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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by voltex

  1. I like the idea of using frag grenades again and taking c4 away from some free inf might be good but having large amounts of smoke grenades and AT mines available at the start for free would just make things worse imo. It would be nice to not have to desperately run away or try and kill every free inf that gets close to you while in a vehicle like an elephant running from a mouse, for fear that you will either be destroyed or loose a massive chunk of health in the next 60sec. Yes they can be disarmed (most of the time) but there's not always an engineer nearby and while its being disarmed you're not being repaired which can still get your vehicle killed. Basically every free inf can potentially do a lot of damage and its just weird how even a mammoth tank desperately tries to run away from a soldier next to it for fear of c4. And no lazor wallz pls...
  2. How about integrating Ren X with team speak/Overwolf, making it compatible with Overwolf which would be nice. At one point whenever someone joined the team speak Renx chat room an in game message on the CT servers would display the name of the player, encouraging other players to join TS.
  3. I need an Aspirin.
  4. I don't think they should be nerfed just yet, the thing about them is that they are highly maneuverable which in the case of lakeside, the map I'm pretty sure everyone is thinking about, all of them can be in the enemy base is a matter of seconds. While on maps like eyes or whiteout I don't see them used as much as they are more open and usually spotted and can be dealt with sooner. Yes they are great at dealing with infantry but most adv infantry can deal with them fairly easily especially since most of them can out range them, another reason why they aren't used as much on open maps. Yes a large group of them can quickly take down a building but so can a group of mrls/ artys from a greater distance, the orcas have to be inside the base. I would like to see the SAM sites get a buff, currently they don't really make a noticeable difference and aren't worth defending, most players reaction to one being destroyed is "we lost a SAM site, oh well, one less thing to repair", a buff to their damage, range, rate of fire, or splash damage as orca's/ apache's tend to clump together would be nice. They wouldn't necessarily keep air units out but they would be better at helping to clear them out. Just watch any game with SAM sites, 9 times out of 10 all the SAM sites are still intact at the end because they are completely ignored, if they are destroyed its usually by some random infantry or mrls/arty trying to get extra VP.
  5. Not enough salt on that list for me.
  6. The scary spooks just want to dance.
  7. voltex

    Active hours?

    There are or have been NA bases servers but the EU servers tend to be populated first because of the time difference and players tend to join the server with the most people or just not play. Also MPF Forums did host an NA server only but from what I heard the EU players kept crying about their ping so they caved and made an EU server which doesn't surprise me as every time I've seen EU players on NA servers most of them tend to complain about ping yet NA players have always put up with it and rarely complain. Meanwhile Yosh plays with a 300+ ping and does just fine except with having some difficulty driving vehicles, I wouldn't mind having to play on an Asian server to give Yosh a break as I've played games with worse pings before so I would be used to it but I'm sure most of the Europeans would whine about it and refuse to play.
  8. I love the scary things, they keep the hotties away.
  9. I don't think there is going to be an easy fix for this, there will be pros and cons for any system that's implemented that probably will still have to be re-balanced multiple times. For now how about we make a hybrid system of the current mining and Agent's idea. When an infantry building is destroyed the team unlocks the ability to buy a set of mines limited to 3 or so per player similar to the Anti Tank minse or be on a 1min cool down so they can't instantly re-mine.
  10. Ya that's what I meant, forgot it was fixed as I rarely have a chance to play that map.
  11. That's complete bs, just because you're able to take advantage of something that wasn't intended doesn't mean you should, you knew you shouldn't have done it and you did it anyways therefore the blame is all on you. Also, going off that same logic I guess it would be just fine for me to grab a Nod spy on Under and Ion the top of the PP because as you said its not my fault its the glitch's. As for bringing this to the attention of the Dev's I'm sure they already knew about it as its been a known problem for a while and there are other far better ways of letting these things be known such as simply making a post about it with a screenshot or two and they will fix it when they have the time. And for those saying that this could of been avoided by simply mining differently, the person that mined the ramp didn't know about this bug, therefore they mined the ramp to the best of their ability, it's not their fault they didn't know about something you shouldn't be able to do in the first place. As for other bugs/exploits whatever I know plenty of them I think most of which Quinc3y just stated in a different topic which I rarely use and especially don't use in a PUG but I guess I now have free reign to use (not any game breaking ones obviously).
  12. Most of you know this already but still funny.
  13. I'm pretty sure the LCG would listen to this. Also Flame Trooper. Why stop at infantry when we can have vehicle themes too? Harvesters Poor harvy Flame Tank Alternative Stealth Tank Artillery Med Tank Classic. Mammoth Tank Titan Couldn't help it.
  14. lol, funny bit a bit inappropriate I think.
  15. Base to Base is against the rules, which includes airstrikes, kick them or ask for a mod.
  16. The giant icicle thing has no collision. And yes I doubt anyone would waste no more than 1 or 2 mines on the bridge but if they did get a kill with them it would be pretty cheap as the mines can't be seen or disarmed.
  17. Seems fine to me, both sides can do it and it helps players to be more aware of their base.
  18. Hopefully this is the last time we have to break your map First a missing texture. This poor light has been separated from its pole All of these things are missing collision. You can get stuck in this spot behind the Airstrip. The walls of these corridors have no collision. Out of place blocking volume. Mines placed on this bridge disappear into it and cannot be disarmed but can still be set off. Floating blocking volume. https://youtu.be/n_5SQgL6k7A Hollow rocks near the bridge with an added laser show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhZXV39ey0U These rocks are missing collision, if a nuke is placed inside it cannot be disarmed.
  19. I would like to see Nod get its bike back, but I don't really see a purpose for the other vehicles, the SSM launcher is basically artillery with longer range so its pretty useless as they have artillery which is my opinion is superior. Maybe if they were added in some special game mode latter on it could be entertaining.
  20. ?
  21. I could use some help updating this with the newer maps, since the update I have not played them much (played crash site once I think) and I also don't stay in base much anymore, so I don't know the best ways to mine the maps, I've tried to hop on and see how its done but I can never get the maps I want. Any help is appreciated, Thanks.
  22. Maybe try to link this video in the Menu or loading screen, it could use an update but its still relevant and a lot better than people trying to read something before the game loads.
  23. "Gliven let me love you, come into my beam of love!" - Norc
  24. Would it be possible to repair your own mines, maybe make right click a repair only beam so if they are emp'd you can stop it instead of watching helplessly, because as it is now if their damaged you have to get someone else to repair them but if someone else's mines are emp'd an engineer can easily keep 5 or 6 mines alive.
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