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Everything posted by Agent

  1. Ah, didn't think about that. I suppose it would also mess with movies a little as well.
  2. What? How am I supposed to know that Eyes is being replaced with Glasses in the upcoming patch. You said nothing about that in your previous post.
  3. Unless this new version has a mini/overview map and is being included in the upcoming patch, it's definitely not 'pointless'.
  4. It should download just the config files, which should be < 1 MB.
  5. Honestly I hate that mutator myself as well and have avoided playing on that server as a result. Giving shotguns to engineers is just silly and somewhat game breaking; I feel similarly about pretty much all of the weapon modifications on that server. But yes, in general servers are permitted to run any non-malicious mutators.
  6. Clicking "Reset Game" on the launcher should do this for you.
  7. Your level seems to lack a mini/overview map. Can you please add this?
  8. Like a repository of mutators that you can browse through and download? Neat idea, but extremely unlikely.
  9. Players just need to be unable to change their own team when bIsCompetitive is true. The same goes with name changing, which also messes teams up for non-steam users. As I've mentioned, the automatic team retention works correctly. The only other "flaw" is if not all players have loaded in, which is rare.
  10. We've had ideas, but haven't really worked on implementing any of them. We're still primarily focusing on the base client and CNC mode. Implementing additional game modes in a reasonable amount of time would probably involve recruiting more programmers (and maybe another level designer or two, but mostly programmers). I'd love a campaign mode (for both single player and co-op).
  11. Worth mentioning is that I replaced the "About" page link on the home page with a "Wiki" link yesterday.
  12. You should upload it
  13. Was anybody recording on the other team? lol
  14. Next patch will include "GiveVP" and "GivePromotion" commands, usable only in Skirmish.
  15. I prefer using the nFringe plugin for Visual Studio.
  16. Fine then, we'll remove our only non-US mirrors then Yosh.
  17. "UDKSeeker" is the name of the custom content downloader. Honestly we should just remove the option. "Reset Game" deletes your config files, and then verifies the game integrity.
  18. If you wanted to combat selfishness, you'd be better off just having a personal bank cap. Then that player's excess income would either be redirected to the other players' income streams, or added to a team bank. Doesn't seem necessary though.
  19. VP for donating (team or otherwise) is a horrible idea. I can see it now... "Hey team, let's repeatedly team-donate each other so we can get to heroic!"
  20. That's new. I bet it's missing a dependency or some config option -- the content's still there, and you can look at an article's source in the meantime by clicking "Edit". I suspect it has something to do with InfoBox.
  21. Wiki will be down while moving servers
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