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Everything posted by Agent

  1. I disabled some PHP functions, and as it turns out the wiki actually requires one of them. If there's any pages still displaying an error (or otherwise missing the info box), please load the page with the following query string at the end: ?action=purge If it turns out that you can't do that, you can just edit the page or something to clear the cached entry for that page. If there's still an error after that, let me know (though there shouldn't be any). Also: Looking forward to more contributions Yagi & ERROR! ^-^
  2. Yeah, you're probably right. Honestly I wouldn't mind if it just said 3, and specify a plant time somewhere. Also, again thank you to everybody who has contributed! I'd like to especially thank the major contributors thus far: Zephyr, Handepsilon, YagiHige, and _ERROR_. There's still plenty more work to do though. Don't forget that there's a list of red links here: http://renx.wiki/wiki/Special:WantedPages
  3. Agent


    Always nice to see more players coming back! If you decide to crack out some custom content, feel free to check out the SDK forums.
  4. Those were some good games today! Looking forward to next week's!
  5. All of them appear to work except for the Torrent link. Torrent removed until a replacement is ready (maybe a magnet link would be better?)
  6. Done. I also gave you permission to ban/block IPs.
  7. Yeah, things like MCT, Obby, AGT, PT, AP (this was the main one I was referring to), Hottie, Proxy, etc.
  8. Please use as few abbreviations as possible on the wiki. I've already found myself going "...what does that even mean?" more than once. Also, "equipments" isn't a word. I'll look into adding more templates (specifically info boxes) at a later date; I just don't have time to take a crack at them yet. I imported the InfoBox template directly from Wikipedia so that we'd at least have a basic box to work with (which seems to work for most of what we need). I don't really have a problem with having a 'Credits' article, but I suppose we can poke at that again later. It'd definitely be good to maybe have a credits section on the CNC game mode article.
  9. Give me a template to import, and you've got it.
  10. Like Yosh said, it's a known bug. The cause of this bug isn't directly related to the towers themselves.
  11. Would you be able to create a static menu link to the wiki from somewhere within the game interface? Either at the main menu, options screen or loading screens etc. Yes, maybe at a later date as this would be very easy to implement. Ideally I'd like for it to bring up some sort of in-game web browser, though UDK does not have one implemented/provided by default. So I'd end up having to DLLBind some code to do this, and that may end up turning into a rather massive project. Also, I've added the link Zephyr provided to the FAQ in the original post.
  12. 1) Download installer 2) Run installer 3) Run launcher 4) Wait for any updates, if there are any 5) Click on a server 6) Click join
  13. I love it. Also: Thanks for the contributions btw! ^-^
  14. For the last few days, several developers and moderators have been working on a new wiki for Renegade X. Since we've got a few basic articles made now, we're presenting the new wiki for Renegade X: http://renx.wiki/ (alternatively: http://wiki.renegade-x.com/, http://renegade-x.wiki/, or http://renegadex.wiki/). However, we need more contributors! The wiki is still missing many articles, and input from the community at large is greatly appreciated. Anybody should feel free to contribute -- nothing special is required to create or modify articles, because this is an entirely open wiki. Here is a brief overview of what we need/want in the wiki. If you require any additional information or have any questions at all, feel free to ask in this thread. Below are some frequently asked questions: How do I create a new article? Creating an article is simple. To start a new article, you can either click on a red link, or navigate to the page you wish to create and click "Create" near the top right. For example, if I wanted to create an article named "Agent is Awesome", I would simply navigate to http://renx.wiki/wiki/Agent_is_Awesome and click "Create" near the top right. Can I get in trouble for changing content? Only if you do so maliciously -- occasional misinformation is perfectly fine, but please fact check your contributions. Do not purposely vandalize the wiki, or you may be banned from editing the wiki (or worse). What are the guidelines for adding images of buildings/characters/vehicles/weapons/etc? Please upload an image of the model/mesh as viewed in the editor, NOT an in-game screenshot. In-game screenshots can be used as temporary placeholders, but will eventually be replaced with model screenshots. I want an extension installed. Who do I contact? You can contact me (Agent) by private messaging me on these forums, or replying on this thread. Be sure to mention the name and purpose of the extension. Will this ever be available in-game? Most likely not, as I'm not sure if this is at all practical to implement. I do however plan to at least look further into this at a later date. What articles already exist? Here is a link to a list of existing articles, including redirects: http://renx.wiki/wiki/Special:AllPages What would be something I could work on? Here's a link to a list of existing red links: http://renx.wiki/wiki/Special:WantedPages
  15. In a fun game of Volcano, we've now coined the closest game of Renegade X in history. GDI won by destroying the Nod Power Plant, milliseconds before Nod destroyed the Weapons Factory with a flame tank, also GDI's final building. In the absence of video, here is a glorious log snippet.
  16. Yeah, I reset my database information with the 5.15 update. A bunch of stats in the old "All-Time" database were added over time, so a substantial amount of data was missing. In addition, the 5.15 update was significant enough to justify a reset.
  17. Glad to hear you passed! And yeah, the new leaderboard is entirely separate from the old one. I might make a JSON output for it some day, if people really want it.
  18. I don't think Tomb needs any automated defenses. Based on some play throughs from earlier today, I can honestly say I actually like this new level (possibly my favorite out of the levels added with this patch). Crash Site has some glaring design issues, but the intricate details and eye candy are absolutely lovely. I love the interior of the ship (which could totally be expanded and used for other game modes, such as CTF or Deathmatch). Snow is painful.
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