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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Hey guys. We hope you liked our most recent update. I'd just like to say that our HD download for the Renegade X trailer is now available. It is a high quality version, with a few improvements over the one found on YouTube and other venues. Also available for download is the Renegade X remake of Stomp, which is found in the trailer. In case you haven't seen the trailer, you can find it on YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8g4txL-Jps...page&fmt=18 And now for the download links! Renegade X Epic trailer HD Version (193.6MB): http://www.renegade-x.com/staff/RenX_Trailer5_HD.avi SD Version (82.7MB): http://www.renegade-x.com/staff/RenX_Trailer5_SD.avi NOTE: The version of Renegade X being viewed in this trailer in no way, shape, or form represents the final version of Renegade X. Stomp by Sebastian Aav: http://www.sebastianaav.com/work/ren/ren_s...l_Version_1.mp3
  2. In Renegade all you were able to do was drive the vehicle on top of the aircraft. I guess you can try to do it in Renegade X, I cant guarantee it'll work. It was obviously extremely difficult to do it in Renegade and never was part of the game.
  3. First of all, it was 1 month, not two. Second of all, check the freaking News section for God's sake. We did an update YESTERDAY. Don't expect to gain any sort of respect around here if you're just going to be ignorant and demand we work faster.
  4. If I recall we did not show the complete ion cannon animation. The part we did show was not like C&C3's
  5. DUDE! We had an update recently and another one is coming very soon! Can you NOT wait a few hours?! Gosh!
  6. It was supposed to be a joke
  7. I wouldn't recommend getting the PS3 version of UT3 for the mod. If we ever do release a PS3 version, it will be after we're done the PC version. That means the PS3 probably won't be getting any betas, just the absolute final release.
  8. Yes the team's been busy, feel free to add me on msn though and we could talk.
  9. Please don't bump threads an hour and a half after they are made. It's annoying for team. And don't worry we are making a bad ass shotgun.
  10. Well you have to be registered to view the forums, and these days spam bots aren't registering
  11. Fan art is any art made by fans
  12. Media platoon recruits have been decided! Congratulations to: HunterXc: Atomix Gaming, eXiled Clan, Epsilon WorldWide A1H: Whirlpool boards tthom: UN community forums DXR_13KE: Bit-Tech.net DirtyCopGangsta: Duke-Gaming and SOC clan Aydynbek: Fallout Studios You will be put into our Media Platoon forum group and should be able to see the Media Platoon forum board in a few minutes from this post. If you have any problems, contact me.
  13. Read the post, man it says we will have a good update for Christmas.
  14. What site is that?
  15. Thursday and Friday will be the last days to sign up for the Media Platoon. I will be closing the thread and appointing the new members by Friday afternoon.
  16. Hey, thanks for your interest in the mod, Are you Scrin, or am I mistaking you for someone else?
  17. The Media Platoon (information can be found here: http://www.renegade-x.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=2065 ) is being re-opened until December 19th for any new members. Sign up on this thread if you are interested!
  18. We usually just get the Renegade map file and make sure our remakes are the same size.
  19. We were thinking of that before actually, but I do not think it's possible with the engine.
  20. Personally for me, in most servers the radar is next to useless and really just a good tool if you want to prevent your tank from being stolen. The radar will be definitely more useful in Renegade X and we'll be talking about it more once it's coded.
  21. For all of our Germans in the house, we have conducted an interview in German for the popular C&C community site, http://www.cnc-inside.de Check it out for up-to-date information about the mod you won't find anywhere else! http://www.cnc-inside.de/inhalt-page,Mod-I...iew,2,3567.html
  22. I think anywhere between 2 and 60 people will be readily available from the first beta.
  23. Because secretly, it is a Q&A thread and not an FAQ thread
  24. We're relatively conservative when it comes to points, so what we're going to do is have a slightly modified version of the original Renegade point system. Meaning, the points system will be the same except for things like a Ramjet getting 12 points or so for shooting a Mammoth Tank and not damaging it.
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