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Everything posted by TK0104

  1. @Madkill40 Check out Mesa for the rain. I know it's not nice looking in UDK but then you have something. To make it more realistic use some materials from the Mesa package since that has a lot you could use
  2. Well Trump did it And the texture was a bit crappy made That is weird I'll check it out tomorrow
  3. I think the silo's are a bit too far from the base. Maybe put it something closer to the base... But I like the setting! When I think of Toxicity, I'm thinking of toxic rain falling out of the sky. Maybe an idea.... Also don't make the Tiberium field(s) too far from the Refinery or it will take ages to get some credits. (I wish we could control the speed of the Harverster)
  4. Version 2.2.0 is Released!
  5. @Schmitzenbergh I'll keep working on Outposts since I ain't working on City. About River and Xmeteor: I will never work on those again. I said it before that I never ever work on it further. No one is reporting bugs on other maps so there is nothing much to work on that. So in other words screw city, my map first! Topic closed
  6. @Agent@yosh56 So I noticed the Map Loading Screens aren't appearing when you load a map in 64-bit. It works fine in 32-bit but since 5.29 32-bit don't work that good anymore on my PC and I'm forced to use 64-bit. It's quite annoying I can't see the loading screens in 64-bit
  7. Oh shiet forgot about about that Then it's quite useless to make City once again when the official is already in WIP My ideas were a bit crappy done and 'my assets' are basicly from CSG or straight from the original game and it looks horrible. I think I let this map rest and let @Havoc89finish the job
  8. Think it's not necessary atm since we just keep winning And I won't be doing this every week. Maybe last and first saturday of the month. Idk
  9. Full PUG Livestream - July 1st 2017 Click Here
  10. Announcement! I have decided to make a new CNC-City Flying which will be starting soon. Why am I making a new one? Well the old one SUCKS! Since I'm starting a Game Artist Education begin September I'll be able to model and texture some new assets for this map, which I'm looking forward to! I can't say much what I'm going to do, but I'll promise it will be even better than the current one! Also I have another project going on which I'm still working on and that will be finished first of course. So I have nothing more to share for now so click on another topic and read the latest posts I guess!
  11. TK0104


    What?! A clone replica? The LT of Nod is fine!
  12. TK0104


    Then I can start counting down! There's not a real problem at the moment that needs to be fixed asap. Adding in new features takes some time but I've heard there will be a massive update, even bigger that beta 4 or 5!
  13. So a small, just a tiny update with an album of some pics. But keep in mind that not everything is done and final. I'm keep working on these areas I'm showing you right now Feel free to comment your thoughts! I tried to do this but the LOD's don't affect much but they're in! Since they are from a website and actually not really supported for UDK but a modern day engine I'm putting in destroyed vehicles around the map to fill it up I'm not going to put in a destroyed silo in the field because sometimes it creates confusion for some players. I'll try to make the (accessable) outposts more damaged.
  14. @Luhrian Right-mouse click on the building and replace it with the same building selected in actor classes. If that doesn't work......I guess you need to remove them and re-add them
  15. Full PUG Livestream - June 24th 2017 Click Here
  16. Make sure that package is in environments folder
  17. I got a livestream going on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0VXOFCT_Ig
  18. Yes use the UDK.exe in your RenX directory/Binaries/Win32 (or 64)/ UDK.exe
  19. Well it would be a 10 minute track since Kane already lived in the RA universe
  20. I have no idea what causes it because I have no problems with it in-game and everything is entered correctly
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