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Everything posted by Schmitzenbergh

  1. It might be that one map isn't present on the map repository. I think beachhead is the missing one. I'll check later. But the other maps downloaded correctly?
  2. Perhaps the wrong version is on the server. If the map on the server isn't on the map repository, it will download via the in-game downloader. Will check this later today.
  3. Hi all, Schmitz here with something, As some of you might know, I've been working on a CustomMapDownloader in the Launcher. The built in mechanic of the UDK isn't sufficient in downloading custom maps, thus a new method had to be implemented. After quite some time, most due to me not having enough time, the launcher is now in a beta state. I want to ask the community to help me with testing it. This, so I can find potential bugs faster. At first, one warning: This is beta software. Don't be surprised if you get some crashes of the Launcher. Do not overwrite your original Launcher. How to install Download the zip with the Launcher here: LauncherBeta Extract the contents of the zip to your Renegade X folder, see the attachment below. LauncherBeta3.png[/attachment] The Launcher will have the CustomMapDownloader activated default. It can be disabled if you experience to many bugs (Not that I expect). You can find the setting in the Settings menu. At the moment of writing, only the Official testing server has support for the CustomMapDownloader but the CT servers should be coming soon already have it! Go B0ng! If you find any bugs or crashes with the new launcher please make a constructive post here. Also please state the OS you are running and the location of your Renegade X folder (C:\Program Files\RenegadeX for example) Any non-constructive posts will be removed to keep the thread organized. I thank you all for testing. Have fun with playing some custom maps -Schmitz out PS: If your firewall nags you about an outgoing connection regarding the launcher, allow it. It is needed to download the maps.
  4. So I've driven through your map with a hummer and must say I like the way this is going. It has a very mountain like feel to it, a lot of rocky scenery jet not to bland. The center tunnel looks great, although a bit dark in my opinion (but it's still wip). I absolutely love the field with it's barren looks. Perhaps some frosty trees will make it a bit less barren but I really like the open yet good cover you got there. I mean, look at this:
  5. Can't participate. Sowwy TT_TT
  6. I'm busy to find a nice way to implement this. I changed it for ya
  7. I do know there are problems with the map. I'm being ignorant if I say there are none. But This is what I thought of aswell. All the advantages for GDI also apply to nod. Nod has stronger infantry thus they must use them to guerilla the GDI tanks from the mountain and bunker route. The GT is a big counter against nod, but a coordinated rush can kill it faster then you can say "the gaurdtower needs repairs".
  8. Thank you for the feedback. I'll go through it step by step. these are the problems, because i think GDI has too many advantages on this map: - silo is easier to capture for GDI, because they can reach the MCT faster and defend it from their base and with their tanks I'm not sure about this one. The mct is facing the nod base so it should be shorter for them. I'll measure this. - until GT is up, it is really hard (impossible?) for Nod to be sneaky, as the GT kills infantry efficiently. and because GDI knows this, noone defends the base and all go attack the enemy base (making it really hard for nod to punish their lack of defense) I was thinking of removing the GT, but I'm afraid then the map will be SBH heaven. I'll do some gameplay tests without turrets/GT. Thinking about it. - GDI does not care if turret is up or not. turret does not prevent tanks attacking (just does extra damage to tanks and tanks usually have repairs behind them) nor does it prevent infantry attacking (often misses or does not enough damage) Thinking about either doubling turrets or removing GT/Turrets - GDI can c4 rush turret at the beginning of the map, nod can only do a rocket launch rush (that costs money) If turrets/GT are kept, I'll put the turret on a pedestal so Flaming/C4 rush isn't possible anymore/harder to do. - the HoN and nod ref can be shot from much further away than the WF Well, I can't change the buildings, but I've placed a lot of long range blockades for the tanks forcing them to get more into the open. Also there is more cover in the tib field for nod vehicles so I think this is fixed. - the tiberium field gives GDI incredible protection against infantry especially SBHs (SBHs usually steal tanks or timed c4 tanks to control the field) The counter is that the vehicles for all teams are incredibly vulnerable to rockets/lcg/sbh/ravers/dozas from the mountain and tibfield bunker route. How many people nowadays step out of their tank? There are people but its not gamechanging... (My opinion). I'll look into making the tib field smaller, but keep in mind that hotties will be able to repair the tanks again thus making no progress in destroying vehicles. things i would change: - silo has to move to a infantry only zone as GDI is too strong with tanks (silo can remain if there is enough cover for nods tanks to be useful) This is a problem as there is only one infantry only area. There is no space. I'm looking into removing the silo and widening up that path. - add cover on both vehicle paths so nod tanks (light tanks / flamers) have its purpose again (light tanks do less damage, but can evade an attack easier because they are faster. and flamers are made for close quarter combat. both vehicles need a lot of cover to be useful) I hear ya. Implemented - the tiberium field has to become much much smaller or inaccesible for tanks, because it eliminates nod advantages (stronger infantry / SBH) by keeping GDIs advantages (stronger tanks) alive See above message about the tib field - remove GT (it is too strong against infantry) or place at least 2 turrets for nod to compensate. I like this. Perhaps even more then removing them all. I thank you for the feedback. Try the new version thats up aswell. It already has the covers for tanks and reduced sniper capabilities!
  9. Some more screens. On a side note. I've played the map a few times now and I've come to understand that the map isn't well liked. (It's a GDI map everyone tells me, yet I always see nod win )If people that have found flaws (which there obviously are) could tell me them, I can address them. I've listened to all the previous problems so why wouldn't I do now while it's in the game. If I'm reading stuff like "Map sux, why do even people vote for it" I'm becoming curious on what I can do to improve it. If you just don't like the map, well can not help you I've noticed that the bases are quite hard to defend while being under attack from vehicles. So I created these little wall defence positions ideal for gunners and lcgs to shoot vehicles from the safety of the base. I also thought it was time to give GDI their base color back, so the walls are yellow now So sniping is a big problem, especially to the bases. I've placed some rocks to block the line of sight that goes directly into the base so you leave the base a little more easily. This monstrosity is there for the sole purpose of defending the Hon a bit better. MLRS's now need to progress more into the tiberium field thus making them more vurnerable.
  10. So, Hassan is back? What's the next step, CABAL? But in all seriousness, blue nod buildings? Wouldn't that be confusing as hell? I like the fact you can do it, but I personally wouldn't do it for a release. It's your map though.
  11. Not yet, We are fixing some quirks that need fixing before we send out a testing release. It's mostly optimalisation. It won't take to long before we fix up a testing release.
  12. 1) there should be an option in the setup of windows 10 to create a local account. It runs normal windows 10 so the option should be there. (Heck, every Windows 10 install I've done has is. Would be weird if the surface book had a custom Win10 that didn't allow this. Even a normal surface can do it.) 2) This is something I can't comment on, I dunno 3) Are you 100% shure you are using the Nvidia GPU? The Nvidia optimus program is stupid and can somtimes not detect if it needs to use the stronger GPU or the built in Intel one. This sounds like you are using the Intel GPU to run renx. Try right click->run with Nvidia GPU 4) It's pricey, can't deny that. Overpriced? I can't tell, haven't worked with one. Perhaps this can help you Yes it is not a gaming machine but some of the points you mentioned should be fixable.
  13. So, even though I had some time this week, It was gone like *Poof*. I changed some of the rocks on the inf mountain so sniping isn't that easy to do anymore. I placed some cover on both paths and changed some rocks with odd collisions. Mayor change is the widening of the bases. I removed one wall segment on all walls to see if this works better. Another big change is the change of skydome. I didn't like the low res default skydome, so I changed it. All the lightrays are removed so the sunlight isn't that IN YO FACE. Anyway, here are some screenshots of the map. I will provide a uploadlink asap. Get it @ http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB
  14. Launcher already does this if I recall. The game on the other hand doesn't. (Only via mismatch)
  15. yes this ^^ for my case .it was my files game that was damaged ,patcher couldn't read it thus get stucked ,now its fixed Glad it wasn't a patcher fault. I will still continue to look at the slow download problem, but on a lower priority.
  16. I poked through the launcher and its patcher library and can't really conclude anything... The patcher checks the ping of the available servers and selects the best server with a ping < 500ms After that the Xdelta patcher downloads and applies it. I'm not familiar with Xdelta and really don't have the time to delve into the inner workings of it. If there is a problem, it could be with the Xdelta patcher. I can try and update it (As it is open source 'n stuff), but it will take time. You can try and download the binaries of Xdelta yourself and overwrite the original (Back up first ) It's quite odd that some people have slow downloads and others don't. Perhaps the Czech server is having problems?
  17. I can confirm the slow download. I'll take a look at the patcher if I can find something. Even though the patcher is (I think) a third party tool. Edit: Patcher is partially part of launcher, not completely
  18. Oh that's silly I've put it on the to-do list! Thanks for making a post about it.
  19. Looks like a blocking volume that isn't places correctly. I already told it like half a year ago or so, funny that it isn't fixed yet.
  20. So, I think I have some time to change stuff to the map this week. I still haven't played it on the servers, but the overall impression is that the map plays semi-well. The biggest complaint, I think, is that there is no cover in the tiberium field for nod vehicles. So whats the plan: Add some rocks for cover in the Tiberium field (Done) Change the over saturated bloom on the sunlight(Done) Remove one segment of the wall of the bases for both sides (Done-For tryouts) Add some small cover to the silo route for tanks(Done) Perhaps: remove the silo completely and widen up that path Fix GDI harv getting stuck on fence(Done) Making the summit of the inf mountain a little bit less nice for snipers (Raising the rocks so snipers can't snipe as easily as before) (Done) Move the nod base light pole a little bit back so the turret can rotate properly(Done) If you guys have any further ideas, post them or shout it to me in game or so. Small img of the cover in the tib field:
  21. Looking very nice! It reminds me of Field, but in a good way. The entrance, silo in main area, the river. The overall feel seems good aswell. Keep up the good work!
  22. It could be an idea to just copy and paste the code from a wiki page and analyse it. For example: {{Infobox |abovestyle = color:#750000 |above = Mammoth Tank |image = [[File]] |label2 = Faction |data2 = GDI |label3 = Function |data3 = Vehicle |label4 = Health |data4 = 1500 |label5 = Armor Type |data5 = Heavy |label6 = Armaments |data6 = Double Barrel 120mm Cannon & Tusk Missiles |label7 = Seats |data7 = 2 |label8 = Cost |data8 = $1500 }} This is the Mammoth tank info box. Every "label#" corresponds with "data#". "AboveStyle" is the color of the title above the image and "above" it the text in it. If you just copy and paste and edit it from other pages you'll get a uniform style across the wiki. Perhaps experiment a bit on a preview page.
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