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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. Yooooooo as always
  2. Drag the image to a new tab will make it bigger 1080p
  3. ok i cant ba asked to edit quotes so adding maps to game found here >> adding vehicle limit to sdk udkrenegadex.ini >> adding a vehicle factory (note that only vehicles with the word factory are valid the ones with out will work but may acked buggy "bouncing around when damaged") >>>
  4. right now the SDK is bugged with a 0 vehicle limit only way to test it to import the files to the game or just place some vehicles around the map
  5. just renedered it all up ... gotta upload it all tomorrow but will be a wile till its live
  6. wait for the vids ... sorry that tey are going to take a wile to come out ... last weeks mess haventt been published yet
  7. ther are some complex shaders and they do take a wile to compile ... dose it take a long time time to load on the second go ?
  8. block it off with a volume of blocking
  9. cool is that for the scrin shit .. if so why the earth signs ?
  10. add some random meshes (rocks ?)
  11. Yoooooooooo
  12. just look at a building if green is friendly red is not lol some good reps there
  13. cnc mode on considers one of each building so if you have two of the same if one is taken down the other will still work but the game code will see that building type as dead (if you have 2 war factory's and 1 dies i believe you will lose all vehicles but as this has never been a thing ... it would need testing)
  14. yeah give that man a cookie
  15. it should be possible ... the power plant dosnt have to be in the map afaik as all the other buildings work with out it i would think the Ob / AGT wouldent be affected but only way to find out is make a test map would take 1 min to set up im sure it wont be too much trouble for you to test it out
  16. i should add that to the building tutorial
  17. wow this is looking better and better every image
  18. did you add the actor classes or the prefabs ? ... you need to add the prefabs
  19. i bet you dont have a nod building ... add a nod bulding
  20. in world properties look for a thing called zkill and put it to about -999999999
  21. fixed some stuff ... culled out alot for the tress down the shadow distance = more FPS beach head 1.2 http://www.mediafire.com/download/ynn0f ... d_V1.2.zip
  22. yer its all good
  23. dont worry too much about overlapping UV's as most of the UDK assets have this error anyway as for the red dots ... look @ the key at the bottom
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