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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Sure this is a really cool styled trailer, but you know we've got plenty of others planned in the future when we get more content
  2. Thanks for the comments guys, and yes definitely the best mod trailer I've ever seen.
  3. Hey guys. For the past month, the Renegade X team has been working on getting more content ingame. So we had decided to compile some ingame clips for a new trailer. The video also contains Computer-Generated scenes of the original Tiberium meteor crash at the Tiber river. This awesome trailer contains scenes from Complex, Hourglass, and Field. Watch Nod Stealth Tanks, GDI Humvees, GDI APCs, and GDI MRLS battle it out on the fields, see the C&C Renegade we all love with a spectacular graphical overhaul, and witness the Tiberium Meteor crashing into the Tiber River, just by clicking on one of the links below: HD Trailer - Renegade X Mirror (Download) HD Trailer - Mirror provided by TheBlackOut You Tube HQ You Tube Standard Definition (Download) We've worked really hard to get this trailer to you all. We hope you enjoy it.
  4. Yeah if you went on Res around where Killa lives it'd be around $15,000 a year.
  5. We might be releasing a vehicle or a weapon (or both) down the line of progression later on, but not now. We already have a server for testing though Remember, if we release too much of our content, parts of our mod will get old before we even release
  6. QUOTE Yes QUOTE HUD yes, we will probably have a different reticle for each weapon type
  7. Did they have German voice taunts available for multiplayer?
  8. Follow this if you'd like to install Hourglass on UT3: http://ren2007.totemarts.net/Tutorials/Map_tutorial.swf QUOTE We don't have those weapons done.
  9. Actually Renegade wouldn't be able to handle our characters. Our character models on their own are about 7000 polygons I think, with a normal map from a high-polygon version of the same character (Renegade currently doesn't do normal maps). Not to mention the 2048 x 2048 texturing and specular maps.
  10. This video features the Renegade X base areas in Field and Hourglass. We've got all the buildings done. Enjoy the trailer!!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=eBGIQ7ZuuiU
  11. Yes, we disabled the HUD because it's not ready yet
  12. Thanks for the comments guys! :lol:
  13. Actually... the map was night time.
  14. What's up guys So for the past two weeks, your fellow Renegade X (formerly known as Renegade 2007) development team has been working to get a few vehicles ingame. We've now got the GDI Humvee, GDI APC, and Nod Stealth Tank ingame for the mod. On top of that, we already had the Nod Soldier and a couple maps, so why not make a video preview? So that's what we did. I present to thee, the Renegade X Ingame Vehicles Trailer. All of which is being presented in Unreal Tournament 3, on our remake map of Field. Keep in mind that everything is open for discussion. Download! HD Trailer (Recommended) LoRes Trailer YouTube (Low Quality) Mod DB link to video coming soon (anything is better than YouTube quality-wise). Thanks again guys, and expect another update very soon!
  15. QUOTE (Shadow @ Mar 25 2008, 01:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The full Reborn has yet to be released. And you realize we're being sarcastic...
  16. Yeah it's pretty much a battlefield-styled game. It's not bad though.
  17. There'll probably be a boink sound for when you kill someone, because that was probably the best part about Renegade! And yes replaceable.
  18. Hi Kevin, thanks for taking interest in our project! From the experience you've got, I'd love to have you on board. If you've got an MSN address, you can private message it to me and we can chat. Feel free to visit our Mod Database to see a lot of pictures, a video preview of two of our maps, a download for one of our maps, etc. etc. You can also browse our Live WIP to see some work in progresses.
  19. But killing people when they're at the PT is SO FUN :lol:
  20. Well honestly, clicking on a unit aftet you die and spawning with it doesn't save too much time. PT's are usually right in front of the spawn points, where you just need to take a couple steps forward.
  21. So do I, Killa did a great job on the thumbnails, and Havoc did an exceptional job on Field, they looks so similar yet ours looks so much better
  22. Actually our barn is going to be a bit more lively than just an empty room. As you may have read in the description, the setting of the map is an abandoned mine, so we're gonna have a small basement with mining equipment and stuff there. There's also a fireplace down there.
  23. [NE]Fobby[GEN]


    In our first ingame preview, we had shown off our map Field to you all. It was a nearly-completed work in progress, so we took your suggestions and finished the map. Created completely by Havoc89. Map Description: Tiberium is not the only valuable resource in the world. In this remote region, one of the last active mining facilities remains. Plagued by the exposure of Tiberium, this facility is at risk. As Nod forces rush into the area to collect what's left, GDI forces erect a base to hault Nod mining operations. The tunnels will look and feel like a mine, as some of you may have noticed in our previous video. *note click on the large images for a nice side by side comparison (Thanks Titan!) Hope you all like it!
  24. Hey everyone. It's been a while since we've had an update, but we've got a pretty good one for you. New Ingame Video We have just uploaded our first ever Renegade 2007 ingame video. This video features the Nod soldier, and the maps "Hourglass" and "Field". Work In Progress. We still have not added the buildings, so we have put temporary UT3-style bases for Vehicle Capture the Flag mode. ** Link now works ** http://ren2007.totemarts.net/Downloads/R07_Trailer_01.wmv Enjoy! VCTF Hourglass for UT3 Released! The VCTF Hourglass map is complete and ready for download. This is one of the few Renegade 2007 content pieces which will be released before our first version. http://ren2007.totemarts.net/Downloads/VCTF-HourGlass.rar Map Description: According to Nod research scientists, enhancements in Tiberium mutation have been rapidly growing in this mountain area. This deadly mutation in Tiberium has desolated the region from its plant and animal life by absorbing its natural resources. After GDI discovered the spike in Tiberium mutation, they were quick to respond, and began to establish a forward base of operations. As GDI began excavating the secrets of this region, Nod forces retaliated in an effort to stop GDI from discovering the mysteries of this mutation. Happy birthday Renegade! On February 26th, 2002, Westwood Studios and EA Games had released Command & Conquer: Renegade. It was the first game of its kind; blending the famous C&C formula with the action of a Shooter. Although the game was deemed a failure in recent EA interviews, it has a strong, dedicated community of servers, mod teams, clan tournaments, and more. These groups of people have kept the game alive, and in many cases it had outlived many newer games. If C&C Renegade has taught us anything, it is that a game can live on good gameplay alone. Renegade's graphics were never great, its netcoding wasn't good, running servers wasn't user-friendly, it didn't have any built-in anti-cheat system, it did not receive much support from EA, etc. However, the gameplay alone had driven the game this far, now on its 6th birthday. This unique multiplayer experience is something I personally look forward to carrying onto our mod, as other mods are doing the same.
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