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Everything posted by Schmitzenbergh

  1. Ill up the hard limit on the retries. Its a server protection. For now, remove your launcher, reinstall with the new installer and try again. Somehow you guys/gals can't get a proper connection to the install servers. If that fails, please post again. Short side question for the people with the retries error, are you playing from Europe? Scrap that! The server with the files was out of bandwith... Fixed now!
  2. Please provide more information. I can't do anything with this. Yes, occasionally software crashes.
  3. The icon could be a bit hard as this is a 100% custom tech building (It's not in the base game). Perhaps some textual feedback or something could do (or maybe some yellow/red beacons near the EMP). Countdown was discussed, but it could give the opposing team a big benefit as you'll know when to camp in base. If we can create it for the team that owns the building, we might implement it. First on the schedule is the long range bombardment on the AGT, fog and general EMP cannon issues like the cabal/eva messages not playing correctly. But I'm glad you like the map! We'll look into your feedback.
  4. Its not a system drive i assume. (As you are using E. Not C.) then i have no clue. Remove the game and do a fresh install with the new setup.
  5. Quick question: Do/Did you run the launcher from within Program files? (As I might now the problem)
  6. This is due to you having selected a server with custom maps that are not available on the repository. The seeker works like this: It retrieves all the GUIDs of the maps that are currently in the servermaprotation. Then it checks if you have those maps on your system. It does this by checking GUIDs of the server map against the System map. If they are equal, no problem and continue on. If they are different, check the repository if the server map is available (With that specific GUID). If it is available, it will download and install the map. If it is not available, you will get the message at the end that not all the maps have been downloaded(As it is not available) thus if you click continue you will be sent to the game. If the current map on the server happens to be THAT map you couldn't download, the game will download it internally. If you have a previous version on your system, but the server has a newer one, it will try to download it aswell (As there is a GUID mismatch) So it works well, as the map wasn't available on the repository. (Just as Agent said) Are you 100% sure there are no modifications on your stock maps? The seeker can't download stock maps because they are not available on the repository.
  7. Ill try to be there, depends on some stuff. Maybe Ill join a bit later.
  8. Will be done. I thank you, here have this creepy cow
  9. I opted Grassyknoll's removal some time ago, surprised it's still in. I will do it again: Please exclude Grassy from future releases, I don't have the time to get it on par with other maps gameplay wise. If someone is feeling adventurous, be my guest. I got my hands full with the Launcher and my studies atm. If the map gets an update, the custom map seeker can pick it up.
  10. Do you need the original mesh of the RenX map? Could be handy to base the map upon. Keep up the good work! Scripting for singleplayer looks like hell though. I wish I had more time...
  11. You can always post feedback/ideas in the forums. Most of the time you will get an answer. But yeah, development is slow at the moment. I'm just a simple launcher dev (Not the core game mechanics), so anything related to the launcher is my part of the cake ;p Anyways, welcome to the forums. Enjoy! (Feedback on custom maps is something that is always appreciated!)
  12. Your's didn't quite follow the original Renegade map model. This was more of an experiment for me then something else. I saw the topic, I post map
  13. Might aswell post this. I've been busy with 'The Scorpion Hunters' some time ago, but I don't have the time to work on it at the moment. Rough map is almost done, but the scripting will be the challenge. If anyone is interested, I can provide a link to the map.
  14. So everyone is playing UT2004 with waifus? meh -.- I must say the game looks interesting, but not for that price... EDIT: Ah, DDos again... That's sad
  15. This is a problem for the playing Nod team. Not the game mechanics. Nod should always patrol their base. It's easier to do because Hotties can bee seen in a normal state. GDI has the lesser part of the deal due to SBH's being invisible. But GDI has adapted to this. Why can't Nod do it? Purely a team problem in my opinion. I mean, take walls or Complex. GDI can sneak great in this map if Nod is not defending. Yes, SBH's are better, but GDI patrols for them thus making it harder. Nod can do exactly the same by scouting for hotties, thus making sneaking nearly impossible. (Nearly)
  16. I like the enthousiasm. Only one problem exists and that is you need to get out of the base. As GDI can pound the entrance of the Nod base quite hard in the current version, its hard to get out. The new version has some better defence mechanisms so you can keep them GDI bastards away while also having some cover. But yes, teamwork is key on this map. More for Nod then for GDI.
  17. Slight off-topic rambling here: Grassy is a map that was never intended to be a full scale play map. It was my first project ever on the UDK (Not counting various attempts in Unreal Tournament 2004). I created the map just to familiarize myself with the UDK. Before I knew it, the map was in the game without proper gameplay testing. Result: A poorly balanced map in favor of GDI. (I don't blame the RenX team for adding it, I wanted it to be in just for testing sake) I'm trying to fix a lot of the issues. The map has had quite some iterations now. The latest version has a new vehicle path, more cover in the tiberium field, 2 turrets for Nod to counter the GDI gaurdtower, rocket emplacements for the team that captures the terminal on the hill and wall cover so you can shoot from the walls. A lot of it is to help Nod in countering GDI attacks, but I can't do much more. Otherwise I have to change the whole layout of the map. In the end this means creating a new map. A lot of things can be said about some of the playstyles on the map. Yes nod needs to do something else then they usually do -> sbh sneaking. Going full LGC on the mountain will keep GDI away as the vehicles can't hit you. But I know this requires a lot of coordination. (If you can even get there). Overall, the map isn't great. I know. Try the new version and help me balance it further, but I'd rather see the map out of the rotation to make place for Arctic_Stronghold which has a lot of more gameplay optimisations(Also thanks to Ruud033). Maybe if I have some time I will make a second generation Grassyknoll as I hear that people do like it in some way, its just the gameplay that isn't that great. Keep in mind that the new custom maps aren't that proven as the old Ren maps we all love. Gameplay is a tricky part in every map to optimize. It takes quite some iterations before a totally new map will be good gameplay wise. Goin on-topic: Flying units will cripple the map beyond repair. Really... GDI will have en even bigger advantage than they already have. Nod vehicles won't stand a chance. If hell freezes over, I'll implement flying vehicles.
  18. 1) This is due to the testing server needing to load and calculate the shaders of the custom map(Correct me if I'm wrong) and your pc compiling the shaders aswell. The server and you are still loading and you're being kicked out due it taking to long. This has nothing to do with the Launcher itself. Just quoting Ruud here: 2)Ah yes, the launcher and downloader only works with maps at the moment. Perhaps in the future I will add the option to download all custom content. I think the mechanic is there already. I'm glad it is working as expected on your side.
  19. Version 1.3.5 release Another day, another update. Can't say that much. Some changes have been done, read them below -Removed some trees to make the performance better. -Removed the silo and made a new vehicle path -Added rocks for more cover -Added a new tech building with the terminal up the mountain. The terminal will spawn 2 rocket emplacements for the team that captures them. The rocket emplacements will spawn in the base of the capturer. So the team that is King of the hill gets more defences, should help nod in defending. (As well as forcing players to use the hill) -Added a second turret for nod to counter the GDI watchtower's efficiency. -Perhaps some small thing I don't remember. Downloadlink @ https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=3393ABC29E26F205!123345&authkey=!AN6hcRR8XvtrWt0&ithint=file%2czip When the map is on the testing server, the new beta launcher should get it automagically.
  20. I'll take a look at it. I've changed some of the culling distances so I hope performance goes up. I'll also remove some particles int he tib field. Get ready for a new release in a few hours, I hope.
  21. Do you have the latest DirectX version on your pc? On a side note: Why do you have a 32bit Os with 16GB ram?
  22. So just an update on the map. Everything is done. Even the code for toggling the Obelisk and AGT. For now, we need to wait for the new version of RenX to be done so the toggleCode can be published to everyone (Or we will need to supply you guys with custom files risking that your RenX install gets corrupted). We will publish a new version here soon so people can test the map online. Keep in mind that until the new RenX version is pushed, the EMP cannon wont work 100% as expected. Keep an eye on this thread
  23. WANT C&C tabletop game in the making ;p Very nice!
  24. This looks like ascension Much beeps, such ion, many nuke. I really missed something...
  25. Hmm, that's an oversight. I'll check it. So the Custommap screen is behind the Pw entry screen?
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