game server are to get more people using the attackers server ... the only server not being attacked "for the most part" and getting people to register and subsequently donate to the community (im not telling people to donate or not to donate to community(s) that is up to you the people but it helps the community(s) out alot ... if you trust and what to be apart of them)
  4. all vehicle physics has to calculated server side so the time it takes your system to send the data to the server and the server to send it back again results in "lag" responsiveness ... unfortunately the only way to fix this is to re-write all the vehicle code nave to the UDK making the vehicle physics all client side on only sending position data to the server (this is alot of work) but also but a lot more strain on the client's network / internet (allot more unnecessary data) with the current UDK set up the faster the vehicle is, the worse the lag seemingly becomes. pros vs cons
  5. good idea but nope the server would see the package as a different package (different hash size) and would attempt to re-download the file from the server or just say version missmatch only real way to do it is to bump ya volume up and bump the eva, music ect down (cant remember what the boink was apart of off the top of my head)
  6. ill update the tutorial soon
  7. UDKSystemSettings.ini StaticDecals=True DynamicDecals=True
  8. i thought i fixed this ... ill put a fix in that cant be exploited
  9. ill make a new tut on how to add custom maps soon
  10. ahhh yes my numbers is not good at counted with the maps GLAYVIN!
  11. as there only 2 flying maps (3 if you include mesa) ill see about fixing this .. but it will only be a bodge the fix wont be apart of the sdk or anything
  12. well i fixed it just need to spend a few hrs building the lights again
  13. didnt know about that ... ill take a look
  14. cool ... fixed the Nod wall issue ... i think i fixed the bunker issues fixed field too only Goldrush to do now thanks for the info
  15. i believe you can add the name to the cap MCT that adds the player caped xxxxxx but i need to test that out
  16. just use a trigger volume (player) so it runs if some one is in the volume but you have already done that reading closer lol i just used a clock to show whats going on in the kismet
  17. yer i got vid from all the matches i was in from both PUG's (no deck)
  18. i dont think you can change world properties in kismet unless you have a custom world properties node
  19. ill try and make it again
  20. thought i would post the first pug game i recorded here
  21. ill see about fixing them
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