@lawANDorder Your "wall of text" has some good points but all in all your argumentation sounds like "I don't want/like to play against skilled players".
You didn't mention these certain players, at least no names... But if a handful of players are deciding a full-server match (doesnt matter if 20v20 or 30vs30) there is something wrong with all the other players, apart from the "certain players", ergo ~95% of the server population.
Seriously, 1-2 players are not deciding the match. Tanks do. And tanks. And tanks. And yeah, base-def, repair bitches, snipers, support units and teamplay. (did I forgot something? maybe the little pinch-of-luck to get the early Mammoth crate (as Nod ofc!!)).
Most of the players you are complaining about have no clue how to use vehicles properly. Of couse they claim "anyone can use a tank" (wrong).
So how to deal with the exceptionally skilled players?
1) group up on them
2) use Soldiers / flametroopers / grens / shotgunners only (no use to waste credits)
3) use tanks
4) if you can't handle these players, go somewhere else and support your team.
I couldn't play the last two weeks, so I have no clue if the j-poi-stack is back, but 2 weeks ago that stack was dead. Know why? Every time* they stacked players began to group up on them and ruined their precious K/D until one of them (or both) raged problem solved
* okay - let's say: most of the time...