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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. We're not gonna have different game modes for something as small as b2b :roll: different game modes would be like DM, CTF, or whatever.
  2. That's fine Tsumetai, you can make your own thread for that if you want to join.
  3. Hello everyone. The Renegade 2007 development crew is looking to expand the team. Progress has been fine, but we're lacking members in certain areas of development. Therefore, we appeal to the public for any sort of help in these areas. Right now our team is in need for: -Texture Artists of any field: Infantry, Vehicles, and Buildings. Unwrapping is a plus, but is not obligatory. -Model 'Janitor': Someone who can go back into our older models, and clean or prepare them for unwraps. -Character Modelers: We expect our character modelers to do a high polygon version, and low polygon version, then take a normal map from the high polygon character. You must be able to unwrap and normal map your characters. Texturing is a plus, but is not obligatory for the job. -Unwrapper: Someone who can simply unwrap our models and prepare them for texturing -Website coders: We need some website coders, who will help working on the http://www.TotemArts.net production website. Are you interested but don't have much time? Join our Freelance division! Freelancers are temporary members, who work on one or two things for our mod. Simply apply for a freelance position and be given a model, unwrap, or texture to do, and then you'd be free to leave afterwards, or join our team. Perfect if you just want to help out on one piece of work. If you are interested in filling out any of these positions, simply post an application. Make your own thread and write about your modding field, experience, and show us your work! If you know anyone who can fill out these positions, help out the Renegade 2007 team! Inform them about our mod and show them how they can join.
  4. Probably a rumor, but most likely the release will be in November. Particularly, near the end of that month.
  5. Nice find Ruddles, it'll be useful for when I'm finding a new PC.
  6. Hey Titan, we were only joking you know 8) Like he said.. all donations goes towards hosting and applications alike. We, in no way, should be profiting through this project, so this mod will be completely free on your part.
  7. Dude I wish I had your PC. I have: AMD Athlon Processor 1.00 GHz 640 MB of RAM Radeon 9000 Graphics card
  8. Yup, I have a lot of settings on low, and I still get just around 25 fps. 7 year old computer ftw.
  9. Not to mention me paying for Renegade2007.com 8)
  10. It's a mod, we cannot make a cent off of it, because: -We didn't license the UE3 -C&C isn't ours
  11. Thanks for the interest in the mod, I'm glad to see more active Renegade players getting interested in Ren 07, because this is the future of Renegade. As Titan said, this mod will be completely free. Just make sure that you have a legit version of Unreal Tournament 3, which will release this November.
  12. This just in: Renegade 2 Unofficially Confirmed by an EALA source. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6179628.html?...estnews;title;1
  13. All Zero Hour did was polish the turd :wink: Some aspects of that game weren't bad, but it had no background or storyline, nor did it follow the traditional C&C game storyline. C&C was meant to be 1 story, not 3 universes.
  14. http://www.timeofwar.com/news.php?id=5776 Quote: MAJ : Notre confrère russe CnC3.cc en rajoute une couche avec une liste des jeux en développement chez EALA : RTS : Command & Conquer 3 : Add-on RTS : Generals 2 avec une sortie pour 2009 (je sens que ça va gueuler ) FPS : Army of Two FPS : Renegade 2 It says these are the next project of EA. This news was posted in march 2007... this piece of news confirms the fact that Renegade 2 (and yes, that is the name of the project) is in progress. They were already right about 2 of the games, let's see what happens with the other 2.
  15. Source: Planet CNC As I said earlier today, before I found this news article, I would rather have a new Renegade than 3 new FPS games. I simply haven't played any other game more than Renegade. If there will be a Renegade 2, it won't affect the progress of Renegade 2007 (unless EA is doing the exact same thing we are ) The C&C Renegade formula is what made this game last so long. Let's hope EA uses it. Edit: And yeah, it'd be nice if they use Crysis or UE3 :roll:
  16. I don't think gif images work in the command
  17. No it's perfect, nice set of words. I fully understand what Pend is capable of doing, as I have been working with him for over 2 years. We've also needed 1 more person to help me with sound engineering, so in my opinion he makes the team, what do you think Titan?
  18. Yeah I liked the grey and red one, only problem was the rescaling pictures.
  19. Hey guys. We have successfully moved the Renegade 2007 forums from the renbase.com domain (which is now expired) to the TotemArts.net domain. Totem Arts will be the new development team name behind Renegade 2007, and we are planning to make a website for TotemArts.net Some posts and threads are missing due to the forum change, so bear with us. Any missing WIPs will be reposted.
  20. Jeep's the one who wrote it :roll:
  21. If you read that without the word "colour' you will get a funny sentence
  22. [NE]Fobby[GEN]

    GDI's APC

    If you look at the machine gun you see that it has a mechanism, not a gun simply mounted at the top with a ghost turning it. And the reason why it's like that is because you don't always have passengers in an APC.
  23. Everything that was in Renegade and more will be in Renegade 2007.
  24. What's up man For those of you who don't remember, Merovingian is the leader of the RA2: Apoc Rising mod for C&C Renegade. He's also worked on our project a bit.
  25. Nice baby!!! I'm glad you went through this successfully Serenity!
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