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Everything posted by Agent

  1. <3 Was thinking much of this data would go on the specific character/weapon pages though.
  2. What he described is indeed the method to manually patch/update the launcher. You could also try running the installer on the downloads page.
  3. Try running as an administrator.
  4. ...Or just set your launcher version file back to release.json & Verify Game Integrity
  5. OOOOOOOOOO, BACON AND EGGS! I still can't get over that
  6. I have no idea why the UE3 redistributable didn't install correctly (probably some fringe permission or path issue). Also, the City4All thing is not a bug with the launcher -- it's actually a bug with the commander mod mutator (which incidentally shouldn't work with the upcoming patch). #BlameYosh To see why, I'll just paste this and let you find the error: { "Name": "[EU] City4All - Marathon [With Mutators]", "Current Map": "CNC-Mesa_ii_Day", "Bots": 1, "Players": 0, "Game Version": "Open Beta 5.16", "Variables": { "Mine Limit": 25, "bSteamRequired": false, "bPrivateMessageTeamOnly": false, "bPassworded": false, "bAllowPrivateMessaging": true, "Player Limit": 40, "Vehicle Limit": 9, "bAutoBalanceTeams": false, "Team Mode": 1 "bSpawnCrates": true, "CrateRespawnAfterPickup": 25.000000, "Time Limit": 0 }, "Levels": [ { "Name": "Non-existent RconCommand - executed as ConsoleCommand", "GUID": "00000000000000000000000000000000" } ], "Mutators": [ { "Name": "Rx_Soldiers" }, { "Name": "Rx_CommanderMod" }, { "Name": "rx_pugcontroller" } ] } We should probably let the launcher display a separate error when the GUID is 0 though.
  7. I believe he's referring to the .exe's metadata where it has always been labeled as "". I'll poke at that at a later date. On a related note, I might change the version string format at a later date to include a patch and revision number at the end.
  8. I still stick to my previous remarks that removing Proximity C4 from characters and instead implementing them as a disposable and purchasable item would be much better, and would ultimately resolve mining issues (as well as make mines much more useful).
  9. Not entirely true. The older map package would still have to be added to the repo.
  10. That level most likely has not been uploaded/added to the level repository.
  11. Thommy, nothing you asked about has anything to do with the launcher. Please ask those questions in the Patch Notes thread.
  12. Hey! Thanks to a bit of work from Schmitzenbergh (as well as some small contributions from myself and preview videos from Glacious), the upcoming launcher appears ready and stable. I've uploaded both the launcher and the installer so that they can be tested; we especially need users to test the heck out of the installer, since this is an entirely new installation process than we've used before. The new installation process works by having the launcher download and install the entire Renegade X game client based on the data available from the patch servers, and only having a very small (7 MB) MSI file to install the launcher. The launcher installer will create start menu and desktop shortcuts for your convenience. This means that we do not have to constantly create builds for the game every time there's a patch, and can just build patch files instead. Integrity checks will now be done on every single file downloaded for the game client, hopefully solving corruption issues that have been reported in the past. Finally, it also means that end users will not have to update their client immediately after downloading the game client (because sometimes the posted builds get out of date). The launcher preview videos are not included with the launcher, as they will be pushed with the upcoming game patch. I've included them here if you would like to have them included -- just ensure that the videos sit in a folder named "PreviewVids" inside your "Renegade X" root installation directory (same place as "Launcher", "UDKGame", "Binaries", etc). If you test the installer, please report your operating system and success/issues here. Download Links Installer: http://www.renegade-x.com/downloads/Ren ... taller.msi Launcher: http://www.renegade-x.com/launcher_data ... r-3879.zip Preview videos: http://www.renegade-x.com/downloads/PreviewVids.zip Notable new features to the launcher include: * Map preview videos instead of images * Custom content downloader * "Verify Game Integrity" and "Reset Game" options in the Settings menu * Level names are now parsed, rather than using a name translation table
  13. Renegade X will not be on Steam.
  14. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    No? It should work fine. Edit: Turns out there is a bug in the MineBan RCON command.
  15. Discord has been suggested before, but we're unlikely to change the software and location that everybody's already familiar with without a substantive reason to do so. If we're going to ask dozens of people to switch software, there should be a pretty concrete and incontrovertible reason for it. There are also reasons to not use Discord. Namely, I would be most concerned about our ability to ban any problematic users -- nobody can view a user's IP on Discord, nor can you manually add IP-based bans. If a user gets banned on TeamSpeak and attempts to evade it, we can expand the ban to the subnet their address is assigned from. We simply can't do this on Discord. With that said, I actually do tend to prefer Discord over TeamSpeak for non-organizations. It has a cleaner and simpler interface, doesn't require the end user to host a server, and you don't have to always be connected in order to receive messages. In smaller groups where the server isn't publicly made available/advertised, it's much less likely for problematic users to arise. Even though bans are somewhat rarely utilized on TeamSpeak (and subnet bans even more rare), it's genuinely useful to have available as a deterrent or worst-case scenario. If Discord ever implements a sufficient solution for that issue, then it'd be usable and at least up for discussion.
  16. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    After an absurdly long time: Updated! This bot supports both RCON v3 (current version), as well as RCON v4 (upcoming support). RCON v3 support will be removed at a later date, after the patch. When updating, I would recommend just deleting your current installation of the bot entirely and re-configuring from scratch.
  17. Here's a beta installer/launcher that we're currently working on. The map preview videos on the launcher will not work with this installer until we push the upcoming update. After you install and run the launcher, it will prompt you to download and install the entire game client based on what's on the patch servers. This differs from the current downloads as it should better verify the integrity of the downloaded files. To be extra safe, you can make sure there is no folder named "Renegade X" in your Program Files (or wherever you installed it before) before you run the installer; if there is delete it. http://www.renegade-x.com/downloads/Ren ... taller.msi If the issue is fixed, please let us know what mirror you previously downloaded the game from so we may check to make sure it's valid. If there's still an issue, first try running the game as an administrator. If that still doesn't work, please ensure that you have enough free space on your drive to install the game (say 10GB?). If that STILL doesn't work, please post your computer's specs and maybe a log file from UDKGame\Logs in your Renegade X installation. Hope this helps!
  18. In the upcoming patch, there's a mostly unused TheaterType setting that can be set in Rx_MapInfo, which is set by the level designer. Currently, this just affects the Medium Tank and Light Tank, as those are the only vehicles that have alternate materials available at this time. This functionality could easily be adapted toward Infantry and Buildings, but there would still be no materials available to make use of this. To add Camo to a vehicle, something along these lines needs to be set in its DefaultProperties block (though this example shows the Medium Tank MICs): CamoForest = MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_VH_MediumTank.Materials.MI_VH_MediumTank_Forest'; CamoSnow = MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_VH_MediumTank.Materials.MI_VH_MediumTank_Snow'; CamoDesert = MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_VH_MediumTank.Materials.MI_VH_MediumTank_Tan'; CamoUrban = MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_VH_MediumTank.Materials.MI_VH_MediumTank_Urban';
  19. He linked the wrong version of the MSVC 2010 redistributable. You need the x86 version, not the x64 version. I'll just link you to UE3Redist.exe, which happens to include that and every other UDK dependency: http://czech1.renegade-x.com/redists/UE3Redist.exe
  20. I've suggested before that Valley - AND ANY OTHER INFANTRY ONLY MAP - should contain at most 1 building. That said, we could just bump up the veterancy reward so everybody becomes heroic when their team destroys any building. That would help push the match to a close.
  21. You currently can't surrender for the first 15 minutes. This is being lowered to 10 minutes in the upcoming patch iirc.
  22. I regularly play with 200+ ping on EU servers and have never complained a single time. The difference is not that significant, and saying that it's "not an option" is pretty offensive to the non-EU players who regularly work with 200+ pings.
  23. There has been no update to Black Dawn. There is also no plan to add the missions to the base game at this time.
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