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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. It's been there since we posted this thread.
  2. We've actually made our own design for the flamethrower infantry, which the model is in progress.
  3. Suggested starting credits for specifics maps is a horrible idea. Starting credits is completely up to the host and that's that.
  4. Again this is the UNREAL ENGINE 3. Bugs that were in W3D will not be carried over.
  5. The AGT and the Obelisk/Turrets is already balanced. What's the problem? The Obelisk does heavy, direct damage over a period of time, while the AGT continuous, lighter damage. Sounds balanced to me.
  6. We probably won't be doing a "building the base" mode because we feel that building and rebuilding structures wasn't Renegade. C&C Renegade was all about defending every one of your structures, and your team being heavily crippled after losing one... if structures were rebuildable, then losing a structure wouldn't cripple your team, you'd just be able to rebuild it. Then the concentration of the mod would just shift over to defending and attacking the Construction yards, which is pretty linear gameplay to me. The game modes were doing are ones that are mingled with C&C mode. An example would be C&C mode mixed with UT 2004's "Assault" mode, where you had specific objectives other than simply killing the other team.
  7. The first couple betas will only feature C&C mode (AOW) but we plan on having other awesome modes later on.
  8. QUOTE (Tsumetai @ Sep 22 2008, 10:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You better come back and finish City flying Tsumey!!! Anyways Bret, as soon as I come home today (around 3pm EST) I'll get everything sorted and you'll be able to see the internals.
  9. Honestly one of the best mappers I've seen on UT3. I think I speak for the team when I say we would love to have you on and we are glad you liked our work. Do you have any instant messaging means of contact so we could talk? It's fine if you don't.
  10. QUOTE Yes. Say your vehicle is very damaged; as you repair you will see those damage marks begin to get less opaque and by the time your vehicle is at full health, it will no longer have those scratches. Though, the dirt/snow will stay depending on how much you've driven the vehicle.
  11. Renegade X --> Bringing C&C Renegade to the Unreal Engine 3 Hey guys. It's been a long time since you've heard from us, and some people have been wondering what has been happening in the mod. It's true, we haven't had a major update for almost two months. We thank those who have been patient, because the September update is finally here, and we've got some goodies to show you! Website is Live! In case you haven't noticed yet, but Renegade X has gotten a new website. Check out things like updates, trailers, media, and information. We plan on adding a lot more to the website as time progresses, such as more information on the mod, unit profiles, wallpapers, and possibly a tutorial section for those who want to help out with the project. Check it out at http://www.renegade-x.com ! September Podcast The team's finally gotten its third podcast live. In this podcast, which features Fobby, Havoc89, Killa and JeepRubi, we discuss some important issues at hand, such as the status of the mod, and some cool new features you will only find in Renegade X. It's very informative and funny, and it's only a little over 13 minutes long. So what are waiting for? Hear about the Renegade revolution down the street by downloading the podcast here: http://renegade-x.com/staff/September_Podcast.rar Video Presentation! We've composed our first-ever video demonstration. Our older videos have shown awesome ingame and CG stuff, but in this video, edited by Havoc89, we take a look at a couple Renegade X features: -Stealth Effect: You asked for it, and you got it: an awesome stealth effect for Renegade X. It's still a work-in-progress, but the video should give you a good idea of how it will look like once its ingame. In this video, Havoc89 goes around a test map with his stealth tank and fights other ones. -Damage/Dirt Demonstration (DDD): We wanted to show you all a Renegade X feature you will not find anywhere else. Basically, the more distance you travel in a vehicle, the dirtier your tank will look. The dirt layer works with both dirt and snow, depending on the map you are playing in. By the same token, the more damage your vehicle takes, the more ravaged it will look as a result of that damage. If your vehicle is heavily damaged, you will see some scratches, dents, and burn marks scattered around the vehicle. Havoc89 goes over the feature and gives you a visual in the Video Presentation. (The video is a tad choppy, because Adobe Premiere doesn't feel like working properly) WATCH THE VIDEO HERE! Download (Recommended): http://renegade-x.com/staff/RenX_VidDemo.avi Streaming: YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGPrJopWprk&fmt=18 http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/video...-video#imagebox Two New Songs Renegade X, for the past two months, has remade many songs from the original C&C Renegade and Tiberian Dawn games. We've gotten two more songs done: 'Move It' and 'Blinded'. Move It is a remake of the Renegade classic, while Blinded is an original, with some inspiration taken from Avenged Sevenfold's "I Won't See You Tonight" song. You could find all of our songs, including the latest two, here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/downloads GDI M1A1 Medium Tank The original "Medium Tank" was made after the M1A1 Abrams Tank, so we have decided to take much inspiration from that vehicle into the new Med. The Medium tank is GDI's main battle tank, which is good against pretty much any ground threat you put it against. It's heavily armoured, maneuverable, and affordable. Under You saw Under in our previous video test, and now it is finished. We've added trees, snow fall, bunkers, and some other things. Check it out! Nod Flamethrower The Flamethrower is back with a new, realistic kickass design! It comes with Nod's free Flamethrower unit, and the flame/fire will be more awesome than ever on the Unreal Engine 3. I can't wait to show you this baby ingame! Stealth Black Hand The Stealth Black Hand (SBH) is a stealth trooper that wields an automatic laser rifle. This has got to be my favourite looking character so far: it's been based off of the original concept art, made by our buddy TAS from Westwood, and revolutionized. Check it out! Nod Mobile Artillery The Nod Mobile Artillery is a personal favourite vehicle of mine. Not only is it very affordable, but it is also gives a tremendous amount of firepower. It's been brought back for Renegade X, looking better than ever. Media Platoon Do you want to help contribute to the Renegade X project, but don't have the skills to be on our team? There's a new way to help the Renegade revolution; visit this link: http://www.renegade-x.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=2065 That's all we have for now guys. Be on the look-out for more updates! http://www.renegade-x.com
  12. Ever wanted to help the mod? Well traditionally, there has been one way to help the mod: by joining the team. If you've got the skills to join our team, then why not do so? But understandably, there are a lot of fans that would like to help our mod in some way. Namely, these fans I am talking about might not have the skills to join the team itself, but will do what they can to dedicate themselves to Renegade X. If you're one of those fans, then read this post carefully! The team is opening up a new "Media Platoon". If you are a member of a C&C or UT community website, or if you are a prominent poster on a C&C or UT forum, this is a new way in representing the mod. Basically, all members of the Media team would contribute whenever we have a major Media Release or announcement: we would supply you with the updates, and you would go to your designated website or forum to post the news. This is just a new way in spreading the news about the mod around the web, and possibly attracting the attention of possible team members. Therefore, the media platoon can actually contribute to finishing this mod quicker. So what are the advantages to being on the media platoon, other than helping the mod? For starters, you would get inside information on the project and our status that you wouldn't find anywhere else. As well, you would receive customized, really cool Renegade X signatures with your name on it for whatever forums you post on. Other advantages may be included in the future! Here's how to sign up. Below, post the following information: Your name: Example, Billybob Your age: Example, 104 Your contact information: Example, billjoeybobnessguy[AT]msn.com The community site/forum you would like to represent: Example, http://www.renegadeforums.com Remember that you must either be a member of a community site or a prominent member of the forum you would like to be in charge of (which means you make at least a couple posts a day on that forum, and that you have been a member of it for a respectable amount of time). I will personally be going over all of the applications. On October 10th, I will announce (on these forums) who will make it to the Media Platoon, and those members will get special access to their own forum section that no one else could see. Looking forward to your application!
  13. But we KNOW we're awesome We don't need to be badgered with "WHEN WILL IT BE OUT OMG"
  14. There's two things our team doesn't like hearing and answering: #1. When will the mod come out? #2. Demanding anything (to work harder, to release faster, to demand to have something included, threats, etc.)
  15. We haven't been updating regularly lately because we are saving our latest progress for a bigger Media release. There's a few cool updates coming soon. We have been busy a little bit lately as the new school year has started, and a few of us have gotten new jobs, so that would answer the slight slowdown, but again, we are getting a lot of work done behind the scenes, so don't put your full trust in your eyes and ears
  16. Your work is quite good, though probably not what we need for the project. All of our assets are very highly detailed with hard surfaces, scratches, dirt, rust, etc. As you see there's a lot of detail, and for the gaming world that's the kind needed.
  17. Right now as we have it there are no sounds for placing C4s other than the "beep" when the C4 is placed, and the explosion itself. Though, if you look at the C4 itself, you will see the timer count down to 30, so you can still see when it will explode, you just shouldn't risk standing that close to it Replacing sounds as well isn't as easy as it is in C&C Renegade. As for the countdown timer on the Ion I think we may keep that.
  18. QUOTE You should have mentioned that earlier. Can we see some of your work? QUOTE "Renegade bugs or strategies? That doesn't help the mod you know." "We're remaking C&C Renegade." In what ways do these two statements contradict each other? We're remaking C&C Renegade on the Unreal Engine 3, so therefore any bugs that the original Renegade had would not carry over to a different engine. Remaking C&C Renegade does not mean remaking its bugs as well. Plus, looking for bugs = beta testers, not development team members. At the moment we've got more than enough beta testers and we aren't looking for any more. What you can do, though, is wait for the mod to come out, find glitches and report them to the forum. QUOTE NodOnThis: yo lemme join the team The Team: No NodOnThis: No?!?! 1v1!!! The Team: No NodOnThis: DODGE!!!!!111 You've got to be the best Renegade player there ever was. QUOTE That's pretty sad my friend. I don't care if the "coolest" person in the community quit C&C Renegade, it wouldn't stop me from playing, because I enjoy the game and I don't play it just for one person. Likewise, if Renegade X is a mod that looks and plays extraordinary, people will play the game. You've got some pretty loyal friends if they'll hate our mod just because you can't join our team. But even loyalty has a limit you know :unsure: QUOTE Renegade X and Project Regenesis are our only mods actually, and PR has been released with many downloads, so I don't quite know what other mods you're talking about. QUOTE Now that sounds more understandable. But even so, if you like Renegade, and if this mod looks good to you, then it's worth the 25 bucks UT3 is selling for nowadays.
  19. I'm not denying that it's a good character, I am just pointing out that it balances out nicely with its GDI counterpart and isn't as overwhelming as the original post makes it seem. (Oh and happy birthday demigan)
  20. QUOTE I didn't mean that. I meant Nod can mine the front of their base as well.
  21. Isn't it the other way around? If you're more worried about an SBH, it's more likely you go to a safe place to repair. If you sit on a field with an SBH with the intent of stealing a vehicle, it usually takes 5-10 minutes of waiting around. Imagine what you could be doing instead.
  22. QUOTE Actually both teams could do what you just said, I don't know why you attribute it to GDI only. QUOTE If GDI is looking over their shoulder, how does that help Nod? :lol:
  23. Actually that's one of the reasons why the SBH isn't great. In every public game you have 30% of your team running around with SBHs "trying" to steal a tank. Even when they do, the tank is usually killed quickly by team mates anyways. So basically that's 30% of your team sitting on their ass and doing nothing but watch the enemy progress through the field.
  24. There's going to be many server side options offered with the mod. Things like vehicle limits, weapon drop, crates, mine limits, and many other features will all be up to the host. It'll be built into the game and you'll no longer need a server-side mod or a mutator for these things. Chinooks are getting a chaingun on each side for the passengers, because as it is in C&C Renegade right now they're flying coffins. As for some of the more complicated things such as A-10s, spies, mutants, and some other stuff you named that the original game didn't deliver, we probably will not be getting into that. Recon bikes and SSMs may be added on a custom map to replace the Nod APC and Artillery, but we're not quite there yet.
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