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  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm not going to lie.... that is the most fun I've had in a PUG in probably around half a year. Iron Curtain of B0ng and Yosh. 



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Walls - Nod controls plateau all game and 2 apache rushes w/ sbh nuke and 1 tranny LCG rush finishes the game. GDI attempts multiple transport and orca rushes, but failed to destroy any building as they were intercepted by apaches and plateau infantry. Harvesters by both teams died a lot, so this was a rather low eco game. 

Lakeside - Nod wins with Apache and sbh nukes, and they control the field and harvester/silos all game. The first harvy advantage sealed the deal. GDI tried multiple transport, orca, and inf rushes, but none work.

Complex - Nod wins with a arty/light rush and a follow up flame rush. GDI, going for meds, had no chance for offense as they simply got overwhelmed from the start.

Mesa - Nod APC rush takes out the ref, and rolled down GDI with tanks. An attempted APC rush by GDI fails after their ref went down. 

Canyon - Nod wins through sheer brute force with artys and inf along with infiltration. Despite having saving the initial harvester, GDI gets careless with their meds and go broke after they all died. 

Goldrush - GDI wins with a mcfarland rush that destroys HoN and PP. Meds and inf along with infiltration destroys the rest of the base. 

Tunnels - Nod wins with an APC rush, buggy infiltration, (no bar and wf) and light tanks. GDI infiltration destroys the HON, but didn't stop the vehicle rush.

5-2, good games, everybody played well for the most part. 

Posted (edited)

Last 3 games were too short.

Canyon - What I did: after start, jump to tib field with shotgunner, killing a few. Tried to C4 GDI harv but it was saved. Nod harv died when I respawn in base. Started mining when I got 350. GDI got 7 meds with repairs after 1st harv dump but they got defeated by like 3 or 4 arty with repairs. This happened just in the short period of time that I finished mining. GDI failed to destroy any Nod harv after the 1st one, and GDI got no harv dump after 1st one.

Goldrush - All but 1 GDI player used their initial credits for McFarland rush. By the time GDI reached Nod bridge, Nod already had 1 LCG and 1 SBH. I don't know why they refused to buy APC or even tech. If that player bought APC instead of LCG, AGT would be down, or McFarlands might be forced to suicide in order to try save AGT. Worse scenario but likely to happen is that even McFarlands suicide before they can destroy any Nod building, they couldn't save AGT since base is too large.

Tunnels - Confuser2188 bought APC right after start, even before harv reached tib field. I think it should be a 200 credits crate. I started to mine base at the exact time I got 350, but base is too large. Since I spawned in air tower after died guarding harv, I mined air -> pp -> ref, but hon was already c4'd when I was in ref. However, bar and wf were already gone, and game ended with lt rush.

Edited by Boomer
  • Totem Arts Staff

The last games were sh*t to me. I didn't care anymore at Tunnels


Trying to make it, but house is being fumigated, so might not. More likely I might drop by on Sunday. Then again, you never know if I may stumble across a spare computer to use.


fun for one team, not so fun for the other

Goldrush - light tank rush destroys pp, rocket rush destroys bar, stanks and others finish. GDI mcfarland and med rushes both fail

Whiteout - infiltrators kill Hon, tanks finish off the base. Buggy and Apache rush fail.

Xmountain - infiltrators kill bar, GDI surrenders. 

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)



We want @Ryzto be President of USA!


Edited by ThommyK0104
  • Like 3

I think I've had enough of these 30-40 player pugs. Same issue every week: too much off-topic chatter, people not knowing whats important or not important to say in TS, and people not using push-to-talk with noise in the background. Unless Saturdays are limited to ~20 players as well, you'll only see me on Sundays now. 

  • Totem Arts Staff

Well we know 40 player PUGs -can- work. It just works better when the appropriate people tell people to shut up and colour. Was nobody around to do that last night.. I piped up for like 5 minutes on Whiteout last night... and it resulted in some perma on Bar, but I was far too intoxicated to keep up trying to play commander/TS-moderator. Seriously need more people not afraid to tell people to shut the fu** up. 

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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Renegade X - PUG Game - October 29th 2016


Round 1: Goldrush


Round 2: Whiteout


Round 3: Xmountain


Edited by ThommyK0104

@ Pug Gamers
There is a simple Sollution.

Just edit the Userranks and make some "muted" rank with talkpower -1. IF anyone is annyoing cuz spamming/talking nonesende you guys can give him this rank and -suprise- he is muted for everyone :)

  • Totem Arts Staff
8 hours ago, Agent said:

kira and TONY-STARK shouldn't be allowed on the same team honestly. Too many unproductive loud people makes the game impossible to play.

maybe you right, but that's not the only issue. it was a mess, every report every plan planned in ts. a lot of ppl talking. so yeah i could keep it calm, but what would you do about the other noises? that is a problem too. 


Had some fun last week and this week.

Have to say that I made a lot of mistakes past week which got corrected by teammates quickly. This week as a 'commander' I was more sure about stuff, but in fact I didn't have to command too much. The team itself came up with a lot of ideas, suggestions and feedback and I just had to filter them and call out the actions. We had a really good team and never had to worry about mines and stuff. Rushes, in many cases, took less than a minute to organize and we spent very little time planning and much time 'doing actual stuff.'

Best thing, and Colin quoted this: "Nobody was blaming eachother."

On the other hand we had quite some luck with people sneaking in. Thanks for playing everybody!

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Well probably no matches for me today because this motherf*cker shows up 10 mins later because I have exams tomorrow but wanted to play :/

1 hour ago, ThommyK0104 said:

Well probably no matches for me today because this motherf*cker shows up 10 mins later because I have exams tomorrow but wanted to play :/


  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

@Schmitzenberghdon't worry too much. It isn't really like an exam. More like a week full of tests from different subjects like History, maths etc. But it is a part of my final exam note. I know what I'm doing ;)


Mr. T / BA Baracus will never be boring btw:P

Edited by ThommyK0104

Gliven vs Ryz

Lakeside - Same old apache/orcas, nod wins by infiltration on bar with follow up apache rush, GDI MRLS and orca rush fail

Fort - GDI gets 2 armor breaks with an initial gunner rush and stops a light tank rush, but an infiltrator kills the ref and Nod wins with a nuke and a stank rush.

Canyon - Both harvys die, Nod goes arty/tech/flamer and GDI gets crushed

Walls - GDI goes for humvee rush while Nod goes for APC rush, both fail. Orca/Apache battle goes on, GDI controls the top and wins with orca rushes w/ ion.

Volcano - Nod rapes GDI, carry on

Xmountain - Infiltrators kill bar and PP sometime later, GDI surrenders

4-2 Team Gliven


wasnt really my team, i only commanded lakeside, after that my mic was cutting in and out during fort and then died after canyon

1 hour ago, SMayhew said:

Sorry for leaving early, but that wasn't very fun. Way too hectic.

Second that. Where 'the team' was very coordinated yesterday, it was almost impossible to get feedback from the team today every now and than. Some games we had this control and people talked, other moments it was exactly the opposite.

9 hours ago, Ryz said:

Second that. Where 'the team' was very coordinated yesterday, it was almost impossible to get feedback from the team today every now and than. Some games we had this control and people talked, other moments it was exactly the opposite.

You convinced your team to vote for Volcano when playing as GDI. That itself shows how dedicated your team is to listening 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, CampinJeff said:

You convinced your team to vote for Volcano when playing as GDI. That itself shows how dedicated your team is to listening 

Volcano was a (big) mistake and one I made...

But as Smayhem can confirm we had some difficulties. Certain person(s) going solo all the time while this was not the plan, was one issue. Missing 1 or 2 persons on a 12 players team cause they are waiting for a solo nuke (when not plannend) isn't good. Second: on Lakeside where the bar was overrun we asked for help to remove C4 from the MCT. One person kept quitly remining the bar without reacting to teamchat and had the bar remined when it exploded. We had more 'stuff' like this on some rounds where people were missing or not doing their (key)role, while on others 'we' worked as a solid machine. I have no clue why but it was sometimes too chaotic. Also I wasn't as sharp as on a saturday, but that wasn't the only problem. 

Too bad I had to leave directly afterwards cause we had visitors coming in our house during Xmountain.

Edited by Ryz

Yeah people kept doing their own thing, the Barracks incident during Lakeside was pretty depressing. I mean I and others called out about 45 seconds before the Bar exploded that people were in it, yet despite people getting there it went down, because they just focused on remining or dancing or whatever the hell they were doing. I nearly quit at that point.

Too many raised voices were the main annoyance though, absolutely nothing wrong with Ryz's commanding, the vast majority of people weren't listening to his or anyone else's suggestions.

It sounds very alike to what others were saying about Saturday's PUG.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Well Team Ryz of Saturday's PUG was very good commands from Ryz. We made a plan before the game started like on Whiteout: Spawn at Ref or PP, go for harvy. Spawn at Bar or WF, go join farland rush. These are good tactics for the begin of the game.

And when we needed to put vehicles at right side of hill, we did that. I think the other teams did that too, but nobody listened :/


I wont be there Saturday or Sunday. I am going to a party Saturday, and I will be too hung over Sunday to play.


One more important subject. Daylight Savings. What... what time are we actually doing this damned thing, relative to the week before last? Are we doing it the "same hour of the day", or "one hour later"? If so, I can make a clock, but I'm only willing to show up if I actually show up to play, and I still work at 3pm US Central so if it starts at 2pm my time, then I can't show up until after Nov. 6 when daylight savings starts for me. Showing up for no good reason, will drain my effort quickly otherwise.


pugs are based on UK time which already had daylight savings. So if you live somewhere that didn't have dst yet or doesn't have it, pug starts 1 hour later

  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm still confused on what happened.

5:10-5:30  Light tanks reported and confirmed rush.

5:55 Light tanks reported moving out

6:15 Light tanks at AGT

We had a minute to prepare for this and yet no one was inside to repair it.



  • Totem Arts Staff

I won't be there tomorrow because I have a party which starts at the same time PUG starts


I hope Gliven and/or Voltex will record it the Saturday one. I will be there on Sunday again


I will not be to Saturday one because daylight savings has not started here and since it started there it sniped the only hour I had to do it in. If that happens to other people, don't be surprised to see slight drop in attendance.

Will not be at Sunday one, because I'll be here on TS3 but won't expect to get in. Maybe I will, but I certainly won't plan on it and get my hopes up.


change of plans, wont be going to the party. I will be there for pug

  • Moderator


Debut for this map on the PUG... as bad as expected. GDI, having better tankers and snipers, overpowered Nod.

Arctic Stronghold

Rocket rush for Obelisk vs. Chem rush for ref & bar. Nod was prepared and repaired ob, while GDI ref was destroyed. Light tank rush followed and destroyed GDI base.


Chem rush long route for WF vs. McFarland rush over the catwalk for ref & pp. Once again team Ruud was prepared while Nod lost both eco buildings. Game over.


Rocket rush for WF vs. APC rush for HoN. This time the early rush worked in favour of team Ryz and HoN was destroyed. Nod responded with light tanks, but got stopped. Ref and strip get destroyed soon after with tanks.


Artys and meds rushing over and over. During one of the med rushes an ion is planted by Nod ref and a nuke by GDI ref. Ion was disarmed while nuke succeeded with the help of stank cover and the fact that GDI was busy in the Nod base. GDI then got overwhelmed with arties.

Team Ruud 3-2 Team Ryz, good games. 

  • Like 1

@ pug teamleaders  

Pls use next time the channel leader feature in Teamspeak. If you guys talk the other users will automaticly get quiter. So we cant miss your orders.

cuz last time there was to much nonesense talkin in the ts

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Xtractor said:

Ruud033 was mostly right on what we could expect from the other team  :) so we were often prepare

Looks like we were too predictable.

And you guys had a good defense though, took us a lot more time to win a match.


9 hours ago, Quincy said:

Team Ruud 3-2 Team Ryz, good games.

and a 5-0 for Quincy  ;)

Edited by Denuvian
1 hour ago, Denuvian said:

and a 5-0 for Quincy  ;)

What a whore

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