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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Yup, we're not going to be finishing the mod in 2007, but we will be releasing many things to entertain you guys as you wait Including this podcast and the finished work that will come with it.
  2. Hello all, a new update on the podcast. It will be released between Sunday, November 18th, 2007 and Monday, November 19th, 2007. Be sure to check back here on those two dates. Unreal Tournament 3 releases on the 19th, so if you'd like to pick it up after work or school, that'd be cool too. So here is the final list of questions for the podcast. I had to merge some questions together, as well as reword some other questions. Some of the questions didn't make the podcast, either because they didn't make sense, or we had answered that question in another question. Behold! To start off the interview, explain to the listeners what the Renegade 2007 mod is. Will the mod be released in phases? Will bots be incorporated in the mod? When we play Renegade, and drive around in faster vehicles, there isn't really any "realistic gravity" You guys going to make it make it better in the mod, or keep it how it was in Renegade? Will Renegade 2007 be remaking the original maps from C&C Renegade? What enhancements will you be making on them? Will the damage ratios be realistic, or closer to Renegade's? Will the scoreboard be like the one in renegade with the ability to switch what is shown? How about the screens that showed which buildings are still alive for both teams? Will the point system be the same? Will you be using UT's VoIP system for communication? What about radio commands? Will the game speed be same as UT, or will it be as fast as C&C Renegade(which means slower)? Will the initial version work with PS3? Will the Stealth technology work like it did in the original renegade? How awesome is the team? Will you receive infinite ammo for all infantry weapons like in APB, or will this mod be more realistic? What new content will Renegade 2007 bring to the C&C Renegade universe? Will the team possibly port the Single Player campaign over? Or will this be Multi player only? Will you change the layout of the buildings in anyway? When buildings are destroyed, will the structure completely collapse? Are there going to be player controlled harvesters? Will you let the Reborn and APB team use your mod as a platform to launch a second version of theirs? Do you see a future in game design/creation? Out of all the things you could have done for a mod, why did you choose to remake the classic game C&C Renegade? What is the predicted time of launch of this mod? All of these questions will be answered in detail in the podcast. We will also be releasing new finished works on the day this podcast is released, so it's an update you won't want to miss.
  3. Thread locked, I will be posting a new thread with the finalized questions.
  4. Today's the last day to post your questions, I will be locking this thread tonight after posting the final list of questions which will be answered in the podcast. Some of the questions will be reworded by the management due to grammatic errors.
  5. Then why'd you comment? :roll: TD ftw
  6. Tiberian Dawn? Nope! Look again! It's a Tiberian Sun mod, called The Dawn of the Tiberium Age! It's just like Tiberian Dawn, except it can go super high in resolution (TFD hi-res packs for the lose), you can generate your own maps like in TS, you can play online and skirmish, and you can build more than one unit at a time. All of this without running into TD bugs. I HIGHLY recommend it. Download it: http://www.tiberiumweb.com/forums/index.php?showforum=84
  7. Yes, I know there was a thread like this - but that was months ago Since then, new people joined our community, some left, a UT3 beta was released, and opinions changed. So will you be buying Unreal Tournament 3, and if so, under what pretexts? Discuss.
  8. Most of these questions are great, just a reminder that there is under a week (6 days) until the question period is over, so if you have some last-minute questions, post before it's too late 8)
  9. Get your problems resolved through private messages, we won't deal with them on this forum.
  10. I know this one's for the podcast, but it's kind of obvious: We're not using the W3D engine, so therefore we won't have any W3D engine bugs. Not very logical to ask about Renegade bugs because we're not even using the Renegade engine This is just a heads up for any other similar questions people may ask, we won't be answering any questions about W3D bugs.
  11. We'll be closing the thread on November 10th, which is in about 13 days. If you haven't posted any questions, or if you would like to ask more, do it before it's too late.
  12. Renegade: Ground Zero (R:GZ)
  13. Yup, the reason why we're doing a podcast at UT3 release is to spread our propaganda in the UT community. We're also preparing some nice textured work, which you will see soon I understand what you mean R315r4z0r, but there are tonnes of people who have heard of or played C&C Renegade in the UT community, you might be surprised.
  14. We've got a media release planned for the UT3 Community that'll take place in the next 3 weeks.
  15. No need to apply to be a part of the community
  16. We're already going to have different VoIP divisions, but it'll work differently. We're going to have it so anyone can make their own voice room as well as having their own "strategy table" (a drawing board anyone in that division can access and draw on). Basically if I want to do a Flame Rush, those who are in on it can join that plan.
  17. Some pretty good questions so far, keep em coming! The more the merrier!
  18. Hey guys. A couple days prior to the Unreal Tournament 3 release next month, the Renegade 2007 team will be hosting our very-first podcast. The podcast will feature in-depth information about the Renegade 2007 mod, and the people behind the project. The podcast requires public involvement, so we need your help! This is how it will work: the public will post their questions about our project or the team in this thread. We will then pick the best questions and answer them in full depth in the podcast. The thread will then be locked before the podcast is aired, and the team will post what questions we will answer. More information, such as the date of this podcast and who from the team will be involved, will be announced soon. So get cracking! Make that list of inquiries and post them right here. We will not be putting up a disappointing show 8)
  19. Self Explanatory! What are your 5 favorite games of all time? My list is: #1. C&C Renegade #2. C&C 95 (Tiberian Dawn) #3. Nox #4. Sonic 3 & Knuckles #5. C&C Tiberian Sun
  20. Not necessary, UT3 will come with anti-cheat, and the community tends to make great Anti-cheat programs for the game. All we need to do is use them.
  21. Vehicle CTF is amazing - quite epic
  22. [NE]Fobby[GEN]

    UT3 DL Mirrors

    Yes this is an official release. You can find it on FireFront, if you want to wait in line for an hour :roll:
  23. [NE]Fobby[GEN]

    UT3 DL Mirrors

    It's because people like to download the first thing they see... :wink:
  24. This isn't the W3D engine, so we don't have to worry about fixing bugs that were in the W3D engine.
  25. But this wasn't the intention of the creators of the game. Wall jumping is kind of like a bug in Renegade, because it isn't literally a person giving a boost to someone else, but rather a W3D screw up when two people are jumping at each other. How I see it, the Walls are there for a reason, to block infantry. If Westwood wanted the area to be accessible, there wouldn't be the walls there. Don't believe me? Play ACK's map Field TS, where the walled areas in original Field are now totally accessible. See what happens to the gameplay in that map.
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