Former Developers Popular Post Havoc89 Posted April 4, 2021 Former Developers Popular Post Posted April 4, 2021 Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a wonderful day and staying safe in these weird times. First off I'd like to just say that no this is not some elaborate April Fools joke, I did make sure to delay posting about this until a few days after April Fools. Secondly and most importantly, after 15 years of development; I am officially retiring from Renegade X, Firestorm, and Totem Arts. I bet you may have thought I'd be here till the very end, and to be honest so did I. This is a bitter sweet moment for me especially because of how long I've been part of this team, and this community. tl;dr version is: IRL stuff... Story time! Spoiler The C&C games have been near and dear to me since I was one digit old. Renegade blew me away, and inspired me to try modding games for the very first time. It will always be a special diamond in the rough that inspired me to see vast potential in a C&C FPS game. Since Ren modding days, I ventured into Battlefield 1942, and Vietnam mods, and eventually took part in a mod called Tiberian Aftermath. Battlefield, similar to Renegade had been another source for my inspirations of wanting to see what a C&C FPS could be like at the scale of a battlefield style game. Tiberian Aftermath was a project that helped me to develop and hone my skillset as I started to grow as an artist. Alas Tiberian Aftermath never saw the light of day on Battlefield Vietnam, but the spark in me still remained. Most people wont know this but I did plan on porting Tiberian Aftermath over to Unreal Tournament 3 in 2006 back when the game was called Unreal Tournament 2007. It showed so much promise as a mod friendly video game. Unbenounced to me, @[NE]Fobby[GEN]and a few others were also planning a C&C project on UT3 around the same time. Fobby was looking to build up a new team and found me as a direct result of my work on Tiberian Aftermath. So he reached out, and at first I was pretty hesitant. Eventually I agreed to join and dropped Tiberian Aftermath on UT3 completely. Renegade X aka Renegade 2007 was born! I met and grew up with a bran new team of incredibly talented people whom were just as inspired by C&C Renegade as I was. So we began development on Renegade 2007... A mod for UT3. We revealed ourselves to the public, showed off some trailers and even were featured on C&C3 Battlecast Prime time in Apoc's Corner a couple times. At some point we knew we needed to change the name and drop "2007" from the name. Some how we landed on X because... well it sounded cool! Renegade X eventually ran through a few releases on UT3, and with EA's permission even ended up being finalists on Epic Game's Make Something Unreal Contest on UT3. Eventually Epic did a surprise release/announcement of the Unreal Development Kit, and we knew we had to jump over to it! Epic Games had also taken notice due to our involvement in MSUC and having one of the more popular mods on UT3. So they asked us to port as well, but we we're 100% confident we would be able to do it smoothly. And so we began Operation Blackdawn. A short single player adventure that helped to to become more familiar with the engine. Not everyone on the team was on board with the idea, but I did insist it would help us make a better Multiplayer in the future. Around the development of Blackdawn, I had entered college in a 3d animation course. Got a job at a mobile game development company which abruptly ended with a mass layoff. Which left me a little distraught, and lacking in self confidence. Black dawn had helped me build up more confidence over time. Blackdawn launched with a massive surprise in sheer download counts. We kept watching the download numbers skyrocket from the first day going over 30k, to the first week over 150k. The last time we did a rough count (2 years ago-ish), it was over a million from various different mirrors all tallied up. To say that this was a motivational boost for us as well as my self is an understatement. Blackdawn was a hit when it comes to the numbers, but not so much when it came to the content. AI was jank, the gunplay left much to be desired. Sure the vehicle combat was fun, and seeing the dead 6 characters together again was a blast. Oh and of course the epic Ion Cannon cinematic still holds up today as being one of the best looking ion cannons ever made. Until we one upped it with the Firestorm Ion Cannon . Blackdawn despite it's mediocre success, was a great chance for not just us as a team, but also for me personally to learn more about game development. It showed me how much hard work, time and effort goes into making games, and just how much more I had to still. I knew I wanted to eventually turn this into a career for myself since nothing else really made me more excited to work towards something. I wanted to get back into the game dev on a professional level, but at the time I took a job I wasn't initially very excited by. I joined a small animation studio in Toronto through the help of a college buddy. At first I was hesitant about it, but over time I grew to love it, and my desire to be in games was being fed by the development of Renegade X. For me personally I had previously worked on so many mods that all ended up getting canceled and forgotten about. However, A couple years of hard work beyond blackdawn, we launched Renegade X: Open Beta 1. The first ever standalone multiplayer release for Renegade X. This was an incredible achievement for everyone in the team. We couldn't be more proud of what we had accomplished. I couldn't be more proud of the team and also myself to know just what I could do as both an artist and as a leader. With an inspired team one can achieve wonders, and we did just that! Renegade X launched to levels of success none of us could dream about. We had trouble playing the game in the first few weeks after launch because all of the servers were almost always full. Renegade X multiplayer according to our last tally from 2 years ago has a rough estimate of over 1.5 million downloads. Renegade X did not launch in the greatest of states, we had rushed it and payed the price for it. Our massive initial player base dwindled quickly from a vast array of quality of life issues. But we didn't give up, we kept going! Patched up the issues, rebalanced the game a few times, and introduced a lot more content as well as modding tools for Renegade X. This helped breath new life into Renegade X, and is a game I'm still always excited to play. No game has ever cured my itch as much as this game has. By this time I had worked professionally as an artist on a few cartoons, short films, and various secret pitch projects on several IPs. I had become a CG Supervisor at the same animation studio, and was pretty happy with how things were going. Once Renegade X had stablized and the community began to grow. I still had one itch left at the back of my head. Tiberian Aftermath was something I still wanted to do. I've always wanted to see Tiberian Sun fully realized on the ground level, and so I started to dig through my hard drive of old project files of Tiberian Aftermath. I was curious to see how hard it would be to implement mechs, so I brought in the Titan from Tiberian Aftermath into Renegade X. Which eventually kept escalating and grew to us incorporating 6 Tiberian Sun vehicles into Renegade X as crates. Eventually we got better looking assets from C&C Reborn from the w3d hub team. We started to chat with them early on about potentially collaborating a Renegade X - Reborn mode. Slowly over time we had incorporated almost every building, vehicle, and character from Reborn in Renegade X as a separate game mode. But it started to pose issues for us in the game design. While at the same time for me, I wanted to make some new art assets to really push the visuals to new heights. I also wanted to challenge myself into seeing how much better of an artist I had become from the early days. I think it is safe to say that I'm a teensy-bit better than I used to be. Once I had re-made the wolverine, I knew we needed to do this justice by having HD assets that aren't old assets from Tiberian Aftermath or Reborn. And so began... Tiberian Aftermath 2.0 aka Renegade X: Firestorm before it was called Firestorm. No joke the original name was Tiberian Aftermath, and we even had a logo and everything! It wasn't until very close to announcement that we decided to rebrand it as Renegade X: Firestorm. You can see how the Renegade X: Firestorm logo was forged ^ I held the team back in a way by having Firestorm be on UDK rather than UE4. This was a tough decision to make, but one that I couldn't take lightly. Since Open Beta 1, the team had changed quite a bit. Very few of the original members still remain, and the team was short on numbers as well. I knew that moving to UE4 back then was going to be a much more difficult task for us than it would be to stick the foundation we already built on UDK. I knew that Firestorm would not only build up the team once more both in confidence but also in numbers, but also show the new team just how capable they really are since most of the dev team now were not around during the first launch of UT3, Blackdawn, or Open Beta 1. They didn't go through the immense high that a lot of the older members lived through. I mentioned this before in both a news topic, and in a few DevTalks that we originally had a full scale massive TS game which was what we were calling Tiberian Aftermath. And when we realized it was a bit too ambitious for little ol UDK, I had to make a hard decision on dumbing it down and making it more of a reskin of RenX. This is when the name Firestorm was brought up. However since then we have redesigned this game to be just as large scaled as Tiberian Aftermath, but this time way more refined and fun to play than the old version. It is the best version of the game to date! I couldn't be more proud of the team both past and present, and the games they've built. Around the time of our first internal alpha playtest of first version of the game, I was a CG Supervisor at the animation studio having already worked on 4 different productions in that role. I had begun to hit a ceiling of what more I could accomplish at this company. I loved my collogues, and genuinely had fun working on all sorts of different projects. However I wasn't feeling particularly challenged anymore, and things had become rather easy. I began to become complacent. Something I was already aware of and had me troubled. A couple months later I was approached by an old friend and a former Renegade X developer @JeepRubi. Who opened up an opportunity for me to further my own career and dive into the deep end once more. To feel challenged, learn new skills, and adapt to an entirely new field. A lateral shift in my career. Whilst also moving to a different province, and a new city. This was just what I needed, a chance to start again, a chance work on a bigger scale, on larger productions, and be outside of my comfort zone. I knew that if I agreed to it, I would eventually have to let go of Renegade X. There is just no way that I would be able to give it my all if I was still focused on Totem Arts. That was one of the hardest thing for me to do however after many weeks of debates inside my own head, I knew that if I didn't take this new opportunity I would end up regretting it for the rest of my life. Something I knew I wouldn't be able to live with. So I took a deep breath, and took a leap of faith! The dev team has known about this for over a year, and I knew my days on this project were numbered. But this made me even more active and much more eager to work on Firestorm in the time I had left. Together with the Dev and Testing teams, we pushed ahead with Firestorm and established a framework that even in it's rough state can still put many games to shame. FS has helped to rebuild and reinvigorate the team. That was my final gift to this team. To show them that they are an incredible force because they like myself are fueled by passion, drive and determination to achieve greatness. It pains me to leave Firestorm unfinished, it pains me to know that my original spark for a Tiberian Sun FPS will not be finished with me present, it pains me to know just how much I've invested personally to make all of this happen! It pains me to see how much of an evolution I've gone through only to have to step aside and let others finish what I started. But... I am proud! Proud of everything I've accomplished! Proud of how far I've grown as an individual and as a leader. Proud of how far I've come in my career! And most importantly proud of how many incredible achievements Totem Arts has accomplished! Alas... The time has come! Not to destroy GDI but, for me to step down, and for the next generation of modders and developers to take up the mantle. To inspire a new generation of fans, and expand the community even further with bold new ideas and innovations! Not just from Totem Arts, but from all C&C projects and their teams. From W3D Hub, Open RA, CNC Net, and countless more! Its up to the global C&C community to support one another, and expand the community together with even more new projects and ideas! All of these projects have only gotten this far because of the die hard dedicated fans and community members that keep them alive and thriving! So keep doing what you're doing, make some noise and keep making awesome new content! I cannot wait to see what you all do next! Well that was a rather long story time, but I had a few things to say. I hope I've explained why I'm leaving well enough to make it clear. It is entirely to do with me and my own decisions in life and in my own career. I would love to stick around, and I would love to see FS all the way through till the end, but as a wise man once said "The end is the beginning!" I don't want this to be a time of despair but rather a time of celebration. Look how far we've come together, and there is no stopping where we're headed next. I didn't do all of this on my own, no we did all this together. The RenX community, the developers, the testers, the OG Ren community, and the global C&C community! We all can achieve wonders, and will continue to do so with or without me. This doesn't mean I will disappear, no not at all! In fact you'll probably see me ingame a lot more often since I wouldn't the working on RenX after working at my day job. I cannot thank you all enough for everything you've done for me! Everyone from former, present developers/testers, to all of the sub communities that helped us get this far! To all of our fans both die hard and casual whom kept us going all this time! To the global C&C Community that never dies! Thank you to everyone else I've missed (I have a terrible memory sorry). You all helped us build up the Renegade X community and when I reflect back on the past 15 years, I could never have imagined that I'd get this far! And the best part is that we're only going to become bigger and bigger! This is the last time you'll see me post here as a developer! From now on... I'm just a fan! Goodbye everyone! And see you ingame! Regards, - Havoc89 14 16 13 Quote
Guest Posted April 4, 2021 Posted April 4, 2021 The daddy ant mommy of renegade, leaving the kids to fly at their own pace.. majestic Quote
Xtractor Posted April 4, 2021 Posted April 4, 2021 Understandable but sad ..I'm quite sure you will be there if Devs struggling for one thing ...Good luck with your career ..GJ done with RenX ! Ps.Great Game yesterday Walls as GDI Fobi and You in our team what else can we ask :)) Too bad my Game recorder was broken no footage of it 3 Quote
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET Posted April 4, 2021 Posted April 4, 2021 All dads leave their kids at some age... Jokes aside, good luck with your career Havoc, best of luck with everything. Much love from The Netherlands 1 Quote
Meka Posted April 4, 2021 Posted April 4, 2021 Damn, I can't believe that this game is going for so long and with an unfortunate ending! I downloaded this game on 2014 and this still remains one of my favorite games of all time. Thank you Havoc! Thank you for your efforts in developing this magnificent game! 2 Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted April 4, 2021 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 4, 2021 "Sir, it's been an honor!" 5 Quote
Totem Arts Staff Popular Post [NE]Fobby[GEN] Posted April 4, 2021 Totem Arts Staff Popular Post Posted April 4, 2021 After Renegade 2 was cancelled, I was heartbroken. In 2002, Renegade achieved what no other game could, but it was quickly overshadowed by Medal of Honor and Halo. It was known mostly for its tacky singleplayer (high speed internet was fairly new at the time, so many did not even try the multiplayer), and so EA felt that an undersold high-budget game with a long development time did not need a sequel. 7 months after release, the game saw its final patch, and EA would no longer host official game-listing services or official forums. The game was completely in our hands. Its responsibilities were on our shoulders. With the proliferation of cheats, and a discontinued game engine, the community had to step up. And step up we did. N00bstories hosted the official forums, RenGuard was used for anti-cheat, hundreds of custom maps, serverside mods and skins were developed, total conversion mods were made (now represented by W3DHub), and custom patches were released. The ClanWars scene was booming, and years after release, Renegade still had a huge active fanbase. I started a little mod called Renegade Revived (my attempt at "Renegade 2"), but later I joined C&C Reborn as an audio engineer. At that time, you, Havoc89, had helped develop Tiberium Evolution (the very first C&C Renegade mod). You then went on to Battlefield Vietnam to work on Tiberian Aftermath. We had some mutual friends (like DarkAngel) but I hadn't really known you yet. In March 2006, I started Renegade X (then known as Renegade 2007). I spent a year putting together a team (trial and error, acceptance and rejection), putting together the first website and forum, and getting these new passionate volunteers to work together cohesively. I was sent your portfolio, and was told that you were working on TA2. The work you produced was the best I'd ever seen in my life. I knew right then and there that I had to have you on board. I remember having a long conversation with you about joining - initially it was a no, but after a while, we agreed that you'd work on RenX and TA2 at the same time. Shortly after, you made RenX your full time commitment. I did not ask for that, but I can't be more grateful that you made that vote of confidence. After some internal drama, we finally got the team we wanted together. We've had over a hundred helping hands over the years, but all we needed was that core 5-10 hardcore zealot developers to make it happen. You did hands-down half the work. You were (and are) a machine. Always learning, getting things done professionally, timely, competently, without any negative energy whatsoever. Sometime in 2006 or 2007, you sent me an article of a crime that occurred on your street. It turned out, woah, you lived in the same city as me! And you were the same age! And we came from similar backgrounds... it was a complete one in a million thing. It had to be fate. We became fast friends. In order to really teach you the value of Renegade (you mostly had public game experience in 2002-2003), I had to bring you into my clan NE. We were one of the hottest clans in the community, peaking at 40 members, and something like a 4:1 win-loss ratio in clanwars. You humbly accepted (when you did not need to), and you rose in the ranks. You played clanwars with us. We made impossible comebacks in public marathon games. It was at this moment that we were on the same page. It all clicked. We had to see through it to the end. And while 90% of mods fail, including Renegade Revived and Tiberian Aftermath, we aimed for success. Within 2 years, we developed the UT3 version. People said we couldn't do it. There were folks in the community who ignored us, then laughed at us, then hated us, but then we won. We did it (!). Make Something Unreal awards, ModDB awards, crazy download numbers. We were the underdogs in a new engine, just out of high school, coming from failed projects, and we struck gold. And it was all because of you. You weren't just a coworker, but a friend. We spent hours watching Arrested Development and Firefly together. We talked about anything and everything. We were bouncing off the walls, absorbing each other's energy, making jokes, playing games (RTS, Battlefield, you name it). After the 2014 release, I left you in charge practically speaking, and 7 years later, you've returned the trust in a better position than ever before. Look at RenX 7 years later. Full server every day, a nearly complete Firestorm, a great team and a great community. Renegade X was always bigger than one person - it is bigger than me or you, but if there was one person who this game could not have occurred without, it would have been you. All I did was some management, some PR, some audio, and checking in with the team. After I helped build a cohesive, constructive, self-subsisting team, I felt comfortable receding into the background to settle my personal issues. You spent countless sleepless nights, you spent untold amounts out of your own pockets, and you did so gracefully, with no negativity and with humility. You really are the model worker and leader - diligent, detail-oriented, approachable, respectful, giving confidence to everyone around you, creative, and competent (more than any person I know in the industry). You do leave a giant void behind, and I'm dedicated to seeing Firestorm through. It is our dream come true, our 360 degree return to what we wanted to do in the first place - a Tiberian Sun FPS. It's finally happening, and man is it awesome. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This chapter was the biggest chunk of our lives, and it isn't over. I'll go wherever you go, because everything you touch turns to gold. I'm just the charmer, the hype machine, the idea guy, but you are the merit behind it all. Thank you. The end is the beginning. Cheers to new beginnings, new games, new pathways, new friends. Just don't forget the old. Nostalgia is in after all But we got there first. - Bilal, FobbyGen 14 1 1 Quote
Guest TheHopelessThrumbo Posted April 4, 2021 Posted April 4, 2021 Leaving the team doesn't mean that you won't have an impact on Firestorm development. It will just be a point from our side... now, where did I put a harvy to fill it with Vinifera as funding for your further journey? Quote
isupreme Posted April 4, 2021 Posted April 4, 2021 Quote and 7 years later, you've returned the trust in a better position than ever before. Look at RenX 7 years later. Full server every day, a nearly complete Firestorm, a great team and a great community. Full Stop. 2 Quote
salarite Posted April 4, 2021 Posted April 4, 2021 Hope to still see you ingame from time to time 1 Quote
Agent Posted April 4, 2021 Posted April 4, 2021 There has been no greater pleasure than getting to work alongside you on Renegade X over the years. Alongside a great deal of support, advice, and motivation, there is no way I would be where I am in life without Renegade X and all the work you and the rest of the team put into it. Renegade X isn't just one of my favorite games of all time, but it's helped me meet the most wonderful people I've ever met, and opened up career options to boot. Thank you for making that possible. For one of the few times in my life, I feel at a loss of words. I'd never worked with anyone so long on a project I care so much about. Tears have been shed. One of our great pillars has been lost. We will push forward though, and will continue to make you proud. I look forward to seeing you around - Jessica 5 Quote
Xtractor Posted April 4, 2021 Posted April 4, 2021 Just finished reading All the entire Posts from @Havoc89 & @[NE]Fobby[GEN] and watched all the links ..An early video that I never saw before ..Wow The 360p.. soooo much Has been done since then ..Was interesting reading all the Steps and everything From Day1 to Today. I remember Blackdawn didn't really catch my attention to play it entirely and How sad I was that it didn't do well critics side and the mod with the need of UT3 Character movements and stuff I didn't like ..I was just like "Forgetting" this project ..Time passed years maybe ..Probably a RenNostalia Day,I reinstalled RenX ..Wow I was so suprise to see How Good It was improved ..ReFall in Love with Renegade ..But My Days with Renegade original Was something of the Past and over ..The Need for Better Was what I want ..Since Then I'm here almost every week for few games mostly in week ends, I remember saying when players count was struggling After the Failed Debut "I like better seeing a game growing slowly than one Reaching the top Fast and Dying soon after" Well I think RenX Has come back slowly and growing at a steady pace ..I'd never lost faith .The Game is too Good and Fun to play and always improving And it's free . Thanks Again All of you that worked and still do on Renx Ps:Makes me laugh to hear the Teen accent and way of thinking of Fobby in this Video And Really like if there was Someone that could make once a while similar videos with these Dudes having their Daily Great Conversations together :))) 2 Quote
Tytonium Posted April 5, 2021 Posted April 5, 2021 Why couldn't this have just been an April Fool's joke. We are truly in the darkest timeline. 2 2 Quote
Totem Arts Staff Nexus51325 Posted April 5, 2021 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 5, 2021 Back in 2019, I did not even know what Level Design / Art was, being a huge if not a fanatical fan of the C&C Franchise, I decided to give a try to the Software Devlopment Kit to see what was possible to do, it was long and painfull to use at first, especially for someone like me who never touched such tools before, and of course, nothing was explained in my own French language, so I did not only had to learn the SDK, but also had to learn speaking English, back in 2019 I had some very basic skills in that language, understanding someone in Vocal was almost impossible, and writing was really difficult. During the development of my first map (Desolation), I learned so much things, at the release of it, I knew I couldn't stop here, so I decided to start working on my Second one (Steppe) that also has been released in the official game later, I learned so much about mapping by doing those 2 maps, I was kinda hesitant to make a third one and felt into burn out, since it's such time consuming and the community is not always "kind / patient" with new maps, a difficult learning curve for sure, but thanksfully, lot of people has been able to help me and keep me motivated to come back. Later, seing some pictures of new Tiberian Sun Vehicles HD 3d models like the wolverine or the HoverMLRS on your Art Station page and many others ones somewhere, I felt that Tiberian Sun Era was near, so I continued to develop my skills to maybe one day, being able to map for this incredible game, and here I am... Havoc89, I can't say how happy and honorred I have been when you accepted me inside the dev team in Fevruary 2020, It has been my greatest accomplishement in my life and working on a Tiberian Sun Era game has been a dream come true. I've been really happy to learned from you, can't thank you enough for all the time that you spent to explain me how to improve myself and learn the tricks of Level Design / Art. I would be lying if I'm saying that I'm not scarred to keep going whitout you inside the team. The game reached such a quality level that Working on it feels almost like working in a real professional Game dev studio, the pression can sometimes hit me, and I'm still a beginner, I still have so much things to learn. But a new era is huppon us, definitely not time to be sad, it's time to keep going ! Reading your post and Fobby's one has been a real archive discovering. Thank you for all the work, thank you for your passion, enjoy your Retirement ! Cheers 6 2 Quote
MammothMKII Posted April 5, 2021 Posted April 5, 2021 Seeing "former developer" under your name breaks my heart ... Thanks for everything Havoc, and see you on the battlefield! 3 Quote
Gex_str Posted April 5, 2021 Posted April 5, 2021 Since everyone has already said almost everything I could possibly think of, I'll just do one thing I'm good at: putting fitting music to strengthen the mood: Let the wind carry tales of your journey... 3 Quote
CoolAid Posted April 5, 2021 Posted April 5, 2021 Thanks you for all the hard work you put into these projects! I could not have wished for a better recreation of Renegade. The result is truly amazing! 3 Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted April 5, 2021 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 5, 2021 I always wanted foundations ... but we already had one... Thanks to you... I shall leave you with the immortal words... "Hint hint hint", "foundations", mutant grass and of course "Button" Words I hope will haunt you for the rest of ya life Good luck in ya new adventures And as always thanks for everything See you on the battle field commander 7 Quote
Totem Arts Staff roweboat Posted April 5, 2021 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 5, 2021 Ever since I first played Command and Conquer on my friend's ps1 I was hooked. I of course only discovered Renegade because of my love of C&C (tiberian sun especially). I always found the multiplayer in Renegade to be something special. that team play and objective based gameplay beyond just "run and shoot the other players". I remember hearing about Ren '07 during development, but never played it. Then I remember coming across something about Renegade X around 2012. Boy was I excited. I downloaded it immediately. ..and the game ran at about 5fps for me I had to wait about 6 months til I could buy a new PC. So I've been playing since Beta 2. It like you mentioned, "No game has ever cured my itch as much as this game has." Even after playing Renegade from 03-07 (on dial up mind you, talk about learning to lead shots lol) and RenX from 2014-2021; I still get excited to boot up the game and play a few matches. So many hardy thanks to the whole team for making this all a reality! And certainly, Havoc/Waqas, testament to your skills, passion, temperament and leadership, both games, Renx & Firestorm have/will make it to market and continue to be developed and improved without you. I think that's the true test of a creation, if it can remain without its "creator". That's truly something remarkable -Brennan "roweboat" 5 Quote
Sparkykun Posted April 5, 2021 Posted April 5, 2021 Thank you for the introduction to this game and website. Wish you the best in your career, endeavors, and job at EA Motive in Montreal, Canada. I certainly welcome you back to Renegade X development anytime. 1 Quote
Dragoncommando6 Posted April 6, 2021 Posted April 6, 2021 We wish you luck havoc may the C&C community alway be with you. An alway keep your eva unit on for the call of GDI on your path to greatness. An see you on the front lines to your future. Good luck commander. 1 Quote
Totem Arts Staff kira Posted April 6, 2021 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 6, 2021 It's not like we know each other for long time to be honest, still can't say it is easy for me to see one of the many talented devs and a true made leader continue his journey elsewhere outside this amazing invested game. Can't even start scarping from the huge gratitude for everything, for every stumble, challanges , pitfalls and many more you helped RenegadeX to survive and rise up, and being like a glue to the whole team , and be the fire that fuels it all. Ever since 2015 RenegadeX was a place for me to escape to have a casual gameplay, or pull 4 hour Under game match to remind my self that even from the most exhausting fights there is the sweet sweet victory that waits at the end. I wish you all the best your next goals and many achievements, pretty sure you going to produce amazing projects. See you in the public games as a simple player 2 1 Quote
SMayhew Posted April 6, 2021 Posted April 6, 2021 Thanks for everything you've done, your dedication to Ren X and Firestorm has been nothing short of remarkable, I wish you all the best for the future! Sam 1 Quote
RypeL Posted April 6, 2021 Posted April 6, 2021 To be successful a project like Ren-X needs someone who doesent crack under pressure, someone to rally the team when it matters, someone to remain calm and collected and someone to steadily follow a vision against all odds. Havoc has been this person from day 1. Others did regularly quit, took breaks or started much later. Havoc is the only one that has been activly working on Ren-X all years, every year and always with big contributions and a vision. His personality and the sheer amount of work he put in gained him the respect of everyone. Thank you Havoc, it has been a pleasure working with you and i wish you the best of luck for your new projects! 5 Quote
Phase 5 Beta Testers FIREMEDO Posted April 6, 2021 Phase 5 Beta Testers Posted April 6, 2021 I didn't know you for a long time, just almost a year.. However, I have known that you're one of the most respected and talented developers I have ever met either irl or online. Thank you for making the games of my dreams and bringing joy to us, wish you the best of luck in your career and life. -FIREMEDO the soontm man 3 Quote
Totem Arts Staff [NE]Fobby[GEN] Posted April 8, 2021 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 8, 2021 waiting for you to a pull a this jk 1 3 Quote
Former Developers Havoc89 Posted April 9, 2021 Author Former Developers Posted April 9, 2021 Kane's return speech from TS is cooler though! Maybe I'll return in 2047... 2 3 Quote
[CNC]PlagueNXC Posted April 10, 2021 Posted April 10, 2021 Havoc, I'm proud of you taking on a new project man. I hope to see you in game man. Add me on steam anytime man. Been watching this community grow since it was formed. It has been awesome seeing how you all continued making Ren-X over the years. I sincerely wish ALL of you guys - the original team, as well as the newbies the very best. We all grew up and went our own ways. Life has been good. Glad to have you all in this world. Plus havoc, my kids love the paw patrol man. Wish you the best. 3 Quote
Lord Hamsterson Posted April 12, 2021 Posted April 12, 2021 I play renegade X for some time now. and i must say that you did a phenomenal job merging new and old. you will be missed. Good luck commander! (statue of commander Havoc Parker) 4 Quote
Angry Scientist Posted April 16, 2021 Posted April 16, 2021 Hell yeah, Havoc! The very fact that you have such a capable and passionate team to hand things off to is testament to a shared vision. I'm excited to see the culmination of this soon, and hopefully play alongside you again. Moving across the country was probably the best decision I ever made, so I hope the big move helps you really hit the reset button and hone your skills and life in a completely new way. 2 Quote
Totem Arts Staff TankClash Posted July 15, 2021 Totem Arts Staff Posted July 15, 2021 (edited) Hey man, I know that you don't even know me or anything, I know life can take over at times, I...we appreciate the time you took in this project, I wish you the best. We appreciate the effort and time you put into this for everybody, you have no idea how many people appreciate you. Just don't forget Renegade wish you the best. Edited July 15, 2021 by TankClash 1 1 Quote
Ketchup Posted July 25, 2021 Posted July 25, 2021 Sorry to see you step down. I hope we still see you around here from time to time. Life is always advancing, changing. Many well wishes, to you sir. Nice to have bumped into you. 1 Quote
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