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Everything posted by Agent

  1. I've suggested repeatedly that removing proximity C4 from hotwires/technicians, replacing them with a non-refillable purchasable item, and removing the mine limit would be a perfect remedy to this constant problem. This way proximity C4 could become a valid weapon to use in various areas of the map (crate spawns, bunkers, silo, rocks) rather than strictly doors.
  2. There's already a bot named after me though lol. Mine's the "Jessica James" one. Wouldn't mind if there were a few more female bots though ^-^ Edit: freak's a ninja!
  3. Agent

    Coding AI

    Rx_Bot is the most relevant.
  4. yeah, we'll probably add the new developers to the list with the upcoming patch -- I just need to collect everyone's names.
  5. I'm not hearing a no! :-D
  6. We could move the notification to the middle of the screen, where beacon placements/disarms and building deaths are.
  7. Could always just add a "Team Selection" screen to deal with early-game AFKs. This would also allow players to get on their preferred team a little easier. ...But that requires a UI programmer.
  8. voltex, the idea isn't an automated message -- it's a radio command. This would actually be a very useful radio command to have, but as you mentioned we would need someone to record it, and we'd probably end up replacing one of the lesser used commands with it.
  9. In PlayerController: We /could/ have a timer that checks the value of this and display a warning when it exceeds 90% of 'MaxIdleTime'. We could also have some basic console command to reset your idle time that you're given the option of entering. Some relevant inline documentation from GameInfo:
  10. I still thoroughly enjoy Field, though it is a bit overplayed.
  11. This should probably be enabled.
  12. Yeah, feel free to separate them.
  13. Anonymous editing disabled due to spam bots. Anybody can still edit the wiki who makes an account, and email validation is not required to make a wiki account. Also, thank you SinisterPoem and Jarzey for your continued contributions to the Wiki! (:
  14. Perhaps he's running out of accessible RAM then?
  15. If it's just a config setting, the easiest/laziest way to fix it is to delete all of the files in UDKGame\Config that start with "UDK". Be absolutely sure not to delete the other ones though (such as files starting with "Default" or "CNC-").
  16. Nobody here dislikes having a sniper class; you're shoving words down people's throats, because nobody likes your awful ideas. Snipers are perfectly playable and no more "buggy" than any other class. They serve the role of a sniper very well -- you do high damage from a long range, with a high precision. I can't fathom what else you're wanting from a sniper. To me it sounds like you want an arbitrary god-like unit. If you've finally realized that snipers aren't the ideal unit for close quarters, then stop trying to use snipers for close quarters combat. It's a sniper. I can't think of any situation where it makes sense to use a sniper in CQC. It's the unit with the highest range in the game. It's ideal for ranged combat. And no, we're not removing the sniper class. Quit being so whiny about them, and learn to snipe.
  17. Made this thread sticky since quite a few people have asked me about this.
  18. This isn't really a bug, and is unlikely to change. Rounding up would also result in 99.1% displaying as 100%, and isn't desirable either. Fixed.
  19. Agent

    Any dev here?

    If you PM me I can *probably* answer your question/direct you to the right person. ...or post your question here.
  20. Whoever the user is on the wiki named "Jarzey": Thanks for the recent contributions!
  21. What I'm working on has nothing to do with making "dependencies visible". I'm working on a tool to automatically package a level along with its unique dependencies, and further simplify the submission process. This tool is mostly done. I'm also thinking about tweaking the general file structure a bit so that shared dependencies don't have to be packaged with every single level that uses them. More on this and other possibilities at a later date.
  22. The issue with BeachHead is that a dependency (RX_Beach_Head) wasn't included with the level. I'm working on a tool to hopefully simplify the process of packaging maps, so that dependencies can't be easily forgotten. As a proof of concept, I'm already able to automatically construct a list of packages used by a level; here is a list of every package that CNC-BeachHead depends on: A_Ambient_Loops ASC_Base ASC_Light CH_All EditorLandscapeResources EditorMeshes Engine enginedebugmaterials EngineMaterials Envy_Effects GEN_Particle_Clouds LT_Deco LT_Onyx MapTemplates NEC_Walls PhysicalMaterials RenX_AssetBase Renx_Game RenxHud RX_AmbientSounds RX_ArabDeco_Buildings RX_Beach_head RX_BU_AGT RX_BU_AirStrip RX_BU_Barracks RX_BU_Generic RX_BU_Hand RX_BU_Materials RX_BU_PowerPlant RX_BU_Prefabs RX_BU_Refinery RX_BU_Silo RX_BU_WeaponsFactory RX_CH_Animations rx_ch_engineer RX_CH_GDI_Gunner rx_ch_gdi_officer rx_ch_nod_officer RX_Deco_Barrier RX_Deco_BuildingAssets RX_Deco_CityScape RX_Deco_Construction RX_Deco_Containers RX_Deco_Factory RX_Deco_Floor RX_Deco_Interior RX_Deco_Lights RX_Deco_Outpost RX_Deco_Road RX_Deco_Rock rx_deco_terminal RX_Deco_Tiberium RX_Deco_Wall RX_Dialogue RX_Env_canyon RX_Env_Foliage RX_Env_Terrain RX_Env_Valley RX_Env_Water RX_EVA_VoiceClips rx_fx_envy RX_FX_Vehicle RX_LensFlares RX_LightEffects RX_Mesa_Main RX_Nature Rx_Pickups RX_PTLevel_Content RX_RadioSounds RX_Trees RX_VH_APC_Nod RX_VH_C-130 RX_VH_Humvee RX_Volcano RX_WP_AutoRifle RX_WP_ChainGun RX_WP_Pistol RX_WP_RocketLauncher RX_WP_Shotgun RX_WP_SniperRifle RX_Xmountain UDK_FogClouds UDK_ProceduralSky UN_Cave UN_DetailTex UN_DetailTex2 UN_Liquid UN_Rock2 UnrealEd utgame VH_All WP_ShockRifle Obviously a lot of these don't need to be included, so the tool will likely have to compare a level's list of imported packages against a list of "given" packages that are included with the game. I'll work more on this later.
  23. Agent


    To clarify, I'm not adding any penalty for surrendering. Also: her*
  24. Agent


    Increasing the required number of 'yes' votes is definitely not desirable. A surrender vote already requires more than a simple majority of 'yes' votes. Surrendering brings a hopeless game to a close and saves everybody involved a significant amount of time. The process of dismantling a team's remaining base can go on for hours, frustrating everybody on both teams who just want to play the game. Instead of wasting time on a hopeless battle that drives players away, surrendering gets players back into the action on a new and level playing field. Surrendering isn't bad.
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