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Everything posted by Agent

  1. Agent


    Maybe something like this: Points = Score * ((kills+1)/(deaths+1))^.25 * (Players/32) if you lost, then points = points * .66 This gives k/d ratio a minor impact, and emphasizes winning. This also makes participating in games with real players more valuable, compared to playing by yourself with bots.
  2. I'd avoid Volume-based serials, since you could just have a small volume for Renegade X and recreate it when you're banned. It would also be more likely to cause a collision with other clients, compared to the physical drive's serial (or other hardware components, such as the motherboard).
  3. Although I had suggested getting the serial number of users' drives, I never suggested actually scanning the drive. You can get hardware serials through WMI (for an example, go into command prompt and input "wmic bios get serialnumber"); the only really "tricky" part about it is verifying that the hash goes unmodified by external applications, which can be remedied by encrypting and signing the hash, then verifying the encrypted hash against a central server (which also does the signing). The issue then becomes preventing malicious users from just sending false serials to the central server and generating new, valid hashes. Though not perfect, you could require these hashes to be tied to user accounts (send forum login info on hash calculation). People would be far more skeptical of hack applications when they also ask for user login information, and might choose to avoid it all-together. This would also allow you to ban all of their systems in a single swoop, as well as limit the number of systems for a given user in a given month (very few people would play Renegade X on 10 different systems during the same month). Ban systems could then be adjusted accordingly to forbid IP addresses, hardware hashes, and forum accounts with the use of a single command, which at a minimum would severely complicate the ban-evasion process. While that idea is still far from perfect, it would certainly demolish most people's attempts to ban-evade by changing their IP address. Edit: As for a global ban system, there is some need for consistency for repeat-offenders. If you're banned on 2/3 of the servers for cheating, you might as well go ahead and just get globally banned. That said, there should be very few bans added to such as list; if there's more than 1 or 2 every other week, there might be a problem.
  4. Agent


    That ID belongs to this fellow: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheGiganticFaggot "TheGiganticFaggot" memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=16243
  5. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Updated; inputs are currently sanitized by replacing the pipe character '|' with a slash '/'.
  6. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Edited my "Update!" to mention this. Thanks! I see what you're talking about. I'll see if there isn't a way to transmit that character with some degree of safety; if not I'll just replace it with a / or something. Other characters don't appear to have the same effect, however.
  7. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Updated! Update requirements: Replace "RenX" in the plugins with "RenX.Core" and "RenX.Commands.
  8. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    The crashes should be fixed; it took a while to reproduce them. Please post any problems.
  9. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Fixed. There should be a crash-related update to this before too long, also.
  10. This bot features several Renegade-X plugins. The nature of this bot is modular in design, so you can easily swap specific features in and out as you please. As such, feel free to post your own additions, as well as feedback. Major features include an IRC bot and a Renegade X RCON bot. TeamSpeak support may be added at a later date, as well as possibly a number of other mediums for easy and convenient server administration. For now, the primary means of using this bot is still by using IRC. Please note that you should secure your administrator channels to prevent public display of IP addresses. Most configuration files are in the Configs folder. The minimal configuration to get the bot to run as intended will be setting up an IRC connection (3 examples are given) in IRC.Core.ini, and setting up RenX server connections in RenX.Core.ini. You can set which plugins to load in Config.ini (in the same folder as the .exe, not in the Configs folder). Latest Release Change log:
  11. The server bans its own IP, instead of the rcon client. Look in UDKGame.ini under [Engine.AccessControl].
  12. If you accidentally get yourself banned from the server RCON, you get a rather misleading error: "Server is running a newer protocol (eDen). You need to download a new version of RxCommand."
  13. The ServerName can be set in UDKGame\Config\UDKGame.ini, under [Engine.GameReplicationInfo]. GamePassword can also be set under [Engine.AccessControl] in that same file. MaxPlayers can also be set under [Engine.GameInfo] in that same file. TimeLimit can also be set under [uTGame.UTGame] in that same file.
  14. That's part of his peanut butter magic.
  15. The Kamuix IRC server still exists, and is even linked to the same network as RenX. Their IRC server is still located @ irc.kamuix.com No idea about Wittebolx though.
  16. TA was a glorious game -- I still go the occasional LAN game on it. I might just check this mod out a bit more later.
  17. Agent

    Happy 2014

    Happy new year! My name was called?
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