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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. @TK0104 hmmm, you fixed to get on the actual top of the mountain but it's still partly accessible Testers Easteregg - fix it or not, there's no gameplay related advantage behind GDIs base
  2. GDI harvy gets stuck after each drop.... so nothing changed at all Obelisk is not working.
  3. Sn4ke

    New maps

    yeah saw the update when I downloaded the new Tomb version I'll take a look at both of them later
  4. Sn4ke

    New maps

    release a fixed version (mountain) and I'll test it again
  5. Hey guys, if you order an airstrike and get killed directly afterwards you'll neither receive points nor VP for any vehicle or character kill the ordered airstrike is causing. Regards, Sn4ke @yosh56
  6. No, that's not true. If you've placed AT mines and get killed they despawn after a few seconds. They are persistent after purchasing a new character though
  7. Hey @Henk, we've missed some things during the pre-release testings of the current Tunnels version. Sound issue (destructibles covering HoN tunnel): You can hear the sound of the wooden planks getting destroyed anywhere on the map. Guess the sound settings are set to infinite range (as Ruud did on CrashSite with the Scin ship doors?). Regards, Sn4ke
  8. lol my first follower xD

  9. full stuck next to that well. upper infantry path, Lakeside
  10. @TK0104 your fix for the stuck spot enabled mountaineering.. you can now parachute on top of both PPs n nuke/ion 'em
  11. Keep up your good work at demoralizing teams on TS Ryz, cuz whatever you do, whatever you suggest. It's just plain wrong. It's not Ryz approved. We had this discussion a while ago... and nothing changed. Your behavior is still the same. As you're dominating the TS most of the time, I really don't know why you're not commanding. PS: my ingame nick was: WhatEverYouDoRyzGotABetterSuggestion - because this sums up 99% of our TS discussions during the PUG matches today.
  12. if you can't download RenX via launcher use iTweeks full build...
  13. @Henk nice map - is there an UFO fly by? - why aren't the (red) barrels destructible?
  14. I know we're talking about a game here... but there's no difference in a precisely aimed (scoped) hit and a random hit. The result is the same (if you hit the same part of the target...)
  15. that doesn't make any sense at all Why should a scoped hit cause more damage than an unscoped
  16. "So how do I start the 46 bit version of RenX?" - Ryz during the pre-PUG 22th April
  17. I don't like the idea of a repair tank. If there was one it would be another vehicle that "get's in the way" and as an (assumed) light armoured vehicle it would probably be just cannon fodder, literally free VP for the opponent. If field repairs are dying due to snipers "all the time", then the healers are doing something wrong. Most field repairs get killed due to splash damage from Arties and the recently buffed MRLS. Meds / Mammoth / even Stanks also got a considerable amount of splash damage. Another thing are sneaky stanks rolling over field repairs with "deaf" mammoth drivers not noticing them... And yeah: SBH, Patch, Airstrikes, chem troopers, free infantry (esp. shotgunner & flametrooper) get probably more field repair kills than the avg. sniper. Sure there are exceptionnally good snipers as poi / nick / deadbeat / Minji / (others). But that's individual player skill and not a balancing issue. Most map environments offer decent possibilities of cover. It's up to the player who's repairing tanks to i) seek cover from splash and ii) from snipers / other infantry. If the healer is not moving at all... Next thing: the tankers. Field repair is no solo job. It's up to the tanker to protect their healers & give them decent cover with their vehicle. In my opinion it's the tankers job to get rid of infantry threats as SBH or Patch. Most Technicians fighting any of these units will most likely die. But many field repairs also panic if they are on low health and see e.g. a chemical coming around the corner... why not entering the safety of the mammoth tank you're repairing? Esp. during public matches a lot of field repairs just focus on their tank. They don't even notice that another Tech/Hottie is repairing them. Q-spamming them with "I NEED REPAIR" is (often) also a waste of time... BioZ / Denuvian and me are often playing together using TeamSpeak to coordinate each other. Two tankers, one healer (most of the time). If the healer is on low health with no other healer around we just swap positions. Sure that needs communication & trust. On a public server most people won't do that... But with a small community we have here most player know each other (at least they know the names..) So if you have a dedicated field repair in your team... why not offering him/her to take over your tank if they are low on health (before you toll out on the battlefield..) - as most people won't understand what you want them to do during a tank battle / siege / whatever This may be the case if the PUG teams are unbalanced in regards of snipers. Last Saturday we had kind of that situation. Team 2 had XEN & Ks.ol, our designated sniper had no chance against theam. Esp. during the Crash Site match a lof of field repairs got killed by XEN / Ks.ol during the first half of the match, but GDI still won. We switched tactics, another - better - sniper took charge and we were able to push Nod back....
  18. @YagiHige well, the users @Td Motion & @Html Pro are clearly ad bots. Please take care of 'em
  19. @limsup getting the MVP / Support / Def / Off award has nothing to do with skill if you repair tanks the whole game you'll have a 95% chance to get the Support medal (unless someone else has a really excessive amount of kill assists and other support points)
  20. @TK0104 testing GDIs Ref collision at 32:17?
  21. truth is probably that more players leave RenX due to stacked teams (usually there is just one) in public matches - it's just boring..
  22. nowadays people lock their vehicles in a PUG... gg
  23. reported that one before, Thommy didn't fix it
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