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Everything posted by Schmitzenbergh

  1. It does ditch, but this is a very stupid situation. Apparently Atlanta has been reverted or hasn't been updated to reflect the latest RenX game update. Atlanta has the previous update, but Launcher wants to download the current update which it doesn't have. New beta incoming that checks if the server really contains the current update. (Atlanta is a very capable server apparently, even my ping to Atlanta is better than Amsterdam (6ms vs 7ms)
  2. Meh... I'll check it out. I really thought I had it... Isn't it giving you the "to many retries" error? EDIT: Atlanta is again the culprit.
  3. Not even 24 hours in the last Launcher beta and @yosh56already found another 'pending' error. New beta up, please re-download if you have launcher version 0.66 If you get virus warning, it's a false positive again. Here's the virusTotal scan report. >>Report<< Hi all, Schmitz here with another iteration of "Buggy beta Launcher builds!™" There are 2 major new things in this Launcher: First iteration of the IRC client Improved server selection algorithm (No more 'pending' on downloading updates! Really this time ) IRC client The Irc client will connect you to the RenX irc channel so you can chat with other peeps that are also logged in. Perhaps filling a server will be a little bit easier now. Improved server selection algorithm As you all might have noticed, the download of updates and full game releases wasnt very reliable. Without going in to much details: I noticed that our Atlanta servers were down, but the Launcher wanted to download from it. So what was the problem? Cloudflare... Anyway on with the install stuff. I am in no way responsible for creepy clowns crawling out your pc or you pc giving you the middel finger while running this So what do you need to do to run this? A friendly warning: Don't overwrite your current Launcher with this one! First you'll need the Launcher files >>here<< Then you need to extract the "LauncherBeta" folder into your Renegade X folder (Don't look at the dates, old screenshot) Start the Launcher by double clicking "Renegede X Launcher.exe".(Again, don't look at the dates, old screenshot) If all went well it should say in the top "V0.67" (Don't mind the screenshot, it's an older one I re-use just to show where the number is.) Check all the settings 'n stuff and try to run the game and report any errors here. -Schmitz out Current Bugs: -Intromovies not checking/unchecking correctly -Cancellation of downloads not working directly, but after the single download finished -The initial time to start a update/download can take a bit longer then normal (But should in no way take ages)
  4. The bat is not for updating the Launcher, but for updating the game.The text "Is your Launcher not updating properly?" should be "Is your game not updating properly via the Launcher?". The bat just forces the Launcher to download the game via a provided official RenX server. So this is always the most recent version. (In contrary to @iTweek's unofficial ,but very helpful, mirrors) The bat is in no way responsible for the updates of the Launcher itself. Plz change that to prevent mistakes.
  5. Even though it looks nice and it's a great thing you made it. I still think it's a copy-paste-plant. I can't do a better job, but I hope you are going to make it a bit different than it is now (I'm aware its a WIP). You are not bound by the old Renegade in terms of design. As for it's purpose, maybe one of these (A single one, not all): More credits per tiberium dump due to more power to process it; Discount on all units; Faster tank production; More damage from base defences/faster reload of main obbi/agt weapon; Everybody get's a personal powershield I hope you are going to make the model a bit more interesting. As for now, keep up the good work.
  6. We are hiring Garden Keepers at this moment We are aware of this, the material of the rocks needs some polish. (The rocks in front of Ref @ nod base is complete moss xD)
  7. If I had to choose not incorporating gameplay, I'd say the Tib dawn one, for now. But to be completely fair, I think they lack both. Im not judging your modeling skills, I encourage you to make something of it! But both these models are basically a CTRL+C of the current cooling/exhaust tower and pasting it on a side (Tib dawn and Ren). I know the original Tib Dawn Advanced pp is a bit lackluster, but I think it is also due to the low-res nature of the game. More detail would kill the "model". You have a bigger canvas to do stuff now and assuming this is for your portfolio, creating something of your own would be better than just re-using Ren-x models.(Or expanding the original Ren-X model, that's cool too!) But let's take a look at some original manual renders shall we Might make it a bit more interesting! This is the model in the original manual of Tib dawn. Yes, rather lackluster. But the shape of the PP is rather interesting. I always liked it for some reason, looks very high-tech. Lets focus on the second tower in this image. According to the cnc wiki, this is the Advanced power plant: So the second tower is a generator and for cooling! Interesting. Lets take that in account when we want to improve your model. We can only see one side, but it suggests there is some sort of piping/generator/pumping mechanism next to the tower. I'm not seeing that in your model for now. Other than that, the original powerplant of Ren-X has the other features already, but you may add some stuff to your model to make it more integrated with the main structure. Keep in mind, you have more then 32x32 pixels to work with So perhaps make a pumping mechanism next to it, or something else to emphasise that it is a important part of the whole structure, not some slabbed on tower. Continuing with some other render i found on the cnc wiki, as we are seriously lacking better images of the darn thing: Here we have a bit more views of the Advanced pp event though it's a different version of the render. The second tower resides on a concrete structure, other then that we see that the tower is 'slighty' off center. That piping/generator/pumping mechanism is still prominently there making it look like it belongs there. Keep in mind, if you want something like this in-game, you may make some change and make it truly different from the current pp. I know the big concrete slab isn't in the game, but as this is a bigger building, why not use it to make the building more interesting! On a fun side note: Look at the enormous size of the tower compared to a human being! (Top left image, right side) But why stop there? We are not bound by the laws of Westwood and their silly design! Let's fire up the good 'ol search engine and search for some inspiration there! I found the following model that kinda looks like the current pp in Ren-x, but you can work around the differences: So straight of the bat, lets look at what the current pp has and what it shares with this concept(Top left). For starters, the back of this concept has way more piping and generators(or whatever they are). The 'struts' at the main cooling tower are added and the base is a bit more blocky then the one in Ren-X. Also, the roof isn't walkable. But other then that, It has a lot of similarities with the Ren-X powerplant we all love (Duh Schmitz, it's based on the same building) So let's look to the advanced PP in this concept and check what we can do to make your model a bit more interesting. Clearly, the second tower is way more integrated in this concept. It's part of the main building on all the 3 other concepts. On the top right model we, again, see some pipes coming out of the tower. On the bottom left however I see a different approach. I prefer the top right one, but just take inspiration from it. I also see another turbine in the top of the second tower of the bottom two concepts. Concluding So after looking at these images and typing way longer then planned. If I could model or even had a slight artistic brain (which I have not :p ), I would do the following to make your model a bit more interesting. Add to the back of the advanced powerplant what you see in the last concept, or something similar. Perhaps extend the building in the back and let those big pipes come out of it. It needs to generate enormous amounts of power, right?! This way you will keep the original design, but also make the building really different. And the new space can be used for adding doors, ramps or making it more vulnerable to attackers. It is the ADVANCED PP after all, more benefits for the team! (What those benefits are is a different discussion) I would integrate the tower a bit more with the main hull. Maybe not a drastic as the last concept, but slightly overlapping. This way the tower is more part of the building on a whole and the interior will be a bit different as well (but that's another story). I wish you the best of luck with your modeling adventures, I couldn't do it myself! Keep up the good work and I'm curious to see the final result. This whole post is to, perhaps, inspire you to create your own style of building with a Ren-X base I don't want to bash your current work, I want to encourage you to make the most out of it. -Schmitz out PS: Don't mind grammar and typos plz... TL:DR Both models are more of a copy-paste of the original Ren-X model. Integrate the tower a bit more in the main building and perhaps extend the building on the back to make it a truly different building. Don't fear to change the original Westwood idea a bit.
  8. More screens, but now with production lighting (Took a whopping 4,5 hours on an I7 laptop, I need to get my Xeon workstation back...):
  9. yay, more internet Edit: Going to post some production lighting screens in few minutes.
  10. Note: You must change the BAT file to one of the URL's provided below. This due to an update to the game. Download the attached file -> ForceDownloadViaServer.bat Place in your Renegade X\Launcher folder Run the file ??? Profit This should make you download via the Amsterdam server which should be fine (Tested) On a side note, you can change the server you wish to download via by opening the bat file in your favourite text editor (NOT MS WORD) and replaceing the url after the = sing in this line: "--UpdateGame=http://amsterdam1.tyrant.gg/Patch5290" By any of the following: http://denver1.renegade-x.com/Patch5290 http://denver2.renegade-x.com/Patch5290 http://seattle1.renegade-x.com/Patch5290 http://czech1.renegade-x.com/Patch5290 http://czech2.renegade-x.com/Patch5290 http://renxcdn.finezt.com/Patch5290 http://rxp-nyc.cncirc.net/Patch5290 http://rxp-atl.cncirc.net/Patch5290 http://rxp-chi.cncirc.net/Patch5290 http://rxp-de.cncirc.net/Patch5290 http://amsterdam1.tyrant.gg/Patch5290 PS: my speed from the Amsterdam server:
  11. Ok, you can try this. Create a bat file (Or download the one attached) and put this in it: start "" "Renegade X Launcher.exe" "--UpdateGame=http://amsterdam1.tyrant.gg/Patch5281" Then place the bat file in your Renegade x launcher folder and launch the bat file. This should start the download process. If this also crashes the Launcher, you are missing some dependencies to run a basic C# application or you have demons in your pc (DEMONS BE GONE) This isn't a real fix, more of an indication for me where the problem lies. @[AoG]iTweek The problem isn't that the game isn't wont download from a server. The problem is that the Launcher wont start at all. This indicates that @bravolimakilo is missing important parts of the .net framework or has something blocking the Launcher. But thx for thinking with me to solve the problem @bravolimakilo If you still have issues with the laucher I would like you to pm me to get some more detail or get a teamviewer session running to fix this problem (As this is valuable information for future users). Launcherfix.bat
  12. Thank you for the feedback @Sire! I am aware of the chinook being controllable, the a-left click move not, that's a bummer I need to figure out how to make the chinook return off screen when you are on the other side of the water. (This is mainly a problem due to OpenRa letting air units go into the shrouded areas) Maybe I could incorporate your idea with the obelisk, it would make using the chinook to enter the base quite fun I had plans with the village, but eventually scrapped them. Couldn't make good use of the space so i just left it there as decoration. And for mission 3: are you a mind reader or something? That was kinda the idea I was going for in the last mission Chem-tanks with lots of chem-troopers herassing you. I was planning to use a bigger version of the map in the first mission. Starting with the commando to take out an existing nod base so you can build yours there. Other than that it will be a "destroy the enemy base" mission. I greatly thank you for your input! Alas, my vacation is over and my studies are starting again in the end of Januari so time will be limited again On the plus side: these missions don't take that much time to make! (At least 100x quicker then a RenX map!)
  13. That wont fix the problem of not having a working Launcher, but you'll have the game atleast. Back to the question at hand: To what folder are you installing? Perhaps try a different folder other than program files. An you always have the windows defender anti-virus. Try turning that off in your control panel. Other thing to try is the C++ redist -> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555 (Even thought it should'nt make any sense)
  14. Try installing/repairing the .net redistributable. Search for it on your favourite searchengine.
  15. https://youtu.be/ZeTUu1Lhp-c?t=36m50s Dat death 0_0, poor Syd...
  16. Hey all, I was poking around in the OpenRa editor and thought, how hard could it be to make a mission in this. Well after some reading through the current created missions and scripts, I made 2 missions and a third one will come later. Thought I might post it here as we all love CnC right (even though im not all that happy with some implementations in OpenRa, the arty and mlrs are brütal in range) Anyway, place the 2 folders in the zip into <your driveletter>:\Users\<your username>\Documents\OpenRA\maps\cnc\release-<whatever stands here> You can find the maps in the mission selector. The 2 missions are called: Running from evil; Gathering the truth. If you peeps have any ideas for the third and last map of this "mini campaign", let me know! You can download the missions here: OpenRaMissions-Schmitzenbergh.zip Glhf (and dont be surprised if it contains some minor bugs) -Schmitz out
  17. Yeah! My team won! (Mostly thanks to @Boomer for keeping the defence and @CampinJeff for giving me tactics) This is for my team Now I can go back to devnuke @ukilleddanny some more
  18. Ah so it was the "Optimus" thingy of the GeForce card. Would have helped if you mentioned that you had a hybrid gpu. Anyway enjoy yer Kane's wrath.
  19. Oh wow, you almost have my old pc. The Q6600 is still a capable cpu (Althoug its kinda old). That GPU is quite low end though. I had a HD5570 and it could barely run the game. It could run but everything had to be ultra low so Havoc's face looks more like a triangle with eyes . But onwards to the problem at hand, you wanna play, I'm gonna help! I see this in your log file: Address = 0x7582845d (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll] Address = 0x7e36e442 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorwks.dll] Address = 0x6a23e312 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscoreei.dll] Address = 0x6a266e2a (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscoreei.dll] Address = 0x6a242c2c (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscoreei.dll] Address = 0x2d1054a (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x2d1036f (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x1585693 (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x158a191 (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x15e3219 (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x15e439a (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x15d937e (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x15e43b9 (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x15e444b (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] I'm not 100% sure but it looks like you have an incomplete or corrupted .Net framework. Try to install (or repair) it again. The weird part is that it is also indicating it can not find KERNELBASE.dll. I did a quick search and found this: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-performance/programs-crash-error-fault-module-kernelbasedll/9fe5d2e7-79d0-42c1-b8dc-51ed8d70f749 Did anything ever happen to your userprofile? Good luck with the fixing and report if you have further questions...
  20. Is it a launcher update or a game update? Does it tell you to update to a new version? If so, which version does it say you have and to which one does it want to update?
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