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Everything posted by Agent

  1. Delete Rx_PlayAreaVolume.uc.
  2. Having an extra view in the cycle shouldn't be a problem at all; players who don't want to see it will learn to double-tap.
  3. Could always just have 'F' cycle through an array of view modes, rather than toggling between 2.
  4. Instead of vacation, I got sick! =D It's like a vacation, except you feel like shit and there's no scenery.
  5. Note: Videos do not have to be 10 seconds. The minimum length of time desired is however long it takes for the loading bar to cycle, which seems to be 2 seconds.
  6. I want to say that the amount of additional code actually required should be relatively nominal. When you actually get the models and such ready, I might help you out as far as that goes. Please note however, that I will not help with user interfaces (I generally avoid working on UIs).
  7. I can get a server online, though I'll likely be sleeping through this due to spending far too much time watching anime and hunting memory leaks I'll see if anybody is interested in operating the server for the day (if not, I might look into acquiring a large volume of Dr. Pepper).
  8. The votes should probably be added/moved to the pause menu.
  9. There's always things to do, and a wiki is one of those things. If people are interested in populating a wiki with information, I'd be glad to at least get one setup.
  10. I'm actually perfectly fine with the countdown timer as it is. It's not only an exceptionally noob friendly mechanic, but it also means GDI doesn't have to fear the omnipresent Stealth Black Hands (especially on non-defense maps). Removing the timer would be an absolutely terrible idea. Reducing the timer to something as drastically short as 5 seconds would also be an absolutely terrible idea, not only because the already steep learning curb would become steeper for new players, but because this would become just another source of frustration for existing players (thus reducing the "fun" aspect).
  11. Here's a progress update! The new address for this is: http://ladder.renegade-x.com/ or http://leaderboard.renegade-x.com/ I've added substantially more data to user profiles, which show information about how players perform on specific teams. Keep in mind that since this is new data that wasn't previously collected and stored, the values will be 0 for all players until players complete more games. Planned features: * Add "Next" and "Previous" buttons to user profiles (i.e: when you press "Next", you go from player ranked #2 to player ranked #3) * Potentially add even more statistics about players, if I can think of any. * Possibly separate the GDI/Nod rows from the "Combat Record" table. * Possibly change the colors of the GDI/Nod rows to gold/red. * Add "Game Database", which is will be a database of every game completed with tons of statistical information. * Add "Games" table to player profiles (essentially a table of links to game database entries) * Display a player's highest-scoring game on their profile
  12. Could always add a "Fixed" forum, though someone still has to move topics. Maybe tag feedback as "[Added]" or "[Not Doing]" or something.
  13. This obviously isn't changing; it's fine as it is.
  14. Buffing defense -> Harder to kill enemy base -> Stalemates. One way to make this less of a defense buff would be to make you able to airstrike friendly beacons again, but that was proven to be a horrible idea.
  15. ...Though you'll probably still have to at least run the launcher in order to update the game. We don't always update the build (i.e: the build currently online isn't up-to-date).
  16. I don't think this would be a good thing to implement, at the very least until we implement future features which would kinda balance this out (i.e: respawn/refill timers). We don't want more stalemates.
  17. We could try to structure the PUG almost like a tournament for a week. 1) Split into 4 randomly generated teams. 2) Both team sets conduct a best of 3, simultaneously 3) Winning teams do a best of 3, while the losing teams do a best of 3 simultaneously This should help keep the games competitive, sanely sized, fun, and challenging. It also gives players even more to work towards.
  18. I'd just like to drop this in here as an update: Note however, that the "Wins" stats were totally broken until today because I just didn't notice that they were broken. So you may ignore wins/losses on there until I reset it.
  19. Yeah, that's part of why I suggested what I did; the only thing that I anticipate even maybe changing out of the things mentioned would be the mining system. Wouldn't be too hard to remove and replace that small bit, though. The unintuitive limits are important enough in the current system that they must be explained so that players don't mine poorly. It's one of those dumb broken mechanics carried over from Renegade -- nobody is going to understand it unless they played Renegade.
  20. As long as we're using this broken mining system with limits, there will always be a correct way and a wrong way to use mines.
  21. I'd like to expand on this a bit to make it understandable to a 5 year-old who's never played an RTS or FPS before, and take some inspiration from classic Ren in terms of the first 3 steps. Here's a full start-to-finish script, that i think would be nearly ideal. The above doesn't really explain the following though, and may want to get worked on a bit: 1) EMP Grenades 2) Smoke Grenades 3) Air strikes 4) Repair tool 5) How to use certain characters for certain tasks 6) The arsenal of neither side is really explored at all in-depth. 7) Crates other than spy crates I leave strategy out of this in general, because honestly most of that can just be learned in-game. As long as they know not to leave their vehicles out in the open, what a rush is, and general mechanics they should be fine. That's the kind of stuff you'd generally expect to either read up on or learn through playing the game.
  22. There's actually a tiny bit of reworking going on regarding points, that might discourage classic point-whoring. I had previously tossed around the idea of using some sort of score-based or recommendation-based rank to select a commander by default, though. Back on topic though, it'd probably be better to just have q-spotting actually share some sort of noticeable indicator (separate from the commander spotting indicator).
  23. Seems like this would be unnecessary if Yosh still plans to implement the commander stuff into the base game.
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