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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. [NE]Fobby[GEN]


    Welcome to the forums
  2. [NE]Fobby[GEN]


    We are, but knowing UnrealScript for UE3 is a necessity as well.
  3. I love this one too. It could be partly explained though because my forums are the same colour But this is really an awesome look. My only suggestion is, for the top banner, we should replace the letters "Renegade 2007" with our actual logo.
  4. I like the new specular map, but we'll talk about it when Havoc's on again.
  5. [NE]Fobby[GEN]

    GDI's APC

    We redid the specular map on this baby... check out the results!
  6. The Specular map has been redone for the GDI Humvee. Take a look!
  7. Havoc89 has made a new wallpaper, showing off his latest piece of work, the Stealth Tank. Set it as your background, or print it out and stick it to your bedroom wall
  8. I think I forgot to mention, a black version of the Stealth Tank will be coming soon. In-game you'll be able to choose whether you want the traditional Red stealth tank, or the Ren07 black type.
  9. The Brotherhood's most special weapon against the Global Defense Initiative is the Stealth Tank. Also known as the Ezekiel's Wheel, or the "Stank", this vehicle has the ability to cloak itself when it's not firing. The Stealth Tank has a short-ranged missile system, capable of reducing structures, vehicles, and infantry alike to bits. These factors make the Stealth Tank perfect for ambushes and quick base rushes. Although this tank is not highly armored, it is able to pummel through GDI defenses when used in groups. Modelled by JeepRubi. Textured, normal mapped, and specular mapped by Havoc89 We made a video of a 360 rotation of the Stealth Tank. Since it's YouTube, it's low quality, so the Stank will definitely look much clearer in game. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ds3e40SDwRo
  10. For those NE members waiting for the forums to go online, they're finally back. http://fobinator.suddenlaunch.com Big thanks to the SL staff.
  11. As I said in the post above you... the front page (Index) is not functional due to the forum moving boxes. I think it has something to do with the RSS feed. But the other pages on the website work, so if you still want to check it out, go to http://renegade2007.com/about/
  12. Yeah because the forum changed boxes, so the front page is down. Should be back soon after we adjust it.
  13. After a long awaited time period, it's finally up. Visit http://www.renegade2007.com to see the new website design. We're still working to improve it, I hope you guys like it.
  14. The forums are just about to get back up. They work for some people, but they don't work for others. All problems will be resolved within 24 hours.
  15. Just be better prepared next time you're going up against a nuke.
  16. A good video tutorial of unwrapping, made by our very own Soviet Deso! Unwrappers is something our mod is looking for. So if you get good at this, we'll take you! http://www.rotd.cnc-source.com/soviet_deso/uvwtutorial.wmv
  17. Renegade 2007 is in need of more well-experienced character modelers. All you need to know how to do is (with quality) model a character, but texturing is a nice plus. If you're an experienced character modeler, apply for membership today! All you need to do is make a thread in the General section, give a brief explanation of your professions, any mod experience, and be sure to provide renders of your work. Thank you in advance.
  18. [NE]Fobby[GEN]


    It's a forum rule, there's nothing to be lazy about. Even if you take off the words, it's still too big though. Might as well find a new signature or something.
  19. [NE]Fobby[GEN]


    It'd be preferred if you posted in the "Introductions" thread in Off-Topic.
  20. Yeah but C&C 3 should at least touch on the unity of Cabal and Kane, kind of reveal a bit more on who Kane actually was. Instead it took a step back.
  21. Probably the biggest flaw is that at the end of Firestorm, we find out that Cabal and Kane are one in the same. There is no reference to this in C&C 3.
  22. It doesn't really look like its 50 polys
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