Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 19, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted February 19, 2016 (edited) Frostbite Frostbite V1_9 Map specifications: -flying -2 Silo -Frosty -Bite'tee -Icy To be done: -Loading screen Changes: [As of 14th Sept] -Hand of Nod has been moved to where the Airstrip Tower was -Airstrip Tower moved near the head of the Airstrip runway -You can no longer beacon any two buildings anymore -Ice cave now has two entrances/exits for both teams -Endgame Cam remastered -Minimap is 99% accurate -Info Point Nodes added to map Changes: [As of 7th Sept] -Added extra route to Ice-cave, GDI side -Barracks has been rotated -GDI Ice-Cave Entrance/exit modified -General fixes and edits made -Modified blocking volumes at GDI base. -Modified blocking volumes throughout the map. -Reduced map size. (Lowest/longest route no longer accessible) -Ice cave rehauled, reworked, relit, redone. -Peak route expanded on Nod's side. -HoN Emplacement moved out of HoN. -Some lights have been removed. -Misc changes. What's New in Version Changes as of June 24th 2017 Terrain modified Textures modified Static meshes reduced Vehicles can no longer pass through the middle of the map Vehicle tunnel to GDI is no longer a tunnel Widened vehicle routes on one side of the map Tiberium mists are now blue Ice looks more like ice Background surrounding the map has been modified Misc changes Changes as of 14th Sept: Minimap 100% accurate and functional Terrain errors fixed Changes as of 16th Sept: Frosty peak has been reallocated and redesigned Upper sidepath has been redesigned to home reallocated peak Bunker on sidepath has been refitted Minimap redone to coincide with map design changes Changes as of 20th Sept: Endgame Cam is operational Known collisions fixed Map has been optimized Fixed purchase terminal black screen Fixed Terrain mesh at Nod Refinery Fixed Nod Base overlook point at narrow path Changes as of 23rd Sept: Fixed recent issues Infantry pathway remade Changes as of 24th Sept: Fixed collisions issues Fixed GDI Front of Base overlook FixFixFixed stuff Changes as of 25th Sept: Added blocking volumes to PP and Ref Fixed collisions at Airstrip Fixed blocking volumes at Nod Overlook To Do: Loading Screen See ReadMe on how to install the map, or download the map via the Launcher when joining the ConstructiveTyranny Custom Map Server Enjoy. Edited January 3, 2020 by Madkill40 Map Updated to Quote
Ruud033 Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 Very cool! The scale seems to be about just right! I have a couple of questions though; - Does this map only have 1 vehicle path? I think you could introduce 3 (forrest, narrow path and maybe an ice cave for vehicles through the middle) - Are you using the mountain piek from Rx_Piek? If so, you might want to consider using a different mesh due to the absurd amount of polygons in it (it was about 16.000 I believe?) or scale the amount of polys down with simpligon. - Basalt rocks from mesa in combination with regular rocks... It's an interesting combination but I think you have to think over whether you wish to use this combination or not.. the looks are quite different! - I'd put 1 silo in the middle of the lower vehicle path, gives the teams an objective there. Can't wait to do the first playtest! I think it's good to upload the first version of the map soon to figure out the gameplay (i know it won't be finished but still). Gives you good insights in gameplay on the map Quote
Henk Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 I see that Piek mesh in 2 places. I'd also scale the basalt rocks down, it takes some more effort if they're smaller meshes, but it will look better. Quote
Schmitzenbergh Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 The map will be non-flying. *Shows picture of the map flying in the air* This is the true definition of a flying map! But in all seriousness, it looks cool. Mesa rocks + snow is a nice style. Perhaps open the forest route to vehicles aswell. 1 vehicle path is a bit meh in my opinion. would be nice to zig-zag between the trees with a buggy Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 19, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted February 19, 2016 Not sure why you'd assume the big open area wasn't a vehicle path to be honest. Very cool! The scale seems to be about just right!I have a couple of questions though; - Does this map only have 1 vehicle path? I think you could introduce 3 (forrest, narrow path and maybe an ice cave for vehicles through the middle) 2 vehicle paths, the narrow one and the big empty space. I was thinking of making the ice-cave infantry only. - Are you using the mountain piek from Rx_Piek? If so, you might want to consider using a different mesh due to the absurd amount of polygons in it (it was about 16.000 I believe?) or scale the amount of polys down with simpligon. Must be andIt's called 'UN_Rock.SM.Mesh.S_UN_Rock_SM_Blackspire01' I'll scale the polys down last when I get round to doing the nodes. (Or just before the first playtest) How to scale down polys? (Triangles: 2656, Vertices: 1552, Resource Sice: 58.00[KB]) - Basalt rocks from mesa in combination with regular rocks... It's an interesting combination but I think you have to think over whether you wish to use this combination or not.. the looks are quite different! When the lights are built I'm hoping they'll all blend together okay, cons of making a snow-map is I'm very limited for what rocks to use. Not sure how they did it Under without causing this terrain warp. - I'd put 1 silo in the middle of the lower vehicle path, gives the teams an objective there. MRLS' have the objective of attacking the Nod PowerPlant from down there so there's already an objective, it'll also be easier to attack either base with more vehicles from the big open area than the narrow path, as is intended and should hopefully encourage APC assaults if the narrow path is left unattended by either side. Can't wait to do the first playtest! I think it's good to upload the first version of the map soon to figure out the gameplay (i know it won't be finished but still). Gives you good insights in gameplay on the map Once I fix the terrain scaling because at the moment they're so steep the textures get all messed up, part of the reason why the basalt columns are so big. The empty map area by the narrow path on the GDI side I was thinking of turning into a dark chasm? but I'm not entirely sure how to do this, alternatively I was possibly thinking putting a bit of lava down there as well? Whichever one I can do really. Regarding silos, is it as simple as just placing one silo and then its done? Or is there more to it than that? If there is going to be 1 silo it'll be at the peak of the narrow path and link with the infantry network so it's easier to contest even if one side is holding the big open space. If not that then each base will just have their own silo behind the refinery. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 19, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted February 19, 2016 Update 2: Narrow path edge complete. (Stolen from Under) Oh yeah, added skybox and lower mesh. (Also from Under) I guess you could say this map is... Over hurrhurrhurr Update 3: Open area has been worked on, Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 19, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted February 19, 2016 Update 4: Harvesters are working. Quote
Alkaline! Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 This map should totally have flying, Make some capturable sam sites so they could keep the choppers at bay, in that big open area by the cliffs. The team that captures 2 sam sites could really give the other team a head ache Quote
Ryz Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 Never thought about capturable sam sites before, nice touch... I like this map to be flying but for some reason people have something against this. Anyways, also as mentioned on the CT forum, map looks really, really well. I am not saying others aren't cool, but this one stands out when you see the image from some distance. Very appealing! Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 20, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted February 20, 2016 Okay so I require some help. I've started to attempt the main tunnel which will be symmetrical and I'm going for that Whiteout look as it's to be a linking Ice-cave. However, it is quite difficult to make a sizeable cave without a floor and using assets (even if temporary) is very impractical. Question1: Do I create another heightmap in order to mould and shape the floor for this ice-cave? Question2a: If 'Yes', why won't the SDK allow me to paint the additional heightmap with the terrain textures? Question2b: If 'No', then what am I doing wrong here? In my mind I kinda wanted to just make a big oval shape with the mesh tools and then decorate it with ice assets but I cannot seem to figure out how to do that either and finding the right UDK tutorial specifically for what I want to know is turning up dry. Quote
RoundShades Posted February 20, 2016 Posted February 20, 2016 From what I know of tunnels (not a lot): 1) If you choose to use "landscape" for the land both above ground and in the below-ground tunnel, you need another landscape, one "dragged" or "moulded" below the other. There is a tool to paint landscape "transparent", making it invisible and non-collideable. 2) If you choose to use "static mesh", you just need to place static mesh to make up the flooring, and worse case scenario, a blocking volume to walk on if your feet cash often. There are some assets to place as flooring, Islands and some Under tunnels use flat rock surfaces for tunnel flooring (some use 2 landscapes) Also) If you are asking how to access "paint tool" on the surface of which landscape, it is the "drop down" list right above the "paint tool" in landscape edit browser window. There should be 2 landscapes listed if 2 exist, one called for example "UnderRedux_0" and one called "UnderRedux_2" or whatnot. Quote
Bananas Posted February 20, 2016 Posted February 20, 2016 What bro said mostly. Depends on where your tunnel is? If there's nothing below your tunnel, why can't you just use your landscape for the floor. Otherwise what bro said. Open up whiteout in the editor and poke around at the tunnel for ideas on what you want to do. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 20, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted February 20, 2016 Didn't notice the drop-down for the landscape selection, that's what I missed. Quote
RoundShades Posted February 21, 2016 Posted February 21, 2016 Didn't notice the drop-down for the landscape selection, that's what I missed. As did I. Took me a while to figure what you asked though. Glad you are back on track. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 22, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted February 22, 2016 Update 4: Terrain has been textured and re-textured, Infantry tunnel (Ice Cave) has been formed. (Images Below) Infantry Ice Cave: Large Field (Veh & Inf) GDI Base Narrow Vehicular Path Nod Base To do list: Obtain Feedback Testing Decorate Testing Obtain more Feedback Tweaks (Endgame Cam, soft boundaries, tiberium field textures etc.) Testing Obtain even more Feedback etc. Quote
Glacious Posted February 22, 2016 Posted February 22, 2016 Looks really good have to admit, Ice cave looks awesome, be good to get testing on this asap, Look forward to trying it. Quote
Henk Posted February 22, 2016 Posted February 22, 2016 Have you tested if both the PP and Airstrip will be hit by an Ion Cannon if you plant a beacon in between them, if yes, do you want both of them to be hit? It's not likely that spot will get ion'ed a lot because of the turret and the obelisk's position, but still. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 22, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted February 22, 2016 Have you tested if both the PP and Airstrip will be hit by an Ion Cannon if you plant a beacon in between them, if yes, do you want both of them to be hit? It's not likely that spot will get ion'ed a lot because of the turret and the obelisk's position, but still. The only way in with vehicles in all likeliness would be to destroy the Power-plant, or to be really well organized but even that's a long shot when there are better things to do than try to Ion both structures. I may have an idea to remedy this altogether. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 23, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted February 23, 2016 Update 6: After testing correct rar filepaths and loading the map I discovered component glitching, I also forgot to include the config file. File has been uploaded to Google Drive. (click Here) Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 6, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 6, 2016 Gallery Soon. In the meantime, how do I download this? Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 6, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 6, 2016 Gallery Soon.In the meantime, how do I download this? I think it's just to show you where you can find this package with these assets Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 6, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 6, 2016 Piccies ... =639461189 ... =639462180 ... =639462917 ... =639463710 Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted March 6, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 6, 2016 love that first image Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 7, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 7, 2016 Frostbite AlphaA* ... sp=sharing Download and test. Fixed link,**** Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 28, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 28, 2016 Download Frostbite Beta: Here! Here are a few images of the current build: Main B2B Infantry Route: Alt. B2B Infantry Route: Nod-side Field: GDI-side Field: OTT Viewpoint of entire map. Quote
rocky44r Posted March 28, 2016 Posted March 28, 2016 there is only one vehicle path? that usually tends to get very campy... otherwise the map looks great can't wait to play it ^^ Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted March 28, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted March 28, 2016 there is only one vehicle path? that usually tends to get very campy...otherwise the map looks great can't wait to play it ^^ No, there are at least 2 vehicle paths. And thanks. Quote
Xtractor Posted April 3, 2016 Posted April 3, 2016 Id try your map and i must say that my prefered spot is the middle cave ..its look very cool with the different colors and the wide space in it . The outside surrounding need more tuning ,many things are incomplete or need to be fix .I think you can fall out of map at some place and some places tanks and character will get stuck. Could do a very good map but imo (no offense) it need to be tuning .GJ Quote
Schmitzenbergh Posted April 3, 2016 Posted April 3, 2016 So I've driven through your map with a hummer and must say I like the way this is going. It has a very mountain like feel to it, a lot of rocky scenery jet not to bland. The center tunnel looks great, although a bit dark in my opinion (but it's still wip). I absolutely love the field with it's barren looks. Perhaps some frosty trees will make it a bit less barren but I really like the open yet good cover you got there. I mean, look at this: Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted May 9, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 9, 2016 Thanks Schmit. Haven't been able to work on it much due to that whole edumacational degree thingy. Progress re:begins in June. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted July 3, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted July 3, 2016 Map has been updated: ... TB4QkdtakU -More Scenery -Infantry Cave has added features (Need to find a better way to light it up -Nod base exposure to MRLS has been sorted -More Vehicle Blocking Volumes added -Misc Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted July 13, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted July 13, 2016 V1.2.1 : ... VVLNWZidzg Changes: -Hand of Nod -Nod Base rearranged V1.2.1 progress: 33%* How2remove glass panes? Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted July 14, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted July 14, 2016 How2remove glass panes? Set Collision Mode ----> Zero Extend (something like that) ------> Click on the windows (And It's normal you can't see them) Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted July 14, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted July 14, 2016 How2remove glass panes? Set Collision Mode ----> Zero Extend (something like that) ------> Click on the windows (And It's normal you can't see them) If this requires me to select them first then that ain't going to work. Quote
Henk Posted July 14, 2016 Posted July 14, 2016 I'm afraid you will have to remove the Airtower completely, and re-add it, be sure to add all the objects of the Airtower to a group after you've converted the prefab to normal actors. That way the windows will move too when you move it (and have group selection enabled) You can also go to View > Enable Translucent Selection, but it's very hard to select the windows with all the lensflare sources (looking in the upwards direction may help), and also hard to get them positioned back in the right place. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted July 14, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted July 14, 2016 I just selected the actors via content browser, deleted them. Tower and HoN no longer have glass panes. Have better ideas in mind. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted July 14, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted July 14, 2016 Changes: -Hand of Nod -Nod Base rearranged -Scenery -Routes/paths V1.2.1/2 progress: 36%* Download V1.2.2 : ... URuc1V1alU To Do: -Remove random untextured rectangle -GDI base rearrangement -Modify/remove blocking Volumes -Fix Collisions Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted July 14, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted July 14, 2016 Changes:-Hand of Nod -Nod Base rearranged -Scenery -Routes/paths V1.2.1/2 progress: 44%* Download V1.2.2 : ... URuc1V1alU To Do: -Remove random untextured rectangle -GDI base rearrangement -Modify/remove *volumes which block -Fix Collisions Download V1.2.3 : ... lJNcVkzTGc Quick Gallery: Nothing looks fancy tbf. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted July 16, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted July 16, 2016 Updated Frostbite V1.2.5: -Backdrop -Atmosphere -Frostiness Gallery: Download V1.2.5.rar Quote
Alkaline! Posted July 27, 2016 Posted July 27, 2016 Tested the map, not sure if the link you have on the first post is the current one or not, but I found missing textures int he cave, and overall the map is heavily GDI sided with the way the ob is, literally there are over 6 spots you can shoot at any building even with med an the ob/turret won't fire at you, At this point this is looking very similar to grassy knoll where gdi long range supremacy will destroy. Also a lot of places you can simply just fall off the map. I don't think you need that 3rd path on the very bottom the top 2 are enough. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted August 8, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 8, 2016 Tested the map, not sure if the link you have on the first post is the current one or not, but I found missing textures int he cave, and overall the map is heavily GDI sided with the way the ob is, literally there are over 6 spots you can shoot at any building even with med an the ob/turret won't fire at you, At this point this is looking very similar to grassy knoll where gdi long range supremacy will destroy. Also a lot of places you can simply just fall off the map. I don't think you need that 3rd path on the very bottom the top 2 are enough. The post above this one has the latest link of the version of the map you should have tested. Don't recall updating the first post. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted August 10, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 10, 2016 -Updated first post. Currently working towards 1.5.7 Quote
Ruud033 Posted August 10, 2016 Posted August 10, 2016 I think that if you setup a vertex paint brush for the rocks which will have a smooth transition from ice to snow it'll look much better! You can then paint your way out and add ice where needed. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted August 11, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 11, 2016 Frostbite V1.5.2 : DOWNLOAD HERE Changes: -Narrow vehicle path readjusted for easy fall-off death. (idea is to push off enemy vehicles) -Misc prop movements -Cave-side HON covered with ice to protect from damage -Misc scenery changes -Minor Lighting changes I think that if you setup a vertex paint brush for the rocks which will have a smooth transition from ice to snow it'll look much better! You can then paint your way out and add ice where needed. May require a bit of a tutorial on how to do that. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted August 11, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 11, 2016 Frostbite V1.5.3 : DOWNLOAD HERE Changes: -Harvesters Synchronised. Will likely have to rotate the Weapons Factory for game beginning harvesters to not have a 16 second difference, other than that the GDI Harvester is potentially a few seconds faster than Nod harvester when starting at the same distance of Ref to Tib etc. Not really too bothered as Harvesters should be regularly destroyed. -Frostbite is currently being hosted via 'CT - - Custom Maps - Marathon 3' server. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted August 12, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 12, 2016 Frostbite V1.7.2 [DOWNLOAD from HERE] Changes: -Upper middle infantry route has been drastically changed. -Some volumes that block. -Added a 'special' place. -Added crates. -Misc changes to scenery and lighting. -Paths fixed. (Bots should now go nearly everywhere) Enjoy. Map currently being tested on- Official Custom Maps & TS - Marathon C [TS = Test Server] Gallery: Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted August 14, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 14, 2016 Frostbite V1.8.4 [DOWNLOAD HERE] Changes: -Dominant Lighting colour changed. (Orangish to Pinkish) -Narrow path now more narrow. -Nod has gained a structure on their side of the main field. -Silo added to end of mid-inf route/middle of the narrow path. -More blocking volumes added; i.e. collisions fixed; i.e. less places to get stuck. -Misc changes. -Nod Harvester Fixed. -Scenery changes. -Base Defences modified. -Improved path nodes. -Bridge collisions fixed. -Endgame Cam Added. Quote
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