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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. I'm pretty sure we wanted to lock the vehicle to the person who first gets in, unless he types a command or presses a button to give it to someone else.
  2. QUOTE (cinzcodeX @ Aug 5 2008, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kind of random and off topic, but yes Renegade X is a very good project
  3. Simply there's just so much more you could do with the Unreal Editor since it's like 6 years newer.
  4. We were in the process of building the new one. Although you could access the old page here: http://renegade2007.com/index.php I'm still looking for someone who could make us a new design.
  5. What are your favourite units in Renegade in these categories? GDI Infantry: Nod Infantry: GDI Vehicles: Nod Vehicles: Here's my list GDI Infantry: Gunner Nod Infantry: Raveshaw GDI Vehicles: Medium Tank Nod Vehicles: Artillery
  6. Every month, the fine folks leading the C&C community sites hold a round-table discussion, hosted by CNCNZ. Questions are asked, and several people give their input on questions posed by the Round-table panel. This month's roundtable discussion contains the opinions of these people: * Saracen - CNCNZ.com Co-Webmaster * Sonic - CNCNZ.com Webmaster * Chickendippers - CNC World * Banshee - Project Perfect Mod * HeXetic - Planet CNC * Blbpaws - CNC Generals World * Mighty BOB! - CNC Source and Renegade X Public Relations * Hagren - CNC-Files On the last question of this specific discussion, a question is asked concerning your very own Renegade X: The Unreal Tournament Total conversion, Renegade X has shown us a 2nd great looking trailer. What effect do you think this game will have on the community and more importantly on the older Renegade total conversions, ie. APB and Reborn? Here is how they answered: QUOTE Thanks CNCNZ!
  7. Well we're already kind of "advertising". Every time we post a news update, it is sent to several C&C and UT community websites. It's how a lot of you fans have heard about the mod, therefore it is advertising the mod.
  8. The main harvester will always be an AI, but there will be a server side option later on that server hosts can select which allows players to buy their own harvesters.
  9. Hey guys, I'd just like to say that as of today, Renegade X is the most popular Unreal Tournament 3 modification. That includes total and partial conversion projects being worked on for UT3. I am judging this by the amount of total hits for each UT3 mod on Mod DB. Right now we're at a total of 50,684 hits since the new version of ModDB, averaging around 200 hits per day when there are no updates. The mod that was at the top before us was the "ActionCam" mod, which is a custom camera angle mod for UT3. The 3rd most popular UT3 mod is Warm Gun, with 35,477 hits. Thank you fans! http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x
  10. We'll be talking about veterancy and all that when the mod is at a more complete state.
  11. Actually bots would shoot and repair buildings, because they already do that with power nodes.
  12. (Thanks R3!) Renegade X been featured by EA once again on the latest episode of Battlecast Primetime at E3. This came to us as a surprise as a fan of the mod mentioned that we were yet again featured on C&CTV BattleCast PrimeTime. So here is a short clip of the featurette. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmBjRfHZ83k
  13. Hey, yes the song Valiant did take direction and influence from Eternal. I was actually trying to find that song for a long time, because I have it, but it's unnamed. So I sent it to our artist, and told him to make our own with influence from that song. And thanks for interest in the mod.
  14. We probably will not be having taunts and text in different languages, simply because it takes a lot of work (coding different versions of the mod, getting a German guy to translate everything, and a couple German voice actor) and only benefits a few people. Most of the EVA and Radio Commands are pretty self explanatory "attack the powerplant" or "Tiberium Refinery under attack". Right now we're more concerned with getting the mod done rather than having different languages.
  15. I'd personally like to have a Tiberium tree, but it's not at the top of the list right now.
  16. QUOTE That would be the second option; that you bought Ut3 but not specifically for this mod.
  17. Because it was a lot of fun lol. And we killed a few vehicles in the process.
  18. I've added one more option to the polling system.
  19. Information added! check first post.
  20. Well like the UT games it will be a server side option if you want to add bots into your own server. I believe you're able to command bots around and stuff, and have it that human players start replacing the bots as more people join your server.
  21. Can you post up your best or favourite example of work (maybe the best model and best texture you've done?)
  22. Hey I checked out your deviant art profile. Not bad I say, but it looks like you could use some more practice. Are you able to unwrap or texture things?
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