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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. I wonder what your current sound settings are but the sound settings could also get some more options
  2. Sn4ke


    too bad it takes too long to achieve the Heroic stage with disarming mines only still sounds like a GG
  3. @TK0104 / @Madkill40 from what I know @Handepsilon still got no decent internet connection (at the moment) to either download the latest SDK or publish new map versions
  4. definitely too far away for a successful beacon placement (unless you place it on top of the containers)
  5. luckily there is no "takedown" ability in RenX good luck anyways!
  6. feel free to pm me if you want me and/or T.O. to do a closed beta testing over the years you learned much about mapping and avoiding general mappers fauxpas, but.. I guess you know that after hours of mapping you can't see / find your own mistakes anymore
  7. when can we expect a release? (or a pre-release for closed-testing?)
  8. definitely the best reply to the initial posting!! +1 ! double the playerbase and there are many more good players to counter the current Champs. I love you @Gliven ! but I hope @Madkill40 appreciates your mentioning of his mapper skills (and that he is aware of the meaning) Dude, we're not the only ones. Some just don't report them on forums though. And please keep in mind that Try 'n me mainly test maps in regard of general glitches, graphic issues, exploits like "B2B" and don't focus on gameplay (at least not on the stategic) issues. We have our opinion about the map design and "stalematishness" but.... we think that this is up to the mapper to decide. We stopped bringing such things up, as most mappers don't care about our (or any?) opinion in this particular regard. And that's okay for me... Even on stalematey-maps the players can make up decent tactics (at least for a while ). The community, especially the active members on forums have much more influence on the mapper to redesign his map.
  9. if teams are balanced (in numbers) this is already the case.... (since v5.26? not sure which patch it was, have to look it up)
  10. even though it's sarcasm, this sentence is way different from your inital post. calm down and "fight" for your thesis by argumentation
  11. @Agent @yosh56 @Havoc89
  12. to pick up @dr.schrott suggestion from yesterday (ingame): disable team swapping after 1 minute. no more "join the winning team"
  13. we'll agree on that
  14. the less people play, the more impact exceptionally skilled players have... so for low-pop matches your assumption is defenitely right, but 20vs20 ? 30vs30 ? no way. for "full server" matches a "stacked" group of 5-7 players organized on TS might make the difference, but even then this group is just 16-23 % (not even a quarter) of a team (25-30% for 20vs20)
  15. sounds like you stopped reading my post after the first sentence
  16. @lawANDorder Your "wall of text" has some good points but all in all your argumentation sounds like "I don't want/like to play against skilled players". You didn't mention these certain players, at least no names... But if a handful of players are deciding a full-server match (doesnt matter if 20v20 or 30vs30) there is something wrong with all the other players, apart from the "certain players", ergo ~95% of the server population. Seriously, 1-2 players are not deciding the match. Tanks do. And tanks. And tanks. And yeah, base-def, repair bitches, snipers, support units and teamplay. (did I forgot something? maybe the little pinch-of-luck to get the early Mammoth crate (as Nod ofc!!)). Most of the players you are complaining about have no clue how to use vehicles properly. Of couse they claim "anyone can use a tank" (wrong). So how to deal with the exceptionally skilled players? Easy-peasy... 1) group up on them 2) use Soldiers / flametroopers / grens / shotgunners only (no use to waste credits) 3) use tanks 4) if you can't handle these players, go somewhere else and support your team. I couldn't play the last two weeks, so I have no clue if the j-poi-stack is back, but 2 weeks ago that stack was dead. Know why? Every time* they stacked players began to group up on them and ruined their precious K/D until one of them (or both) raged problem solved * okay - let's say: most of the time...
  17. got a current dev-quote about that?
  18. Sn4ke

    TS vs Discord

    I know what a Baron is but the TS context was confusing or are there any high-class people on TS (apart from Tony?)
  19. sorry Schrott but that happens to GDI too... so what? you got 50 seconds to find & disarm the nuke. with a recruit Technician / Hotwire you have 40s to find it & fight the enemy (10 seconds to disarm). Unless you're alone on GoldRush (or any map with a comparable map size) you should be able to find any beacon placed inside the base in time...
  20. Sn4ke

    TS vs Discord

    Teamspeak has been what?
  21. a pro mining strat would be NOT to place the mines that close to the door place them further back and rushing vehicles won't be able to disarm them through the door (unless you use the muzzle of a medium or something like that) but mines will still kill infantry running inside. just make sure all the mines blow up, regardless of the direction
  22. No problem, welcome to the RenX-community!
  23. Use the 32-bit version for your server and it should be fine.
  24. with default config settings your server should be listed in the launcher. Reset the game (Launcher -> Settings -> Reset Game) and try again. Are you sure you didnt remove/alter line 78-80 from the UDKRenegadeX.ini (devbot-connection is needed to be listed in the launcher)?
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