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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. I'm guessing it would be a hot key instead of typing in "!vkick"
  2. [NE]Fobby[GEN]

    New Website

    Finishing the website would be a priority right now, making a new forum skin really isn't until we're done the website.
  3. Yeah that does sound like a better idea. I thought that was what I meant until I read my own post I think what I was trying to say was that when you bought a vehicle it would be "bound to you" in the sense that you could kick people out of them when they are inside, unless you unbound it for others to bound it.
  4. Either way though UT3 is probably the cheapest game with the Unreal Engine. I just saw it for $29.99 at the local game store, which is dirt cheap for a game that is less than a year old. 30 bucks for a good game and a good mod isn't that bad
  5. Nope this is solely an Unreal Tournament 3 mod.
  6. The best way to help the mod if you're not on the team is to set one of these lovely images as your signatures on other forums. So if you're a member of the Renegade forums, or any other game forums, it's the perfect way in helping propagate Renegade X.
  7. Yeah I remember back in the day there were so many great clans such as [gse], >FLY<, OZ, [CEO], 109th GW, [bA], and a lot of others. The clan [NE] was made in mid 2003 so we've survived through a lot of Renegade
  8. Hi, We'll release the mod with the maps and buildings when we're ready to release it. Thanks.
  9. QUOTE I still play, so my ingame nick is [NE]Fobby[GEN]
  10. Actually it was released on February 26th 2002. I got it the day it came out
  11. Yeah like Havoc and I did some great ambience audio in Field, with the river, waterfall, crickets and other insects, it actually sounds scary when you're standing there alone :blink:
  12. QUOTE (epicelite @ Aug 21 2008, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I demand you cease to demand things
  13. Hosted by Borgamers Community - your friendly neighborhood UT/C&C community. Here's Renegade X's community teamspeak server. It's a voice communication channel in which you could talk to some of the people behind the mod, ask questions, and simply hang out. Me and a few others will be online quite often. You could download teamspeak at http://www.goteamspeak.com Renegade X Teamspeak IP:
  14. It's definitely icier and snowier, but originally it was also quite snowy. All I'm saying is it's not like we changed the map upside down and made it into a forest map
  15. QUOTE Umm, actually our remakes of the maps are "original" style remakes. We haven't changed gameplay features in the maps themselves, and even in terms of the 'looks', Complex, Field, and Under are pretty much identical remakes with better textures. I think the only map that looks somewhat different would be Hourglass, because the original Hourglass was simply just plain dirt and rocks with no creativity.
  16. QUOTE I've told you multiple times, we tried blue skies on it but it didn't work out >_< Plus some of the beta testers say Hourglass is the best looking map
  17. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Aug 19 2008, 12:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was my favourite Renemission, I think it was mission 5.
  18. We're not finished all of the tracks ya know
  19. I remember Aug Elite 5 years ago when I started NE. But didn't it die 4 years ago and come back just a year ago? Anyways post the link to your forums.
  20. Our test server was for beta testers, you would've needed a password to get in anyway. And plus, this mod is not released to the public.
  21. Im not sure if we'll be making actual wildlife, but we will for sure have ambience sounds of the birds and stuff.
  22. Welcome to the forums. QUOTE I can't say much about this yet, other than that the Grenadier will get his grenade launcher as well as something else. You'll have to wait for our next updates to find out. QUOTE You probably won't be seeing blue Tiberium in the multiplayer maps we make, because blue tiberium isn't seen until Tiberian Sun. You see a blue Tiberium gem in Renegade's singleplayer, but Mobius explains that it's a very rare sample. QUOTE We've already got a large amount of vehicles which need to be made and set up. As it is right now, C&C Renegade has 17 vehicles and we will be making all of them. So we're not thinking of creating new vehicles that weren't in Renegade or Tiberian Dawn.
  23. A video my clan made of the game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPQbyVuE_rQ
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