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Everything posted by limsup

  1. I recall several stuck spots, Harvester pathfinding issue and something about foliage... Will have a look again when possible...
  2. I am hardly the only one doing map testing. And as you are undoubtedly aware, my primary focus (or should I say "Eyes") at the moment rests with official maps. However, if the author has an updated version, it would need to be uploaded. If not, Try and I would compile a report on the version published a month ago.
  3. No? We were expecting subsequent versions from the author.
  4. We did. With Try-Out weeks ago.
  5. Oceania.
  6. Or you could ask someone nicely (below is not my work)
  7. He's right though. a Tank Destroyer vs a Mammoth MKII still takes quite a few hits. Come on, what do you expect, people? To have it bring down even an aircraft carrier in 2 shots?
  8. The Avenger from C&C Generals would be nice http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Avenger_(Generals)
  9. Could we perhaps have this, please? (Vertigo stealth-bomber / C&C3)
  10. If my memory serves me well, @Ska-Ara mentioned something regarding the possibility of him doing a RA2 style Flak-Track...
  11. Seems to be corrected now...
  12. It is possible to conveniently jump on top of the Air Tower from those rocks near it.
  13. Well, in my humble opinion that is understandable, considering how old it is - at least a dozen updates came out for the game since the AdminTool was last updated...
  14. The sandboxspawn function of @[CT]Ukill's AdminTool is by default administrators only. Permissions need to be adjusted.
  15. "... It's also hopefully a flirt with people like you and I who grew up playing Red Alert and all these games." Yeah, right... #NotMyCnC
  16. Please consider that Repair Tools have a limited pool of ammunition, have a shorter range, recharging delay and slow recharge time along with a 1 point per second heal/disarm rate (Repair Gun has a 2 points/sec rate, while the Advanced Repair Gun has a 4 points/sec rate). It also costs $200 while an Advanced Engineer costs $350.
  17. Snipers and people utilizing Sydney/Raveshaw in a CQC manner would love that! So would Mendozas (or any class wielding a powerful weapon with comparatively small magazine size).
  18. Like Sydney or Raveshaw? Plus it has been done in the past...
  19. YES! Mining is difficult for new players, and more often than not, instead of showing them how to mine, their team scolds them harshly and mine bans them. This is a long-standing issue. @TheDeadlyWolf has been utilizing Ceiling Guns on his map, Hourglass, and they work very well (plus their placement/damage can be tweaked further on-demand). The whole "I kill you in 1 shot" method frustrates just about anyone. Sure, more expensive / higher veterancy infantries should kill enemies faster, but not *that* fast (with the possible exception of Sniper Rifle or Ramjet Rifle). EMP grenades perhaps? That could potentially have severe implications (like what'd you do when you join a server as a recruit, then run into a level 9000 Level 10 @poi ) That would be awesome! Many people would love to see a game mode which features the MkII - since it would be too difficult to field it in the current C&C mode...
  20. Well, Hourglass exists in a form, but in order to have a marathon, a server would be needed to host it.
  21. Capture the abandoned GDI Weapons Factory on CNC-Crash Site and you will gain access to the GDI Titan and Wolverine.
  22. No wonder they had to do a computer-animated Kane, the real one would never approve
  23. You could try opening the Launcher, then clicking on "Settings" and finally, "Reset Game".
  24. In my humble opinion, that's debatable. Considering most people have a finite time per day to spend playing the game, I sincerely doubt that most of them would desire to spend their entire evening locked in a single long game, which often means having one team be constantly on the defence. Of course, we could do a poll...
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