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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by TK0104

  1. Add Walls & Field Snow during Winter
  2. AGT has a clearer view and more range in the next version, while Obby has less range, Turrets replaced with GTs. If that doesn't work, I might have to change the main design
  3. Make a WIP Topic for this map in "Work In Progress" Also check these playlists to make RenX maps:
  4. It's hard to do that because if we change something to the model it will most likely mess up the UV map. I suggest you take a look at the Nod Base from Black Dawn. They used a lot meshes to make it look like it's rubble coming off the building
  5. Just add a button to the forums And recent changes can be found on the main page
  6. The terrain on Mesa are just meshes so it is possible! @Apoc
  7. @HToneill You can also make a custom collision mesh inside your 3d modeling program. Here is a very helpful tutorial:
  8. The best way is to import them in UDK with collision and create the materials for it. Then share the package with us
  9. I think the biggest thing we would need is a bunch of modular assets so we mappers can create different varation in Urban maps for example
  10. Someone in the Dev team did a major package clean up for the 5.3 release which is good for the game, but didn't came out that well in the SDK. We also have a bit of an issue with it but I don't know we're gonna reverse it. I hope we do it since all the assets are useful and old community maps that haven't been updated for a long long time are completely broken
  11. Won't be able to do that. Don't have time to sit down and record that early
  12. We have no plans to create another Hourglass, since we got Whiteout which is Hourglass II
  13. Whiteout is the offical and improved version of Hourglass
  14. The maps: CNC-Paradise by DoctorAnubis and CNC-Hourglass (unofficial) by TheDeadlyWolf have Ceiling Turrets in the buildings. Check out their maps
  15. Yeah I was about to say that lol. I've created a very nice Mining Tutorial new players should watch
  16. I think you can just use for Ref the silo tech building and replace it with ref meshes
  17. Does he crash at the moment when he is trying to load 'FoliageBrushSphereMaterial'?
  18. Don't worry about that. If you just build them and it gives a warning, it's no big deal. Especially this missing .uc is something you can ignore I guess
  19. I guess putting Sydneys on the plateau could work. Do not actually stand on the plateau, but hide behind it. That usually works in PUG's
  20. Hey guys! A few months ago I was looking into my maps that I created in the past. When I looked at it, I was thinking by myself: "This is really ugly done". Then I had this idea to bring back this map because this was a popular map back in the day. But it lost his populairity when we got better custom maps for the game and map ended up in the archives. I did my best to keep it in the game but in the end the map got removed from the base game. With CNC-Twilight I'm trying to re-gain it's populairity and give it one more chance! A lot has been done differently this time to "fix" what I did wrong in CNC-Training Yard. I made the map bigger than it's original. This one is 25% bigger than the original, so that gives the players some more space to fight. Another thing was the early base-to-base rushes through the Infantry Path that ended the game really quick. It has obstructions now that blocks off the Infantry Path Entrances. Also, the paths that are leading to the bases are different shaped than the original. The original had paths leading to the center, but the new ones are leading more the field, so a "Hit 'n Run" is impossible in the early game. Weapon Pick-Ups are back! This was the feature that made CNC-Training Yard, CNC-Training Yard. Weapon Pick-Ups are another way to influence the game. The only thing was that in the original it was influencing the game too much, so I paid special attention on which weapons are able to be picked up. The currently weapons that you can pick up are: Shotgun, Markman Rifle, Green Tiberium Auto Rifle. The Green Tiberium Auto Rifle won't spawn in the early game, but later. SBH's won't be able to pick-up weapons like in the Original Renegade MP. We don't want deadly snipers running around stealthy, right? So I hope you guys enjoy it better than it's original, since it's for me feeling like a brand new map that actually doesn't really links to it's original. And if you have an opinion about it, please share! If you found any bugs that need to be resolved, please PM me here on the forums or PM me in Discord. I'm more active on Discord these days than the actual forums. Cheers, TK0104
  21. CNC-Twilight Twilight, a reimagination of the classic Renegade map 'Land'. Submitter TK0104 Submitted 04/02/2018 Category Levels
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