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Everything posted by TK0104

  1. Well It's quite easy for me
  2. Really nice! Looking forward to play it
  3. @IllumZar you sure it's infantry only deathmatch?
  4. Version 2 is Online! Check it Out!
  5. Maybe you should explain it something more extensive what's going. I don't know much about Windows stuff, so I can't really help you. Is this making your game not launching? If it is launching, you shouldn't worry about it.
  6. There's no such thing as a virus in this game. We want people to enjoy a fan-made project, not putting some kind of virus on your PC.
  7. For Flame Troopers it's maybe a good idea. Check Out BF1 Flame Trooper: (Skip to 1:42 and don't look at the title ) But in BF1 Flamers have those huge tanks that catches fire when it gets shot. We don't have that in RenX since everything is built in the weapon itself. If Flamers had these tanks it would be nice. In the final stages of the Ren Beta Flamers HAD these tanks but got removed before it's first release. Only Mendoza in Ren has the tank but in RenX not. Chem Troopers had these tanks aswell in the Ren Beta and got also removed before it's first release. I think if Flamer, Chem or Doza had one, it would be nice but think it doesn't really fits without these huge tanks on their back. And I don't see anyone editing the current character models. Maybe with my upcoming game artist I can do that but I'm not sure yet since I have no clue where I'm startin' with.
  8. Check if any anti virus software blocks the program. Maybe remove the 'patch' folder in your game folder
  9. I actually expected GDI would lose the Mesa round as always but somehow GDI finally found the breakthrough!
  10. Well sit back and enjoy! Round 1: Tunnels
  11. I'm not sure I make it in time. I'm going to a restaurant to celebrate the new house. But for now expect I'm joining
  12. So how is the progress on the map??? @Ruud033 @Schmitzenbergh Love to hear somethin' about it
  13. Will take ages to do that because all scripts have to be re-writed for UE4. The devs don't want to do that again (they already went from UE3 to UDK)
  14. You just basicly use some lensflares in the SDK and voilá you have that effect But @Veyron is making the temple in Sarajevo, not the one in Cairo (one in Renegade) so it doesn't need to be. But it's his project so he decides after all
  15. This may attract some players to join PUG's (#GTAspoiler)
  16. Round 3: Canyon Round 4: Islands
  17. PUG - May 27th 2017 Round 1: Gobi
  18. @Ruud033 don't forget the bugs I've sended you (Maybe you've already fixed that...)
  19. Here's a bit of my latest work. Since it is still Work In Progress it looks quite boring and empty at the moment. You can also check out the series of it aswell:
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