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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Also special features for Nod don't make the game imbalanced. We'll definitely find a way to make the Tib Autorifle more useful, but I don't see how the SBH's ability to stealth makes it unbalanced. Gunner costs the same amount as the SBH; he may not be able to stealth but he has a much stronger weapon. Five gunners can destroy a building from far away in less than 20 seconds. The SBH on the other hand stealths, but isn't useful for anything except walking into the enemy base unnoticed.
  2. QUOTE I agree. Final answer: Ramjet damage relations will be the same, but: -You won't score as many points for hitting vehicles you can barely damage -Reload time will be four seconds long I know everyone has a different opinion on ramjets. Some of us are hardcore Renegade players, and some of us either didn't like aspects of C&C Renegade, so automatically our opinions on how things should be changed or fixed is different. The Renegade X team is trying to be fair to all opinions; we're a more conservative approach to C&C Renegade but we won't hesitate to fix what's broken in the game (like getting 15 points for shooting at a Mammoth Tank with a ramjet). Mutators are welcome if you'd like to make one.
  3. Movement in general is much smoother than it is in Renegade's; strafing side to side won't be as jagged and dodgy as it was in the Renegade engine. No point in downgrading our character movements.
  4. I agree with Pendullum here. I think people are blowing this a little out of proportion. Ramjets may be good against Artillery, but if the Artillery is teamplaying and has a tech repairing him, a Ramjet won't be able to kill it most of the time. The repairing would give the Arty enough time to kill that sniper or unload seven or eight rounds at it, causing it to retreat. The other thing about Ramjets is that their tracer is easy to see, so if you're in an Artillery or an Apache, you know exactly where that sniper is right at their first shot. That and the four second reload time. Besides, Ramjets are expensive. If the enemy team gets them to fight your Orcas, then just get Medium tanks. They suck against any ground vehicle costing over 450 credits, and the team won't have enough money to defend against you or want to change to engineers to repair against your tank attack. The reality is it's balanced. The sole weakness to aircraft and the artillery vehicles would be the Ramjet, but other than that they're already really good. I don't think this aspect of the game is unbalanced, like some other aspects that we want to fix. Something that has a lot of ammo per clip and does great damage to everything would be a cheap weapon, but a glorified sniper that can only kill infantry and light armoured vehicles isn't a problem in the game. The increase in load time and decrease in points when using the weapon is more than enough to fix any problem the Ramjet has. The damage for the ramjet's been okay with me, okay with the team, and okay with the thousands that have played/still play C&C Renegade regularly. I'm sorry that we can't please everyone, but literally everyone has a different idea on how the game should be changed or 'fixed'.
  5. It makes sense to me since a Ramjet is over double the price of an Arty or an MRLS. Also, the Ramjet is their only real weakness - Arties are very great units otherwise with great range, firepower, and splash damage. With a technician backing them up they're very tough to beat. Plus with the extended reload it gives that Arty an extra shot against a sniper threat.
  6. QUOTE That's another thing I agree with. You won't be getting that many points for merely shooting at a tank and not damaging it with the Ramjet Rifle in Renegade X. I think everyone agrees with that point. QUOTE You must remember that Renegade is a fast paced game. There's a lot of moving and jumping, and the maps are small so most sniper battles are close quarters and not exactly realistic. Therefore headshots are harder in Renegade than in slower paced games, and the average level player does more body shots than headshots. QUOTE You see, Renegade X is simply reincarnating the game into a new engine. We're fixing what we feel is broken in the game and adding more features (like lots of server side options) but things like the Ramjet aren't a complete flaw in the game. The 4 second reload for our Ramjet and a decrease in points when hitting vehicles, we feel that's enough to fix any problems with it. We still want to keep that same gameplay Renegade has though, it's far more balanced than most other games out there and there are still many thousands of people that enjoy playing it.
  7. QUOTE The standard sniper rifle isn't that affective against expensive infantry (other than headshots), it takes about 4 hits to kill an expensive character. The Ramjet's a better version of that sniper, and it's there to balance out against aircraft, but its disadvantage to the standard sniper rifle is that its tracer is easy to see and it's more expensive. QUOTE If there's no Barracks, then buy an APC, Medium Tank, or Mammoth Tank. Problem solved, and the enemy team is embarrassed and useless. QUOTE It also costs the enemy a hefty load of money to buy this weapon; as it is the most expensive one in the game. It doesn't take much to kill a sniper, even with the most basic weapons - even if you don't have defenses, a weapons factory, AND a barracks, 3 soldiers together can usually take out the average Sakura when at a good range. Chances are, they spent all of their money on that Sakura. One thing we are doing though is increasing the reload time to 4 seconds for the Ramjet. This slightly longer reload time gives a chance for Aircraft to get away during the reload time, or give a chance for the light vehicles like an Artillery to spot the sniper and pound it during its reload time. QUOTE Yes and all of that is being worked on. We've got some great ideas on the three weapons above to make them more affective in certain scenarios, but still balanced. Like the Flamethrower, it was pretty useless against infantry. We'll be shedding light on the weapons as soon as we show them off.
  8. On August 31st 1995, Command & Conquer was born. The first game, which was named "Command & Conquer" and nicknamed "Tiberian Dawn", was released this day 13 years ago. I was about six when the game was released, and after playing the demo for many hours, it immediately made me fall in love with the series. Although it started off as an RTS, our fellow game Command & Conquer: Renegade was the first C&C FPS to be released, which was based on the original Tiberian Dawn units and buildings, and the classic GDI and Nod. C&C is one of the longest living game series in gaming history, with 7 games so far and 2 more in the upcoming year. To celebrate the Anniversary of C&C, EA has released Red Alert 1 as freeware on their website. http://www.commandandconquer.com And expect to see a Renegade X update very soon!
  9. You see, even if the rocket launchers get their tracking ability (which they will) it and the MRLS still cannot be a sole anti-air weapon since they're not strong enough. The basic Rocket launcher will only lock on if you have it trained on the target for three seconds to balance it with its primary fire. That's why Westwood made the Ramjet an anti-air weapon, because without them Orcas and Apaches would rule the game if you had more than three of them: they're fast, they're strong, they fly and their only real weakness are each other and ramjets. Here's how I look at it: The only vehicles other than flying units that the Ramjet can kill would be the units that are 450 credits less. Don't forget that Ramjets cost 1000 credits. And lastly, an unbalanced unit would be something that can kill everything. Ramjets can't even kill a base on their own while any other vehicle 450 credits or over can. As I said in my previous post, if your having a problem with the other team getting Ramjets and shooting down your Aircraft, then just get tanks. They're useless against them, and you'll win the game like that. That's why it's balanced, because in Renegade you need a little bit of everything: snipers to take out aircraft and basic infantry, tanks to take out vehicles and buildings, and repair infantry to back up friendly vehicles. If any team just got one of the three, they'd fall against an organized team.
  10. [NE]Fobby[GEN]

    New Website

    Hey blackout thanks for the mention on cncnz
  11. How about we finish with making the Renegade maps first <_< Plus to be honest there's really no point in adding a mobile repair pad if it's just got to repair your Orcas.
  12. If you read the description for the Ramjet it's actually a rocket-propelled 50 cal round. Pretty lethal if you ask me
  13. We've talked about Ramjets before and it's quite a sticking point for people who don't play Renegade anymore like yourself. Though we're keeping the Ramjet's damage ratio the same, because it's the only way without throwing off the balance of the game. I'll give you an example: Air units. The sole disadvantage to Apaches, Chinooks and Orcas would be their weakness to Ramjets. If Ramjets were a lot weaker to vehicles, they'd have no real disadvantage, as there aren't any anti-air weapons or vehicles. Sure APCs and automatic weapons were affective against aircraft, but Orcas and Apaches were easily able to escape from them. So ramjets are there to balance out against aircraft. But it's not like they were invincible, if a team of GDI gets Havocs to take down your Apaches, then just get light tanks, flame tanks, stealth tanks, etc. because Havocs are absolutely useless against them. Everything else in the game is also balanced anyways. There isn't 1 single unit that can dominate everything, the only things Ramjets were able to kill easily were free infantry and light armoured vehicles, but they're weakness would be any vehicle that costs more than 450 credits.
  14. We're going to have to delay that for another couple months. The thing is Maty was going to be the main host for the show, but he's been busy and hasn't had time to do some recording. I definitely don't want to drop the idea completely, but I'd say expect to see the first episode in a couple months.
  15. QUOTE (sybert @ Aug 29 2008, 07:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're the millionth person to say that, literally :lol:
  16. QUOTE That's why we've done some of our stuff after the concept art and not the actual game (like the Nod soldier)
  17. Again crates are a server side option between no crates, money crates, and other crates.
  18. QUOTE Sorry that's not really a great idea. Picture this: you attack the refinery and see a guy there, and you kill him. Now that he knows you're there to blow up the refinery he's going to keep spawning there until he gets rid of you and your C4. Everyone will spawn in that building if they know you're in it, and that makes base destruction even harder than it already is. Spawning stays random.
  19. So let me get this straight: You ask to be on the development team, and yet you don't have any game-developing skills. We say no, and then you get this "I'm better than you" attitude all of a sudden? What exactly would you DO on the development team, show us more Renegade bugs or strategies? That doesn't help the mod you know. You claim to be a popular community member "who knows more than me". I am not stopping you from being a member of our community, you know, to give us input on our work, suggestions, pose questions, etc. The only way you could help the mod if you don't have any game development skills is by doing that. QUOTE Have you even played with me? I've been playing C&C Renegade since Westwood released the demo in early 2002, and then I went and bought the game on February 26th of 2002 (release date) and have been playing the game since. You said yourself you've been playing for 2 years. Even if you're a much better player than I am, what's your point? We're remaking C&C Renegade. If you can't model, texture, code, or rig then we don't need you on the team. QUOTE If you knew anything about C&C Renegade then you'd know that it's not about 1v1s. It's a team game where you need to fight with tanks, snipers, or back up buddies with a hottie and tech. 1v1s don't prove how good of a teamplayer you are. Plus that thread was about you joining the team, I don't see how that has anything to do with 1v1s. And even if you 1v1 me and you beat me, what exactly does that prove? That you're fit to join our team? QUOTE Oh noes. This mod is for anyone who likes C&C Renegade. If you and your friends are turning away from the mod just because you can't be on the team, then that's just stupid. I'm giving you one last chance here. If you want to make a constructive post on our work, or give us a suggestion on the project, or ask us a question, we are here with open arms. If you're just gonna cause more trouble because we rejected you, then your 3rd strike is coming up.
  20. I answered the question about PTs, just walk inside the building to get your vehicle, it's not very difficult. There's already 2 ways to get into the WF anyway, and the Airstrip control centre is pretty small. You could also order a vehicle from a separate building. The other idea about spawn points, that's another no. Who said everyone wants to go out the front of the base? On a map like Field you could go through the tunnels, which is at the back of the base. On a map like Mesa, you'd WANT to spawn at the back if you want to go for the crate.
  21. Screens on the outside of buildings look ugly. Also no point in taking the time to code a PT just for vehicles just so you could save an extra 5 seconds. There's multiple buildings in a base and multiple PT's to access, no need to put more than there already is
  22. I'm sorry, but I play legit. I don't drive APCs in tunnels, nor do I need to learn how to. I play the game the way it is supposed to be played. Knowing Renegade glitches does not help the mod in anyway, since this is on an entirely different game engine. Therefore the bugs in W3D are none of our concern. Thread locked.
  23. Community members help by being a part of the community. Team members are for game and mod developers. About half of this team has been playing C&C Renegade for about six years now, so I think we know enough about the game to remake it
  24. ???? Renegade 2007 had been renamed to Renegade X a long time ago. Case closed.
  25. I think there's an even bigger collection of concept art, wallpapers, etc. at CNC-Source
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