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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by voltex

  1. I don't really know how to explain this other than sometimes during/after a battle my vehicle will continue taking damage by unknown means, It will drop off in chunks of around 100hp I think and I can't determine the cause of it, the only thing I can think of is I'm still being hit but for some reason just cant see the projectiles but it even happens if I'm behind cover. There have even been times when I've gone from full to less than half health with no idea of what is hitting me. This has been happening to me for a while but seems to be happening more often recently and the only vehicles I've had this problem with are the med, mammoth and flame tanks, I'll try to record a demo to review the next time it starts to happen if I can remember.
  2. Well I have to say I agree with pretty much everything you've said but I would like to add that map design and also the lack of teamwork contributes heavily to stalemates. It can sometimes take 10+min to get people to actually commit to a plan and when it fails once they all give up and go back to doing their own thing which isn't the games fault its the players, I even see this in PUG's alot and I just cannot understand why people play a team based game and don't listen to anybody or contribute to the team. Yes I'm looking at you solo sbh nukers. p.s. I love the Tiberian Sun ost, even still have the CD that came with the game
  3. This is what PUG's used to be like, or at least how they were when I started playing, doing things like mass engi rushes and in general just trying to have fun not complaining about team balance and who is in charge, of course a lot more people listened then. I just wish we could go back to that
  4. Average start to a PUG nowadays
  5. Was just wondering if instead of a boink when vehicles run over an infantry unit they could make a squish like they did in the RTS's, also Mammoth tanks should be able to squish recon bikes, that was always hilarious even though its very unlikely to ever happen.
  6. We should hold a contest for a new non dev bot name as well. I vote for Max's Lineage.
  7. I don't know if anyone has tried to fix this yet but its still around, just stole a TS buggy from a GDI player while Nod and couldn't bind it, they could still lock it but if I exited and re-entered I could drive it again.
  8. I couldn't find this topic any were even though it could be very useful for new players (and maybe some veteran players) so I thought I would make one, I'm not good at explaining things but I'll try. The Basics Currently the preferred method of mining is 3 per door, not next to it but a little ways back so vehicles cant hit them and infantry cant take them 1 at a time. Never place mines outside of the base and only rarely place them outside of buildings. If there is ramps then 1-2 on it is enough. The exceptions If the Barracks sandbags cant be jumped over (if it doesn't have any raised terrain/rocks or ramps to bypass them) then mining the sandbags is enough. If the Airstrip has ramps then placing the mines inside closer to the MCT so they can't be bypassed is preferred and possible 1-2 at the top of the ramp as an early warning/deterrent. Otherwise the usual 3 per door. Now to the Hand of Nod which is the hardest building to mine. Always 3 per door, If there is ramps then never mine them as they can be bypassed by parachuting in or jumping from above instead mine inside next to the side windows or the ramp leading down to MCT usually 2-3 per side depending of the amount of mines left. The best thing to do is mine the whole base first and place the remaining mines in Hon. Mining outside of the buildings This depends on the map, its good on some bad on others and has lead to many mine bans. The maps its accepted on is Field, Mesa, Goldrush, Canyon and Under. Field - This one can be difficult but usually for Nod place excess mines by the rocks behind strip or the rock by Ref entrance. GDI place the mines by the rocks behind barracks and refinery, maybe a few on the side of barracks, it really just depends on the situation. Never place mines inside of the tunnels. Mesa - Pretty easy just place excess mines behind the PP near the rocks, works for both sides. Goldrush - Also easy, place excess mines at the bridge. Canyon - Place excess mines at the tunnel entrance. Under - Place excess mines next to PP but not close enough were a single emp can disarm them and pp mines, or near the pp tunnel entrance. All the other maps are situational and can depend on how many buildings are lost but you usually just want to place all excess mines in the remaining buildings. Now for some general tips As always keep an eye on the mine count even if your not defending if you see mines dropping just start spamming MINES in TEAM chat, if your the one checking mines don't always assume the most likely buildings check them all. If you spot an engineer trying to get inside a building or c4 on the MCT don't waste time typing it in chat just QQ spam the building or c4 in chat. When leaving a building especially one towards the back of base take a few seconds to run around it or any place someone can hide, who knows you might be one of the lucky few to spot a Quinc3y in its natural habitat. Always pay attention to your surroundings, if you spawn inside or run past a building and you hear beeping there's a good chance its coming from the c4 covering the MCT, I myself have saved a few buildings this way and also could of easily been caught if other players were more observant. I think that's all I can think of for now, if you can think of any ways to improve this or anything I've left out please say so.
  9. This Isn't about bad communication between players or the class they choose to be, we have these same problems during PUG's also. GDI will target vehicles as soon as there dropped off giving Nod no chance to fight back and rush the Hon with a chinook because they know they can easily infiltrate it while Nod has no such option. The only thing Nod can do is sneak with sbh which is useless if GDI has campers so its not dependable while GDI can always depend on the Hon and strip being vulnerable. Like I said some of this is because of poor building placement and could fix many problems but because of how the buildings are designed most will be consistent. Example on Islands GDI is free to camp and assault the base and kill any vehicles as soon as there dropped off while GDI can push out vehicles unhindered, if the WF was rotated 180 it would be much more difficult for GDI to defend.
  10. I don't want the two factions to be similar, I just feel that Nod is always too open and exposed. With the WF sure it can get hit from far away but so can hon and both ref's and even with the WF under siege unless Nod is inside the base GDI can still push out vehicles without fear of them being instantly targeted and destroyed, even if there under sniper fire the WF shields them from harm. I understand some of it is because of building placement but even if it where rotated it would still provide better cover. Also what if GDI was screwing around in tunnels, lost all there vehicles and Nod actually maxed out theirs and rushed GDI, GDI can still safely push out vehicles and push them back, therefore punished Nod for working together I have seen this happen many times. Also coordinated beacons is entirely different and is effective for both sides. Sneaking from my experience is much easier for GDI mostly because GDI expects sbh while Nod tends to neglect their own base. Also the strip tower beacon can be hard to get to if your under fire, and end of strip ions are much too easy to cover considering you can see the engi's and techs coming from a mile away.
  11. Now I know people have always complained about the strip but recently the complaints have seemed to increase and for good reason because I believe there's many things wrong with it and its not balanced. 1. Its easy to kill, from the large easy target it presents to how easy it is to ion its really hard to defend especially on maps like island or canyon where an ion at the end is almost guaranteed to work with support, even an ion inside the tower can be very effective. 2. Because of its size it usually makes Nod's base bigger and more spread out than GDI's which can make defending other buildings more of a challenge as the attackers can switch to a building on the opposite side in an instant while the defenders have to run across it which brings me to my next point. 3. It's far to open, not counting that the plane tells the entire map that Nod has bought a vehicle when said vehicle is dropped off its easy for anyone to tell what it is which makes planning a stank rush more difficult than it already is, also GDI can simply target the defenseless vehicles and even snipe the players running to them as they watch in horror as its bombarded or even stolen without ever experiencing that new vehicle smell. Now I know others can think of other examples but I find these are the main reasons and I have a few suggestions if you would hear me out. A few ways to cut down on the size would be to cut off 1/2 or 3/4 of it as there is no reason for it to be that long or even make the strip take no damage only the tower as the strip is only a slab of concrete and merely serves as a drop off point. I realize that makes a small and possible hard to kill target but comparing the advantages the WF has over strip, and how easy hon is to kill compared to the barr (especially on some maps, the barr is like a freaking fortress) I think this would be a nice trade off. As for the tower beacons the map Reservoir has a small elevator inside the tower which if implemented on other maps can easily solve that problem and even provide a nice little perch for snipers and other defenders. I know not every problem can be solved but I think this can give an idea of what can be done, some of these are consistent while others can be less of a problem or worse depending on the map but I think this would be a step in the right direction. I've had other suggestions for this but I seem to have forgotten them in the process of making this but all the positive and negative feedback is appreciated, hopefully we can make a decision to change or stay as is I'll accept either one.
  12. Kenz's Beachhead has a helipad which is enabled with the capture of the silo which I think is a good idea, makes the silo more useful again.
  13. I agree that orcas/apache's are pretty op on lakeside, not so much on the other maps but instead of removing them completely why not limit the amount a team can have like Kenz did on beachhead, each team can only have 3 orcas/apache's, you still have your flying units just not enough to do a rush and they will have to be used more strategically.
  14. I have too much spare time..
  15. Just doing some vehicle stacking in my spare time.
  16. Having the same problem Henk had, after downloading the maps got a message saying not all maps where downloaded and after trying to join the server with cliffside was kicked out and got the slow in game down loader, even after the launcher supposedly downloaded it. On a side note when the launcher is downloading maps the progress bar stays at 0% so wasn't sure if it was working at first but it seems the progress bar is just not working.
  17. Barr can be killed with a beacon on the rocks above it but requires an air veh to get there, same with Nod ref which can easily be reached by a patch (possibly hon too) which can be impossible to disarm in time without air veh. Also there are many small rocks around the buildings that can hide a beacon.
  18. I don't think that's a good idea, watching mines is the players/teams job, if a building dies because players neglected the mines that's their fault for not being more attentive which is already a big problem and if there is a message that warns everyone if a mine goes down it will only make that problem worse. Also if will make sneaking in pretty much useless or at least much harder which is something that can make or break a game. Also there are some games where mines are constantly being lost and the constant announcements would get real annoying fast.
  19. Have know idea how this happens, has only happened twice i think, last time was earlier today while i was an lcg was just running around on walls when i heard a boink and saw that i killed a teammate, wasn't even shooting anything and i had been an lcg for the past 5min atleast.
  20. Lol sorry Quinc3y but it has to be done.
  21. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
  22. I don't think we should be trying to balance the game before it even starts, just stick with whatever team you join as, no switching, if after the first or second map some people need to be switched then fine.
  23. you can go completely unnoticed when inside, bullets will hit the outside and you can take damage but there's no damage indicator when hitting someone inside. One other larger rock behind the one in second pick, further up the slope behind fence.
  24. Can just drive a med inside the sandbags, no special tricks required.
  25. Deleted all the UDK files and replaced the Default file i previously deleted and i'm back in business! Thanks! Now to get all my settings back to where they where . If changing that one option crashes the game maybe have it removed, or am i just special?
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