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the error-message can also be found on your clipboard (copy/paste).

Rendering thread exception:
Fatal error!

Address = 0x0        (filename not found)

From map change bug.


The logs dont show any useful info about the crashes. There is no proper errormessage in them. The game just crashes without writing into the log what caused it. That is our problem.


Are you dev folks still having problems reproducing these crashes? I'm finding it seems to be more frequent when joining servers that are at a high capacity, which would perhaps be tricky for you to replicate in testing.

It seems to happen immediately prior to spawning; I'll see a bit of a building, the minimap will show me at the very top corner with no actual map terrain displayed. Maybe it's related to something to do with where people "spawn" before they are put on a team, or just how a new player is initialized? Just throwing out theories here since the crash logs aren't helpful for you.


It seems the game uses a lot of system resources when switching maps. I always hear my computer fan running loudly just for a few seconds during map switch, I think this is related.

It seems the game uses a lot of system resources when switching maps. I always hear my computer fan running loudly just for a few seconds during map switch, I think this is related.

That's what this patch attempted to fix.

The information that would likely be the most useful is:

1. The server and player count

2. Which map is supposed to be loading next.

3. How long the last map took and a brief summary of it and how it ended (for memory purposes).

4. System specs

5. How often this crash happens and if you have noticed any tendencies.

I've heard many theories get thrown around now - from memory problems, loadup issues, voting errors, only on specific maps, etc. We need to find the real cause and unfortunately it seems that the crashing is much more persistent in bigger/longer games than it is smaller/shorter games. That's part of the reason the devs had assumed it was mostly from memory and startup issues. It's unfortunate though because it is hard to replicate, and we are unable to do so with the limited number of private beta testers. So all information will help here.


I just had another crash on map switch. Here's what the game copied. We had about 20 players and were switching to Whiteout.

Rendering thread exception:

Fatal error!

Address = 0x0 (filename not found)


Yes we dont know how to reproduce the crashes and that they probably happen more on pupulated servers and not on our testservers with few testers makes it even more difficult for us. So if you spot similarities in your crashes, like you described, that is valuable info for us. Im not sure if it could have something todo with spawning of players but it could be possible. Might also help if some people could Record their crashes (with fraps for example everytime on mapswitch) so then we could analyze and compare in the recorded video footage when exactly the crash happened, what was rendered before that on the minimap, how the vote looked etc. I will also start to Fraps my crashes in hopes to find some hints and similarities in the recorded footage.


I'm going to just shoot in the dark here: (This is about the map-change crash)

Could it be an authentication issue of some sort? Does the private testing uses the same way to authenticate its players?

I just recall pre-open beta that the game was reported crash-less, then open beta introduced steam authentication and started crashing. I always had a feeling that it was relevant. All supported by the fact that credits are -not- remembered when you leave and come back, yet I clearly remember the devs saying this feature was in.

Just a random theory.


Sounds good. Did just have a crash where there were only 4 of us on server, never was more than that there, this one was immediately before new map loaded, ie. voting was done and audio/etc. stopped as if map was going to change but never did, when I alt-tabbed found it was crashed.

I will try to be streaming more often and I'll make highlights when I run into a crash, hopefully that will help you all out some.

Could it be an authentication issue of some sort? Does the private testing uses the same way to authenticate its players?

These seems like an excellent observation! This would also very much coincide with how these crashes tend to happen immediately on start or immediately during map change. Mid-match crashes are much more rare for me.

I will try to be more observant on this, but my feeling is I see this happen more often when I've already joined or tried to join another server. Also, I'm pretty sure I never get crashes loading a Skirmish, and in fact with Beta One I was finding that loading a Skirmish first sometimes seemed to help with getting on a server that was crashing immediately before. Maybe that was placebo, but it might be a helpful clue.


Yeah, I'm going to try and start to fraps the last few moments of a match when I can help it.

Could it be an authentication issue of some sort? Does the private testing uses the same way to authenticate its players?

Actually, it's more strict for private testers. All private testers are required to have steam authentication for security reasons. So when the game launched publicly, that requirement was actually lifted.


Could it be related to the leaderboard, then? When are those results sent to the central server?

I haven't had a single crash iwth beta2 though. But more regular "freezes", where the game freezes for 20'ish secs when a vehicle explodes.


I was just on a server for a good while. Played about 5 matches or so and the server was full most of the time. It was a marathon server. I crashed after we played Whiteout.

Of all the times that I crash, it happens after Whiteout like 80% of the time. Unfortunately, it crashed before I had a chance to start recording with fraps.


I have a small list I'd like to contribute. I hope these help!

1.) I freeze and/or crash whenever a player driven vehicle explodes while I'm looking at it. This has only been happening on walls_flying so far.

2.) There's a small chance for me to freeze and/or crash while piloting a Mammoth. This can happen on any map.

3.) There's a small chance for me to crash when a server goes to Island.

4.) Whiteout is the only map where I'll just crash for reasons currently unknown.

I'd also like to point out that whenever I crash, I can't rejoin any server unless I exit and stay away from RX for 30 minutes or so. This never happened on Beta 1 so I have to assume this is new.


I'd also like to point out that whenever I crash, I can't rejoin any server unless I exit and stay away from RX for 30 minutes or so. This never happened on Beta 1 so I have to assume this is new.

When you say "can't rejoin any server" do you mean the joining fails and you get dumped to the main menu, or do you mean it just crashes every time? If it's the latter, yeah I definitely had it before Beta 2, though it's seemed to be more rare now though it's hard to say if that's just because I haven't gotten to play B2 as much. And the fact you have to wait a certain amount of time before it works again could very well suggest something to do with authentication causing a problem.

Something else I just realized that I hadn't even noticed until I installed Beta 2: the loading screens? Like the ones that show Havoc running etc? I have never seen them again since the first time I loaded up Beta 2, and before that, likely the first time I loaded Beta One. I had completely forgotten they even existed!

Are they literally supposed to only show up the first time you ever load a map in the game? If not, could be something else related to these mysterious crashes I suppose.


If your issue with rejoining is along the lines of "I get immediately thrown back to the main menu after trying to connect", then you're most likely trying to join a server that's either full, OR the server you tried to join is still running Beta 1 (you can't join Beta 1 servers when using Beta 2).


Nope. I crash, try to rejoin the same server I played on (which had 30 players on it when I crashed, even after refreshing the list), and then it throws me back to the menu. I'm also only joining servers that have a [b2.0] tag or the like in the server name, so that's not the issue either.

It could be an authentication problem, but I wouldn't know.


Hi folks, great job with Renegade-X!

Driving vehicles is now a pleasure, but I crashed 2 times mid-gameplay on the map CNC-Field with the Beta2, eatch time after 10 to 15 minutes. I didn't crash during gameplay with Beta1, only when the map was changing.

The graphics settings were the default ones, unchanged after the Renegade-X Beta2 installation on Windows 7 64bit.

I don't recall doing anything special, that could possibly cause a crash. The view during the crash jumped to the inside of the player head (some polygons of the head mesh were visible from the inside).

The logfile only threw "=== Critical error: === Fatal error!" warnings, but they were not linked to the previous log entries.

After those crashes, I wanted to start Renegade-X with the remote control window, but the start parameter '-wxwindows' causes Renegade-X to crash at startup.

Address = 0xa67eb6   (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\wxmsw28u_vc_custom.dll]

So I changed the graphics settings (disabled postprocessing, ambient occlusion, motion blur, dynamic shadows) and was able to play 2 maps without crashing, Whiteout and Islands. In exactly one hour, the logfile grew to 1.9GB. It was flooded with following entries:

[3996.22] Warning: Warning, WARNING! Failed to create network channel for actor.  Out of channels!! (2048 max).

Don't know if this helps, I have no other infos.


In exactly one hour, the logfile grew to 1.9GB. It was flooded with following entries:

[3996.22] Warning: Warning, WARNING! Failed to create network channel for actor.  Out of channels!! (2048 max).

This does not happen by default. I caused these errors by entering the command to record a client demo, which did not work.


Hey Vegas, nice to see you here and thx for your input. We collect all the info and try to put the puzzlepieces together.

About clientside demos: Yeah unfortunatly clientside demos give errors and are not supported by UDK anymore since about 2 years. Thats why we are limited to serverside demos.


in addition to at the end of maps, i have noticed that very frequently (but not always) when seeing a vehicle explode (from death) it caused 3 different computers (my own, my gf's, and my friend's) to crash the game.


Endgame crash, never crashed once for me in Beta 1.

The exe's there btw. :P

Fatal error!

Address = 0x2091a7b (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

Address = 0x87cf14 (filename not found)

Address = 0x1579be5 (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

Address = 0x294de05 (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

Address = 0x157af4c (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

Could it be related to the leaderboard, then? When are those results sent to the central server?

I haven't had a single crash iwth beta2 though. But more regular "freezes", where the game freezes for 20'ish secs when a vehicle explodes.

thought i posted a post saying this, but i guess i forgot to submit it, but yes, i have seen this too, except in my case it's usually fatal where in my gf's case it usually goes back after a couple seconds... the only significant difference between the two computers is that mine has fewer rams in the pasture.

this only seems to happen when you SEE a vehicle explode, tested and confirmed with the two of us

also, just a shot in the dark, but since end game reacts the exact same way to end game, maybe a similar string of code, or a similar effect, causing the problem?

Endgame crash, never crashed once for me in Beta 1.

The exe's there btw. :P

Fatal error!

Address = 0x2091a7b (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

Address = 0x87cf14 (filename not found)

Address = 0x1579be5 (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

Address = 0x294de05 (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

Address = 0x157af4c (filename not found) [in G:\Programs\Games\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

and i have the same issue with the crashes only in beta 2

EDIT: i'm tired and stupid, i forgot a thread can have multiple pages, and got all jumbled up with the posts...

also, i only witnissed the vehicle thing on walls as well, now that i think about it thanks to the former post on the topic


Well, I tried using FRAPS to record the crash. The problem is, it just recorded the score board. It wouldn't show the error window that popped up. Taking screen shots did the same thing. So, I'm going to try and record it with my phone next time.

I will say one thing though, I do get the freezes that FakenEh gets. That ONLY happen on Walls Flying (so far.) The freeze lasts anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds.

Well, the crash happened so fast now that I couldn't even get my phone up to record. So, here's the ctrl+c ctrl+v:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: UDK.exe

Application Version: 1.0.10907.0

Application Timestamp: 51d1d22f

Fault Module Name: UDK.exe

Fault Module Version: 1.0.10907.0

Fault Module Timestamp: 51d1d22f

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 00d01a7b

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: ab6c

Additional Information 2: ab6c26e25b9aba60a55761b04ffb61c9

Additional Information 3: de01

Additional Information 4: de016153c25c032c5135483d8b5dc7b7

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: UDK.exe

Application Version: 1.0.10907.0

Application Timestamp: 51d1d22f

Fault Module Name: UDK.exe

Fault Module Version: 1.0.10907.0

Fault Module Timestamp: 51d1d22f

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 00d01a7b

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: ab6c

Additional Information 2: ab6c26e25b9aba60a55761b04ffb61c9

Additional Information 3: de01

Additional Information 4: de016153c25c032c5135483d8b5dc7b7

Here is my system info:

Intel Core i7 2600k @ 3.4ghz

8 gig ram

GeForce GTX 460

W7 64bit (all latest updates)

The game is installed, and running, on an SSD with plenty of extra room on it.

Hi folks, great job with Renegade-X!

Driving vehicles is now a pleasure, but I crashed 2 times mid-gameplay on the map CNC-Field with the Beta2, eatch time after 10 to 15 minutes. I didn't crash during gameplay with Beta1, only when the map was changing.

The graphics settings were the default ones, unchanged after the Renegade-X Beta2 installation on Windows 7 64bit.

I don't recall doing anything special, that could possibly cause a crash. The view during the crash jumped to the inside of the player head (some polygons of the head mesh were visible from the inside).

The logfile only threw "=== Critical error: === Fatal error!" warnings, but they were not linked to the previous log entries.

After those crashes, I wanted to start Renegade-X with the remote control window, but the start parameter '-wxwindows' causes Renegade-X to crash at startup.

Address = 0xa67eb6   (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\wxmsw28u_vc_custom.dll]

So I changed the graphics settings (disabled postprocessing, ambient occlusion, motion blur, dynamic shadows) and was able to play 2 maps without crashing, Whiteout and Islands. In exactly one hour, the logfile grew to 1.9GB. It was flooded with following entries:

[3996.22] Warning: Warning, WARNING! Failed to create network channel for actor.  Out of channels!! (2048 max).

Don't know if this helps, I have no other infos.

Tested today with post processing / ambient occlusion / dynamic shadows disabled (Motion blur is enabled however), and i was able to play 2 maps without crashing (Islands to Walls_Flying), previously was getting crashed on the moment when the game ends (games won by points or bases destroyed) , you wont even get into the end game score sheet and votes for the new map. in Beta 1 i will get crash only during the next map is loading, and its only 1-2 out of 5 games, for Beta 2, the crash is almost certain whenever the game ends.

Will continue to monitor with the above settings disabled for pre-long hours of matches , will post more info in a day or 2.

My computer specs :

i7-4700MQ 2.4Ghz

8 GB DDR 3 Ram


Nvidia Geforce GTX 765M w/2GB VRAM

Windows 7 Pro 64bit with latest SP1 and patches installed

GFX card driver also updated to the latest version.


Still crashes using a 64 bit version of the UDK EXE while CookedPC consists of RenX files.

Doesn't seem to point to a memory error if a x64 client also crashes, but my knowledge of memalloc is very limited.


Crashing more frequently from map roatation than from beta 1. I'd say 30% more. I'll let the devs ineptitude slide due to being a free game, but man..you're not putting your best foot forward...

I'll let the devs ineptitude slide due to being a free game, but man..you're not putting your best foot forward...

Spoken like someone who clearly has no idea what it takes to program a game like this. They're basically dealing with a needle-in-a-haystack situation. This stuff is very difficult to troubleshoot.

Crashing more frequently from map roatation than from beta 1. I'd say 30% more. I'll let the devs ineptitude slide due to being a free game, but man..you're not putting your best foot forward...
And I'm crashing 80% less. Not everyone is in your situation, and like player999 said, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

Hey I was having terrible crash issues, running on ultra high. game would crash even before a map change after about 20-30 minutes of play. I changed the settings to the default medium and made sure all the extra lighting and shadows were off. I played 2 hours straight without a single crash.

I'm runnning win 7

amd phenom quad core 3.7

xfx radeon 7850

8 gigs of something something ram.

Posted (edited)
Hey I was having terrible crash issues, running on ultra high. game would crash even before a map change after about 20-30 minutes of play. I changed the settings to the default medium and made sure all the extra lighting and shadows were off. I played 2 hours straight without a single crash.

I'm runnning win 7

amd phenom quad core 3.7

xfx radeon 7850

8 gigs of something something ram.

As mentioned in a previous post, I was also crashing a lot but after a reinstall, it hasn't happened again, not even once.

Edit: Looks like I spoke too soon, crashes are very frequent again.

Edited by Guest

Hi guys,

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has given up some of their free time to contribute to the development of this great free game.

I played my first online Renegade X game today on the "Gold Rush" map and after 21 mins my game crashed on this map. After the crash I didn't write down any info about the state of the server and my game when this crash occurred.

My PC:

* OS: Windows 8.1

* Processor: 2.6 Ghz Dual Core Intel Celeron G1610

* RAM: 8 GB DDR3 with dual channel bandwidth enabled

* Graphics Card: HD 7750 with 1GB GDDR5

* Hard drive: SATA 3, 7200 RPM, 930GB with 64 MB of cache

I was playing as Nod and my team was winning, I don't know if my team had won just before the crash occurred because I was in my base defending it while my team mates were attacking the enemy base with flame tanks. I was at a terminal inside a building which I think I recall was the Obelisk of light.

Because they don't have error call stack traces to work with, I personally think this game's programmers should consider releasing a beta version which can print debug statements to the log at the different stages of the map change process. Some of these statements will be printed before this process fails showing the programmers which statements in this process have been successfully executed before the crash.



Besides the common scoreboard and map-change crashing, which for me did not improve at all from beta 1, I also get crashing when attempting to join a server for the first time after booting the game. It only crashes on highly populated servers, and only the first join. What I figured out to do to avoid it was to load an empty server first, exit it, then join the more populated one. Perhaps this is something to do with too many things to load at once and joining an empty server lessens some of the load, not sure just taking a guess at it.


I only crash on map end (and it seems to be only when I'm moving/shooting right when it ends). Map change crashes stopped completely for me. If I make it to a map change I'm good. I haven't experienced any other crashes.


Because they don't have error call stack traces to work with, I personally think this game's programmers should consider releasing a beta version which can print debug statements to the log at the different stages of the map change process. Some of these statements will be printed before this process fails showing the programmers which statements in this process have been successfully executed before the crash.

I'm now embarrassed that I suggested this bad idea: when the next beta version is released this game's server owners and players/beta testers will want it to fix this map change crash bug not to instead add debug statements to the log to make the cause of this crash bug easier to find.


[3004.03] Log: === Critical error: ===

Fatal error!

Address = 0xd81a7b (filename not found) [in C:\Games\Renegade X Beta 2\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

Address = 0x351ca3c (filename not found)

Address = 0xd8319a (filename not found) [in C:\Games\Renegade X Beta 2\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

Address = 0x269b93 (filename not found) [in C:\Games\Renegade X Beta 2\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe]

Cant upload the .dmp file nor the "Launch" file located in the "/EDKGame/Logs" folder

The above was copied from the "Launch" file opened with notepad.

The crash happened after a vote for a mapchange after an hour of stalemate on the map "Walls: flying"

Prior to that, Nod team was heavily abusing nukes to force a crash, failed but vote passed during those nukes.

Total amount of player: roughly 25-30

Hope thats enough information.

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