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Everything posted by limsup

  1. limsup


    Here we have a paradox: what good is a not-so-subtle hammer, which even Thor would envy for a secret Agent?
  2. limsup


    A bit worn and torn, still it preseveres against all odds! Keep 'em coming!
  3. limsup


    His flag should be a Cactus, like the one on his map, Canyon, which always makes people get stuck :D So HINT HINT FONDAYTION - come on Kenz, it only took them 4 years to set up the PAV, surely this can wait for another year or two P.s. Cool flag
  4. limsup


    And those are like a 0.5% of her nicknames on her flag
  5. limsup


    Brilliant artwork from Minji, and it says "Man - Tanks". My only suggestion would be to tweak tipography and use that extra real-estate to make the text more legible
  6. limsup


    Trees have larger than necessary collisions on Reservoir
  7. The map has a 1-in-5 chance to load as a Night map Otherwise it has a day setting. Also the inside of the volcano has been opened with extra vehicle and infantry paths. Performance-wise @Fffreak9999 gave it an agressive precomputed visibility treatment and proper culling, so it should run quite fine on the vast majority of machines. P.s. Gimmicks have been removed/disabled.
  8. CNC-Paradise 5.0 ( @Havoc89 said in the autumn, that he would take a look at it, I don't know if he managed to do it as of yet)
  9. limsup

    I'm out

  10. Was hilarious how AlienX spawned the Great Wall of Islands from mutator to stop that lol
  11. Soo... upcoming new episode about Play Area Volumes? HINT HINT
  12. MULTIPLE bugs Now we only need to have the Mini-APC-s back
  13. There's always a random floating rock or pebble or patch of grass here and there, would not call them "bugs" though, and the map brought hours and hours of fun gameplay for us, so thank you very much for that! Looking forward to your Next Project, keep up the good work!
  14. @isupreme Next time please create such topic in the Forum's Feedback & Bug reports section.
  15. Spies can too - even while you are parking it in the proximity of a base defence.
  16. Bots are under continuous development by HandEpsilon, and maps too are undergoing a significant AI/Path redesign too.
  17. Night-vision (its a bug, not a feature)
  18. Nice job @roweboat
  19. Default location would be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Config\UDKRenegadeXAISetup.ini Alter the following line from bCheetozBotzEnabled = false to bCheetozBotzEnabled = true and the 9th skill level shall show in-game.
  20. That's why that topic had to be locked
  21. More like 1.3 GB atm...
  22. lmao still salty over banter, chill down you old furnace Also: if you wanna keep posting my otherwise not published game vids, I'm entitled to the royalties
  23. Like 2-3 seconds (assuming Automatic Rifle headshots)
  24. In that case, feel free to head over to Try-Out's server, he has it in rotation
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