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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Hey guys. Just a small update over at Renegade X - the website "Pariah's Guild" has just posted an interview they had with members of the Renegade X team. Here is an excerpt: Noobkiller; Can you list some gameplay modes for the mod? Also, can you tell what's your favorite one (between you, me, and the other readers of this blog ) Havoc89: The ever so popular Command and Conquer mode will make its triumphant return. All you have to do is blow up the other base without your own base being blown. Seems simple enough right? Just wait till you play it. We will also be adding some more game modes, some I am sure you can guess, some which I bet you can't guess. We're keeping them under wraps for now. Our main focus is on the C&C mode. You can read the full interview here Thanks and be sure to look out for Renegade X's next update in the coming weeks, where we will be releasing a new ingame trailer, music, renders, and a special surprise for the Renegade community.
  2. Actually the flame tank doesn't have an alt fire in Renegade. And I just loaded up Renegade to check, and I'm still firing out of 2 barrels when I alt-fire. As for the MRLS, good point, we'll look into it.
  3. He was actually done a while ago, I think that's just bad shot of him. Here's a good picture of the officer: http://www.moddb.com/mods/8709/renegade-x/...fficer#imagebox
  4. Yup reticle in progress. If you want to see more comparisons, head to our moddb page here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/8709/renegade-x
  5. Hmm... 6 years of Renegade and I've never seen anyone use normally. (except Renardin, but he's not that good at Renegade ) That guy's really good at it though.
  6. Oh like that kind of Stand Alone. Because normally a "stand alone" is a game in which you don't need another game to run it. Reborn and APB are standalones because you don't need Renegade to play them. And you found Free Aim useful? I don't think I've ever used it to kill anyone, all it does is move your reticle around without moving the screen.
  7. Firstly, it is a mod for UT3 and not a stand alone game. Secondly, by Free Aim do you mean the "V" button in Renegade? If so I don't think we're implementing that as it was close to useless in Renegade. Thirdly, the functions of the crate will be up to the server administrator. It will be a server-side option on whether the host wants just money crates, bonus crates or no crates at all. Things like weapon drop will be implemented for sure, as for the other things you mentioned we will be talking about them when we're closer to being finished
  8. Actually Jeep, Killa is in the process of improving it.
  9. Hourglass is roughly the same size as the old one (base area a bit smaller) and Field & Complex are exactly the same size. Remember that in UT3 you run a lot faster than in Renegade, so travel time might seem shorter in the ut3 version.
  10. Not to mention it never had a silencer
  11. I always used the pistol as an SBH
  12. Just did this for fun yesterday, he's a comparison picture between old C&C Renegade on the W3D engine (left), and Renegade X (right).
  13. On the latest episode of C&C's "Battlecast Primetime", Apoc talks about the Renegade X mod in his monthly community update. Click the following link to view the 25-second clip of Renegade X on C&C TV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1ln_yd7szg http://www.moddb.com/mods/8709/renegade-x/...metime#imagebox
  14. Pretty cool stuff, I'll talk to you on msn.
  15. For those of us living in Canada, we had a nice holiday from school & work dubbed Victoria day. The Renegade X wants to wish the Canucks out there a nice Victoria Day! Don't get too hurt from the fireworks
  16. [NE]Fobby[GEN]


    Not for me. I see gray for threads I've been through, and red for new posts.
  17. I just wanted to wish all of the fans of Renegade X a happy mother's day. Remember to get her some nice flowers, chocolates, and a computer that can run Renegade X!
  18. After releasing our latest trailer, it has come to our attention that Apoc, the Community Manager at EA Games, has posted the trailer in one of his blogs. This is great news, as it shows Renegade X is quickly grabbing the attention of the C&C and UT community leaders, therefore giving us more help and motivation to complete the project.
  19. When it comes to infantry fighting it is quite similar to Renegade, but a bit faster paced.
  20. About sniper servers, after release I am sure there will be someone willing to help us make a sniping game mode for people who like that. As for realism, sniping in Renegade X will be similar to that of UT3, which is quite similar to C&C Renegade's sniping. That means yes, you'll be able to run around and jump while shooting your gun without your reticle getting bigger. We don't want to slow down the pace of the mod by making it more realistic, because Renegade was never meant to be a very realistic game. It's more of an arcade classic-style shooter that has more fighting than most of the newer FPS games.
  21. Hey guys. So Sonic from the popular C&C website CNCNZ has posted an opinion poll. The question is, which next-gen C&C mod are you more excited for: Renegade X, or Renevo's "Command & Crysis" mod? Be sure to check out http://www.cncnz.com and cast your vote for either of the two great mods. I'm sure you all know who I voted for Edit: Poll Over - Renegade X wins with a landslide 82%
  22. Actually, yeah there is... the 'home' is the News page. Go on the site, click "About" for example, and then the "News" link is on the left.
  23. That's not really the sense I get from it, I guess maybe it's because people die faster, or maybe I don't notice it as much because it's faster paced.
  24. QUOTE Well for one, ramjets will be getting 2 bullets per ammo instead of 4; that way one Havoc cannot kill an Arty by himself in a few seconds. They'll still do the same damage, but it would just take longer to kill the light armoured vehicles. As for bunny hopping, we're keeping the UT3 styled gameplay for infantry, which does have a little bit of hopping around, but not as much as Renegade. QUOTE Yes for vehicle ownage, and lots of server side options will be controllable by the host such as crates, vehicle limits, mine limits, etc.
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