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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. if you wish to make a map you have the ability to change the damage values as you see fit
  2. export from the sdk and open up in your fav 3d app
  3. No silos for them maps .... they are well balanced and dont need silos
  4. it was meant to be a smaller less powerful rep gun with limited uses that you could use as a replacement side arm i dont think it was ever finished / meant to be implemented
  5. might be a good idea to add "player spawn" as players can change team mid game
  6. such disrespect UDK gives me !
  7. i did add may map to DefaultGame.ini too GameSpecificMapCycles=(GameClassName="Rx_Game",Maps=("CNC-Field","CNC-Walls_Flying","CNC-GoldRush","CNC-Whiteout","CNC-Islands","CNC-LakeSide","CNC-Mesa_ii","CNC-Volcano","CNC-Xmountain", "CNC-Canyon", "CNC-Complex", "CNC-UnderRedux", "CNC-Beach_head")) but i doubt that would make a difference also in the same ini "DefaultGame.ini" [CNC-Beach_head Rx_UIDataProvider_MapInfo] MapName=CNC-Beach_head FriendlyName=Beach_head ;PreviewImageMarkup=RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-walls Size=Medium Style=Symmetrical NumPlayers=8 AirVehicles=Enabled TechBuildings=0 BaseDefences=None MineLimit=30 VehicleLimit=7 i changed nothing else you may have delete the udkgame.ini and udkrenegadex.ini for them to re generate
  8. ok i just did some testing and you have to edit DefaultRenegadeX.ini find the line : MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-UnderRedux",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7) and copy and paste the same line underneath and edit the map name MapSpecificMineAndVehLimit=(MapName="CNC-",MineLimit=30,VehicleLimit=7)
  9. try using the old method >>> the sdk is still set up like beta 4 were the maps are all set in one ini not in separate ini's like they are now
  10. finished but ill edit out the game play and make the editor shambals public
  11. seems like a cool idea but not sure if its worth doing right now any way im streaming right now rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2
  12. no the pad is not a "building" but it is possible to tie it in to a buildings health (so if a building is dead it will up the cost of vehicals "pp" or disable vehicle spawning "WF/Air" but right now it cant take damage like a building
  13. go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Cache or were ever your game is installed ... and in the ini it shows what random file is what in my case 28AE75194FDF83CDD4F223A1EDFDA622=SunX just delete the one that is messing up and try connecting to the server again
  14. well i dont know if i should use the volume with all the mesh instanced i have in the map ...i plan to add more and more lol but i forgot to post this here been working on stuff off camera footage from a youtube live stream (think this is how im going to do the vids for the map from now on)
  15. well for those who missed it ...
  16. thought it was 7 pm GMT but ill be there and ill probably record it or even stream it on the youtubes
  17. the fact you was getting problems with meshes as well points to the light it self might be that you had a crappy cascading shadow setting
  18. you probably messed with a setting that you went meant to i do it all the time
  19. are you not useing swarm (lightmass) ?
  20. i think the lod problems is down to having too may meshes in the map or maybe just having the less the 50 /60 % of the mesh exposed
  21. no i only fixed the tunnels you can get on the bar like that in almost every map if it becomes a problem ill fix it in all non flying maps some nice rush attempts too bad most failed
  22. ahhh ok didnt know how you started it all off ... changing stuff via setting / kismet some times bypasses the native renx code (e.g. setting a building to 0 will kill the building every thing shows it dead but the buildings mesh itself stays as an alive building) client side and server side are 2 very different things .. you may have to do a swap of the invisible PT actor class via kismet (hide one wile unhiding the other and via versa)
  23. you set the trigger to client side only ?
  24. there is 2 things that could cause this 1. you made the landscape invisible in the landscape settings ... you can check this by going to the search icon (binoculars) and either look for landscape or search "landscape" and go to its properties under display make sure the "Hidden" box is not ticked 2. you have hidden terrain in the show options or by pressing "T" (pressing "T" again will enable terrain) other then these there isnt much else that will make a landscape disappear #2. is probably what you did
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