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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. Black Power > all
  2. @dirtybob what is your current game version? there have been a lot of map updates + some content update. so 2 GB isn't that much
  3. @TK0104 uhmm for some reason I didn't save this (though I thought I had )... the vehicle trap pit still exist near end of strip.. guess you know what I'm writing about Thommy and you added tiberium dmg on top of the WF containers... why? or let's put it like that: why is there a tib dmg collision on top of the WF containers, but not on the HoN / strip ones? Last but not least... just a "Tester" easteregg: mountaineering enabled well, you need 2 vehicles (1x Nod / 1x GDI) to climb the mountain... so no need to fix that we weren't even able to do it again.... must have been luck
  4. wenn du diese Karten nicht per Launcher laden kannst, dann findest du sie (wie von freak oben erwähnt) hier: http://eu.constructivetyranny.com:1350/renx/Full Map Directory/
  5. @Gliven s driving skills
  6. match 1: people listen to @Gliven match 2-4: they just SHOUT at each other (not all the time.... but still) @CampinJeff 3 - 1 @Gliven
  7. happens with arties as well
  8. @Ahrimansiah even if RenX got some TS elements as the various TS vehicles it's still a Tiberian Dawn game... during the first Tiberian war they didn't have any kind of Cyborg (please correct me if I'm wrong)
  9. @ObeliskTheTormentor Patch uses a "TacRifle"
  10. push the update
  11. Then any server owner should refrain from using that mutator until the devs reach a decision in an internal discussion. I didn't know that the script was originally written by you...
  12. Is this is any kind related to the mentioned Dev discussion here: or in other words: did you agree to a compromise regarding the permitted max. players / server?
  13. @Ruud033 please reconsider the balance changes before adding the "rotated strip version" to the upcoming patch All I can do is to repeat myself: the situation which caused this topic can not be avoided by changing the map. You can add a wall-of-yosh around all the stips of any map..... as soon as GDI has the field advantage and begins to either siege the Nod base or just rush / steamroll with meds / other tanks there is absolutely no way to prevent the "drop-farming" (besides: Nod can do the same, esp. during Flame rushes...) edit: early silo can cause a huge discrepancy and here a disadvantage for GDI (ofc unless they capture & keep the silo themselves) many people think "yeah, silo is just a few creds.... not worth it." but that's simply a short-sighted point of view. especially during the early game the few extra ticks of creds can make a huge difference when it comes to the first tank rushes...
  14. In_Game version. just wondering as usually all the .u files get copied into the .../UDKGame/CookedPC/ folder. If you unzipp Headlands, the TeamSilo file can also be found in the .../UDKGame/CookedPC/
  15. Shouldnt that file "RX_Building_TiberiumSilo.u" be in the "CookedPC" folder?
  16. If Nod has lost control over the map (or match) changing the map won't save 'em And still you don't get my point...
  17. Seriously? That will cause only cause a slight change to gameplay, if nothing at all. You can add as much cover to the strip as you want to. - This won't prevent the game situation Luhrian is complaining about. You can see this on any map (Yes I repeat myself). Once Nod lost the field (especially on non_def maps) GDI can detain Nod from using vehicles by destroying them as soon as they drop off. Just consider what Kryps team did during the sundays PUG on Volcano [waiting for TK to publish the replay]. That was pretty much the same situation that caused this topic. Just another map [and we could just *farm* one vehicle.... as Tonys team already had given up]. Complex can already be considered as Nod map (especially on public servers) and with early Silo it's even getting much easier for Nod now [I guess ].
  18. Welche Karten betrachtest du denn als wichtig? [which maps do you consider as important?]
  19. @limsup usually this section of the WF roof is blocked. @nBab probably just forgot to block it
  20. Hey @DaKuja here some collisions you might wanna fix And we found a - quite vehicle specific - vehicle jump spot: Regards, Sn4ke
  21. Next PUG: regular maps only... please Horologue is fine though. straight map and non_fly
  22. maybe I should show you how to get on top of non_fly refineries you've missed the important section there [but that's good. no need to show that in public]
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