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Just turn down the ren volume on the windows sound settings and then TS will be louder relatively without distorting the voices

will try that :)

Turn RenX music off then have the rest at say 25% - works like a charm for me

  • Moderator


GDI just rolling over Nod. Early APC kills Nod ref first, then a chinook with some help from orcas kills Nod PP. Meds & orcas with ions finish off HoN and strip. Nod had nothing to say the whole game.


First one-sided Mesa on a PUG. Nod keeps spamming artilleries & techs the whole game while at the same time camping the passage from the central infantry cave. Ref, barracks and PP go down consequently to arty spam and GDI surrenders.


Nod having slight advantage in the early game gives lone tech opportunity to sneak & kill GDI refinery during chaos in GDI base. After that GDI turtles in its base and somehow goes from being 2k behind in points to ~3k in front. In the late game GDI PP and Airstrip go down, but it has no influence on the gameplay. GDI win on points.

Nod tried flame rushing, rocket rushing, chem rushing but not much could work against a disciplined GDI camp - even though we never went past 4 meds. I guess multiple SBH nuke + flame tanks rolling in could have worked... but still our point advantage was huge. Don't suicide so many flame tanks next time?


The only game where my team played bad. After losing control of the field in the early game, we simply didn't get enough tanks and gradually lost our buildings to mass meds + ions. First ref, then strip and HoN.

Kinda lame, public-game-like loss if you ask me.

I liked the PUG! Total score 3-1, GDI 3-1 Nod





PUG is always the same time Tony

Dutch / Western Europe: 20.00 / 8PM

UK: 19:00 / 7PM

USA / New York: 14:00 / 2PM

India: guess it depens on where you are, use a timezone converter?

Might make it tonight, if I am still alive...

  • Moderator
I couldn't make it this time. What did I miss besides NukeFest 2016?



Standard Islands, almost the same as last week. Plenty of vehicle pushing, eventually GDI had the upper hand and ref, hon and strip fell to tanks/ion spam. Not sure why we keep choosing to play this boring map :P


Bad defending from GDI in the very beginning. Like 2-3 guys walked in and destroyed WF while whole team was focused on the early Nod APC (still, I think WF was infiltrated before APC entered GDI base). Flame rush followed and finished what was left of GDI base.


Apaches vs. orcas the whole game. A lot of failed rushes, a lot of waiting for the actions of enemy team and finally one orca rush succeded and killed HoN (only because some of us managed to jump in via windows... it wasn't mined well). Nod surrendered.


Standard vehicle fight, looking even with points before a tech killed the GDI PP. As a result of that, Nod took advantage in field and GDI, having no morale, surrendered early.

Mistake from GDI not to leave a person camping that crucial path.


I'm happy we tried a new map for once. In the start whole Nod team rushes barracks with flamethrowers, fails and meanwhile loses HoN to like 2 people... right after that GDI counter-rushes with officers and kills airstrip with outside c4. Well... humiliation.

5-0 total. I do think teams were imbalanced. We had all the sneaky people and all the snipers while team bong seemed to have all the newbies.

But the biggest problem in my opinion was terrible defence, you lost 3 (if not 4) games because of it. I saw no campers in your team and my experience tells me that, unfortunately, very often campers are what you need to win.


Yeah Quincy was right. I loved this PUG, but I can imagine what it would be like on the other side... I think at least 3 out of 5 games where lost cause of bad or no defence and people being ignorant.

Islands had good teamwork on both sides. In Tomb I died early and decided to have a look at the GDI base. I am pretty sure 2 or 3 people noticed me walking to the WF and I even encountered someone at / near the door who choose to ignore me. Than when I c4ed the MCT 2 other people came in and an enemy soldier which was killed in a firefight. After this nobody cared for the C4 at MCT it seemed. GG!

Lakeside we (I am not sure who was with me) just fell in the HON with a chinook while this vehicle primary a decoy. Later Nod surrendered unfortunately. Could have been a good game, but it felt like the whole enemy team just fell apart... On Eyes I think we had one serious infiltration attempt and two chinooks hitting us. We couldn't kill the small guardtower, but I walked to the ref multiple times without any problem.

After this we decided to let 'our opponent' choose a map, which was snow. We expected a huge chemrush and had some work to repell the flamers. I defended the vehicle tunnel later and chased a soldier, Since I was close to the HON I thought I could as well go for it.... Two people joined from nowhere and 3 three people inside the HON seemed to be AFK. I can't believe we killed that building.

Again: I liked the PUG but I wouldn't want to be on the team that lost most stuff by bad organizing / defence. Hopefully the other PUG's will have something for both sides...


Better organized

Better Strategy

Yeah that's cause we worked as a team, communicating to eachother. It doesn't say anything about the individual skills in the team. Played with almost the same people and lost quite a few times cause everybody was still very solo orientated (even on the PUG).

I was thinking to say something about 'rules' for the PUG, but I just leave that besides. One thing to consider is the fact that you had people doing solo nukes (Tony?) which didn't really benefit your cause... Not sure how to tackle that.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Our time was communicating, just I think half of our team was not listening/being stupid/doing their own thing

Yeah before it started (during ion/nuke party) we wanted everyone to get nukes or ions and meet up. Some people didn't listen and went sniping or calling airstrikes.

Our time was communicating, just I think half of our team was not listening/being stupid/doing their own thing

Yeah before it started (during ion/nuke party) we wanted everyone to get nukes or ions and meet up. Some people didn't listen and went sniping or calling airstrikes.

I just realized I misspelled one of the easiest words in the English dictionary, I feel REALLY stupid now :/


This looks like ascension xD


Much beeps, such ion, many nuke. I really missed something... :(

That was not even the best part, seeing your screen flash from blue to red/orange for 30ish seconds constantly was also pretty cool xD


Those vids would be better if people didn't shoot :P

I hope whoever was recording the PUG was on the winning team, that's more fun to watch.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Those vids would be better if people didn't shoot :P

I hope whoever was recording the PUG was on the winning team, that's more fun to watch.

Calling kenz 3001. Hurry up and upload the videos.


O men, this was the PUG where Yosh was really drunk at the beginning... Too bad that wasn't recorded :D

  • Totem Arts Staff
O men, this was the PUG where Yosh was really drunk at the beginning... Too bad that wasn't recorded :D

It was. Look at kenz' last videos.

O men, this was the PUG where Yosh was really drunk at the beginning... Too bad that wasn't recorded :D

It was. Look at kenz' last videos.

I will :)

So, is everyone just going to avoid discussing the PUG with how it went, or is it just late reaction?

Why discus it? looking at the teams said already enough, hence why i left.


I'm not agreeing with that jeff. We had like what? 3 snipers, 2 decent players and the rest were not that great at all.


As mentioned before leaders where all stacked on one team, and leaders are definitely not just loud people, we had plenty of those lol after day I had and then being tired plus the PUG bleh I left apologies but yea could tell how it was going to go right from the start, it's not all about the skilled players it's about leaders and when they are all on one team well you know how it's going to go sadly :(

Seems to be getting harder and harder to get equal fair teams lately, and today the balancing well...... yea it wasn't. Just my view.

Leaders are the people who can rally the team together and lets be totally honest here we all know it's Bong, Yosh, and Jeff and when they are all on one team the opposing team had no one who was able to really take charge. Just the truth.


Discussion is obviously not getting very far. When discussed, one claims it was balanced but unlucky, and the other questions why show up for the amusement of someone else when they can play Rocket League while Bots play in the PUG instead.

Honestly, if it were me, and 1 of them actually happen to be me, then I'd completely support Minji's stance, and simply leave early, no later than the 2nd match if the 3rd match has no prospects to get any better. Eventually, attendance will dictate that someone has to do something about it. That is up to the individual effort though, it always has been about the individuals helping shape things. This game and community requires and appreciates some personal accountability and self-management.

If next week is bad, and people use their personal decision-making skills to either insist they personally move around the teams regardless of what anyone else says, or just leaves, then we can make this a whole lot better. 2 people said they were going to move teams after the 3rd match but then disappeared, but next week someone with a sense of "Constructive Tyranny" needs to think for themselves and simply swap teams, and i'd help them do it. Anyone, anyone at all who would decide to swap teams, cooperate with someone to swap with, and we could just do it without asking with the intent to improve the next match. And that is all I am going to say about it.

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