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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. I've done it before, though I prefer not to. All you need to do is zoom in and press A and D really fast.
  2. I just feel like the cold and snow is very limiting. In the summer time I could get on my bike, and with it go to the gym, get something to eat, visit friends, etc., simply because I prefer bikes over cars. In the winter it's all cold and icy, so I can't do any of that. It keeps me indoors.
  3. +6 Celsius today, best day of the winter so far
  4. Yes, I know. I meant 7 as the standard amount of vehicles your team is capable of buying.
  5. Vehicle limits will be up to the host, the standard will be 7 but the server host can have whatever vehicle limit he desires. QUOTE Considering the time it takes for us to model a vehicle, unwrap, apply normal maps, texture, apply a specular map and throw in game, we will most likely not be recreating the pickup, sedan, and chameleon, simply because they held no formal purpose in the game. Most servers had them disabled, and the ones that didn't were filled with players wasting their time with these vehicles and not doing anything useful.
  6. We don't plan on adding any extra vehicles. The only added vehicles you will see (later on) will be the the Recon Bike and SSM and possibly the GDI A-10 Warthog.
  7. Us Canadians are jealous <_
  8. You will need UT3 - check the minimum system requirements for UT3 and it is the same for Renegade X.
  9. Lmfao, more like January 12 2047 The official answer is: we don't have a release date. We have been asked this question countless times. Our only response is that there is no release date and probably wont be one either. Let me explain the reason behind this. We are not professionals, we don't own any studios or anything like that. This is not our job and we don't get paid to do this. This mod is being developed on our own free time and of course everyone has a personal life to deal with which is always 1st in terms of priority. You probably know as well as I or anyone else that shit happens all the time so we cant guarantee anything. We are actually getting very close to finishing all of the things we planned in our first release so its not going to be a long wait.
  10. Field will have its regular no-access areas, except you will be able to walk into the river. But the current in the river is strong, and it'll swing you against a rock and kill you :lol:
  11. Well the reason why it took a few hits to destroy aircraft with a tank cannon was probably to encourage the use of more efficient anti-air weapons. Aircraft is supposed to be the tanks' nightmare, if tanks were good against aircraft then vehicles like the Med would have no real weakness. I think we could live with it. Tanks already do good-enough damage against aircraft.
  12. QUOTE (DXR_13KE @ Feb 3 2009, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not until after our final version is released on PC, then we will work towards porting it to the PS3. Though I'd recommend just sticking with PC - you'll be getting public beta tests, more players for online, and far more support.
  13. Renegade X: The Revolution of Renegade Hey all. It's been a few weeks since you've heard from us Just a small update for all of you! Light Tank Havoc89's been cooking up the light tank, first with a spectacular model and more recently with a texture. It's just about ready to kick some Medium Tank ass! Walls Flying Our very own Bret Hart has been working on remaking the Walls Flying map, and he's made some great progress! Take a look for yourself: Flame Tank Concept JeepRubi will be tackling the Flame Tank in the coming weeks, and he's already got a concept ready for the high poly! Watch out. Scorpion Hunters map! You saw it in our last trailer, and you liked it. We've decided to remake the first level of C&C Renegade as a multiplayer map, with GDI and Nod bases, ready for the upcoming war. Zixxer's done an excellent job! HUD System Havoc89 and Warlord have been working on the new Heads Up Display system. Although we had already remade C&C Renegade's, we at Renegade X decided to go to the next level... X! It's got all the game information you had in the original and more, including mine count information, structure status, vehicle count, and much more, all at your fingertips. It's still a work in progress, but check it out! Vote for RENEGADE X! I'd just like to give a reminder that the Mod DB voting for 'Mod of the Year' ends on February 2nd. If you haven't voted in Phase 2 yet (note! Different from phase 1 voting! Make sure you have voted), then here is the mods to vote for. Remember that you can vote for as many mods as you want. http://www.moddb.com/events/2008-mod-of-th...r-awards/top100 Remember that our hard-working team is working from our own free time for free, to bring you our updates and future releases. Voting is the just a matter of one button, and anyone could do it - spread the word, as far as you can! Tell your family and friends! The best way for our fans to get Renegade X finished is to spread the word in hopes that we may be in the Top 5. So vote! And thanks for supporting your friendly neighborhood Renegade X mod. That's it for now. Be sure to keep up with Renegade X for more compelling updates!
  14. Well Battle for Dune isn't a "C&C" mod, considering it's a part of the Dune series - and that you are an indie mod. Though you should have been mentioned since it's on the W3D engine, it's both Mod DB's fault for not showing the engine, and EA's fault for their ignorance. They forgot us probably because we aren't a mod for a C&C game.
  15. Hey all. I'd just like to give a reminder that the Mod DB voting for 'Mod of the Year' ends on February 2nd. If you haven't voted in Phase 2 yet (note! Different from phase 1 voting! Make sure you have voted), then here is the mods to vote for. Remember that you can vote for as many mods as you want. http://www.moddb.com/events/2008-mod-of-th...r-awards/top100 Remember that our hard-working team is working from our own free time for free, to bring you our updates and future releases. Voting is the just a matter of one button, and anyone could do it - spread the word, as far as you can! Tell your family and friends! The best way for our fans to get Renegade X finished is to spread the word in hopes that we may be in the Top 5. So vote! And thanks for supporting your friendly neighborhood Renegade X mod.
  16. I'm pretty sure everything is the same size as it was in C&C Renegade. A couple of our levels are slightly bigger, but that's really it.
  17. Well the main reason why Petroglyph is admired by the C&C community is because it holds a lot of former-Westwood employees. People liked Westwood for C&C - Petroglyph's games are nothing like C&C-games.
  18. TIIIIIIIIIIIIII'AN!!!!! I'm glad Epic is helping the UT3 community out a little bit.
  19. I didn't like any of the Sonic 3D games. I think the only good one was the very first, Sonic 3D Blast. But the best Sonic games by far were Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic & Knuckles.
  20. I know we reel in a lot of interest through our aggressive PR methods
  21. QUOTE (epicelite @ Jan 22 2009, 10:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Glue GUNS don't kill people
  22. I'd recommend going to the Renegade Forums for any C&C Renegade help. A lot of knowledgeable people there, and these are the Renegade X forums, for Unreal Tournament 3.
  23. Could we see some of your work?
  24. They posted the update without the permission of the team, but all they did was post 1 picture and then a link to the forums, so people began complaining on how they had to register and it was a cheap attempt for the team to get people to register. It's not a big deal though, only a few people complained. You're forgiven as long as you make sure it doesn't happen again.
  25. It's available already. Check the other thread in the News.
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