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Everything posted by Schmitzenbergh

  1. Wow, only $119! You have to buy this Thommy Or perhaps start a kickstarter to get the money! In all seriousness, isn't is a bit much? But perhaps looking for some models on the big ol' internet is something you can do. (If you haven't already did it)
  2. Hey y'all! Thanks for al the feedback. I'll check them in depth next week. I'm on my vacation right now, so just checking in on how all is doing. (I have waaay bad internet here) For now what I understand is that the map is kinda a long range bombardment map in favor of GDI. I was afraid of this from the start... I will try to fix this asap. If you guys got any ideas, please post them! Some more cover for tanks is one of the things that could make the map more playable. (I've also read that making the map a flying map would do the trick, the map isn't build for it though. Could be possible in the long run...) Ill also address the emptiness in the infantry path and vehicle routes. Placing some bits and bobs should do the trick. The reason the tib field is so large is that I wanted to encourage more tank gameplay without the hottie/support for the tanks. So pure tank gameplay. I havent seen the map in full gameplay action, I'll try to join a game with it next week so I can experience some of the flaws. Just one overall question for the map: Is it kinda fun to play? I mean the overall layout and design. This is the first time I've got some feedback on the gameplay. Thanks for all the feedback 'n stuff. I'll try to make my first UDK/RenX map a memorable one! PS: The ion storm is not active in the included version (It's bugged in multiplayer anyway).
  3. Front GDI to Front nod is doable in 2 stamina cycles of a normal soldier. GDI via inf route to nod base is doable in 3 to 4 stamina cycles depending on your walking etc. Inf path is longer, but a lot safer. You can also take a part of the vehicle path and then go on to the inf path (Like in goldrush)
  4. Update time. I promised some screens and I will deliver. Without further yapping, some screens: Center tiberium chasm GDI base entrance Part of the GDI vehicle & infantry route Nod base, still WIP View from center to tiberium chasm Infantry cave as seen from GDI side Part of the nod vehicle & infantry route View from nod sniper/overwatch
  5. Uploading as we speak. Bumping the version 1 up because I left something in the map that was for testing purposes only. Downloadlink @ http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB (Download version 1.3.3)
  6. *Shows picture of the map flying in the air* This is the true definition of a flying map! But in all seriousness, it looks cool. Mesa rocks + snow is a nice style. Perhaps open the forest route to vehicles aswell. 1 vehicle path is a bit meh in my opinion. would be nice to zig-zag between the trees with a buggy
  7. I like the idea of more buildings being added to the game. There are more interesting buildings in the CNC universe. The list I would make would be: Temple Of nod & Adv. Comm. Centre = Beacon access; Comm centre = HUD overlays (The targeting boxes); Repair facility = Repair for the tank on it; CY = weak auto repair for all buildings; Adv. Powerplant = decrease in cost for everything; (In combination with normal PP); Some of the ideas might be doable with kismet as a tech building. I was busy with the Comm centre idea in kismet(It worked kinda), but I lost it The big challenge would be to find artists to build the models for the buildings and make them in the same style as the current one's But this is just my 2 cents. I like the idea!
  8. This is beginning to look great Keep up the good work. Somehow it reminds me of the first GDI mission in Tiberian dawn... the shore with the boat. Nice and bright. Perhaps place some destroyed GDI buildings on the beach and nod turrets to create the "nostalgic" factor
  9. Version 1.3.2 release So after the Map testing session there were some bugs found. This version fixes them Thanks for all the feedback! The non ion version will be up later. Downloadlink @ http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB (Download version 1.3.2) Whats new? Release 1.3.2 -The WF can't be driven into anymore (Aaaaww) -Changed the orientation of some of the rocks at the map border so they can't be jumped anymore -Moved the AS wall so an Ion beacon can't hit the AS from outside the wall -Placed some rocks behind the bases so it's clear you can't go there -Reworked some blocking volumes (The barbed wire part near the nod base)
  10. LEMME JUST PARK THIS HERE FOR A SEC Hehe, I love the enthousiam Just a quick update. The map is progressing well.The overall map has changed quite a bit since the last screenshots. Scale has been reduced and the map is "Roughly" done. (Really rough) We are going to introduce something "new" to the map and Ruud is busy with it at the moment. Perhaps I will post some screens this week to show some of the progress.
  11. I couldn't get a great screenshot of it so I'll describe it. In the Tomb itself there are little bowls with fire in them. When you stand on the second floor, the fire from the bowls will clip though the floor/ceiling making it a literal definition of "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire". Looks a bit silly Also, you can get on top of the GDI wall and jump on the rocks dividing both bases. Rest of the bugs I found are already posted. I must say I really like the map.
  12. So, just a quick fix & check list: Make the WF front door inaccessibel for vehicles Make sure it isn't possible to jump on the rocks behind the WF Check if the AS can be ioned from outside the wall. If so, move the AS so it can't be hit by ion Place some visual blockers behind each base so it is clear you can't go there. Extend the blocking volumes near the nod AS (The barbed wire outside the base) How was the impression of the gameplay btw? Anything that needs to be on the list regarding to gameplay? Thanks for the feedback though! Going to fix it asap. Edit: added Glacious' barbed wire bug
  13. Ill check this out. Also, I did understand it was possible to drive into the wf?
  14. I tested your Crash Site, LMFAO, that's even Darker, and pitch black in areas Color =/= lighting. Ruud's map has a lot of color in it, its darker due to the environment he created. The color is there (Look at the alien ship for example) You map is bright(Which is good) but everything is gray of color (Except for some of the buildings). If you are going for a rocky map that's fine. But think about some foliage, terrain material changes or some lights to break up the Grayness. Some more examples: Boxes, change in sky, some construction materials or even a tiberium crystal from a rock would break up the grayness aswell. The maps looks solid though. Good luck! (And don't forget to add it to the testing server and map repository )
  15. I won't make it for the testing session. Maybe the pug itself. Have fun with testing GrassyKnoll! Good luck finding the little audio easter egg I'm eagerly awaiting the feedback.
  16. Make that Tomb and Grassyknoll. We only did crash site last week as it was a huge map.
  17. There are 2 versions: CNC-GrassyKnoll_Ion and CNC-GrassyKnoll. Use the one without ION. So use this file: CNC-GrassyKnoll_Release_1_3_1.zip NOT THIS FILE: CNC-GrassyKnoll_Ion_Release_1_3_1.zip Both can be found @ : http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB Both are the same maps, only Ion storm mechanic has been disabled in the ION less one.
  18. You have a duplicate movie leftover from the previous update. Check your movies folder if there are 2 files with the same name. One with the extension .bik, the other .bak Remove the .bik file and try it again. I'll try to find a more permanent solution to this. The launcher searches for the bik file and changes it to bak. But when both are present it wont disable them. If you can't figure it out just pm me.
  19. GrassyKnoll_Ion is waiting for testing. It's available on the renx.constructivetyranny.com site and my OneDrive(See signature, or topic in releases). ......is there one without the Ion storm? There could be one, Ill have to disable the kismet and rebuilt lighting. If that is what is preferred. EDIT: Now 2 zips are availabe, CNC-GrassyKnoll and CNC-GrassyKnoll_Ion. Havent tested the one without Ion storm yet,but all the config files are changed. Will test later today. Only difference is Ion storms are disabled EDIT2: Updated the non ion version, it could crash the game due to faulty config files. Should all be good now
  20. GrassyKnoll_Ion is waiting for testing. It's available on the renx.constructivetyranny.com site and my OneDrive(See signature, or topic in releases).
  21. Ill do my best to be there, can't promise anything
  22. I think there should be 2 play sessions per map. One for just playing the map and getting feedback for the overall play style (Is the map playable, B2B problems etc.), and one for the technical aspect where you try things on the map without getting killed by other players. (Getting stuck bugs, boundary problems etc.) The technical one could be with less players, but the gameplay one would be ideal to put before the PUG.
  23. This map is now officially a joint operation between Ruud033 and myself Prepare for more awesomeness thanks to Ruud033 and his pirate eyepatch
  24. I will be there, later.... I will join as soon as I can.
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