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Everything posted by Agent

  1. There's issues beyond crashes with the launcher's downloader, including the fact that it's still strictly handled through an out-of-game application that not everybody uses. To switch from the Marathon server to the AOW server, a user has to exit their game client and start again. There's a reason I am still planning to replace this mechanism entirely (though I've admittedly been quite inactive lately). Also, Thommy's version of City is extremely poor and shouldn't at any point be considered a substitute for a proper finished version of City. Many assets required for City do not yet exist, and still need to be added. Adding his version of City will just leave a bad taste in people's mouths for those who have been long anticipating City, including myself.
  2. If there aren't ramps to the roof, it's not intended for players to get to the roof.
  3. That could open people up to team hampering more, as a malicious player could just toss remote c4 onto friendly vehicles. It would be relatively easy to just make them not stick to friendly vehicles/pawns, so that's an option.
  4. Yet most levels don't have any base to base issues what-so-ever. But yeah, you can call in a moderator if it's against a server's rules. From what I can tell neither CT nor MPF have rules specifically against base to base posted anywhere, though one can argue that it's a level specific exploit. Again, it's mostly a level design issue and should be handled by fixing it in the level itself, rather than moderating it at the server level.
  5. Base to base is more of a level design problem. I'm not sure if I've heard of anybody actually getting kicked for it unless they do it repeatedly.
  6. I wouldn't expect any further features on the map except maybe icons/circles for airstrikes.
  7. The wiki will go down sometime tonight for general maintenance/updates.
  8. If it's the game client itself crashing (which in KJEarl's case, it is), it may be useful if you can paste your logs from "Renegade X/UDKGame/Logs/Launch.log" Also please make sure you have enough RAM for the game client. You can see the system requirements here.
  9. Agent

    Old aiming

    X is used for toggling fire mode.
  10. The camos have increasingly grown on me. I don't think a setting for toggling camos is at all desirable, as it'd be both grossly inconsistent and potentially affect balance.
  11. Agent

    New Forums!

    Lots of peanutbuttermagic
  12. ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ###
  13. Very good games today! Glad I didn't miss it.
  14. Merged & moved; please keep bug reports in the Bug Reports forum. Bug is already fixed and will be included in the next patch.
  15. It would certainly be possible, albeit a slight pain in the ass. It wouldn't be particularly useful I think beyond a neat factor.
  16. While the values shouldn't have changed too awfully much, the GitHub repo is actually pretty out of date, as well as the SDK. Once again though, thanks for the continued contributions to the Wiki Jarzey. It's much appreciated.
  17. It'd be a nice touch if they had a small explosion, but I wouldn't expect that to actually get implemented.
  18. Agent

    New Forums!

    No idea, however: lol
  19. Variable spread would be the way to go with the sniper, yeah. They're not too broken though anymore.
  20. Agent

    New Forums!

    The SDK download isn't up yet. There is a mobile version, and it looks fine on Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.
  21. I can see it now... Get a spy engineer and refill enough times to blow up the building with remotes.
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