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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. Hi @Handepsilon; I know you're already very busy, but I'm wondering if you'd be able to look into this. Most HUD elements have been adjusted to scale properly with any resolution (yay!), but some still do not. Beyond resolutions of 1920x1080, elements such as enemy markers & player names, become so small to the point of not readable. I, for example like to play at 3840x2160, but can't for PUGs, since those HUD elements are vital for commanding. Also, it would be fantastic if the donation menu was like... double in size. is there any way to sort it alphabetically? It's difficult to find a player name quickly in the menu.
  2. right alot of times, we'll have to say "okay I'll be commander, just to stop the harvester" oh and "no nukes/ions pls thank you =D"
  3. yes. its sort of a gentleman's rule anyways.
  4. Thanks!! Yes I feel you, RenX is something special
  5. Tiberian Sun anniversary is on August 27th... might be something buzzing around that time
  6. @N3tRunn3r the "sound bug" as its called, has been prevailing since the games inception. many have and are working towards fixing it, but research is still on going ='(
  7. in your Dreams, anything IS possible
  8. I mean if you learn to code, I bet you could fit it on this bad boy. Whatever the mind can believe and conceive it can achieve =D
  9. roweboat


    i saw the title & your name @Bam Ham City and I read the title as Hamsters. Drivable Hamsters please
  10. I think more people would attend if it's other time than pug time. Maybe an hour or 2 before PUG on Saturday?
  11. turrets & guard towers =D
  12. especially with the surge that will come once firestorm is released...
  13. don't give up hope, @TheOlsenTwins is correct. In settings you can select "Disable PT scene" and that should fix the problem. As i may have stated in this thread awhile ago, I used to have an FX chip and i feel your pain.
  14. i mean maybe if the pug was actually at north american night times =D
  15. the amount of games i won back in the day by that final tank shell, were glorious.
  16. i honestly don't have any solution, but yes it's a problem I've noticed too
  17. Ive noticed something similar but its been happening for longer than last patch. Do you know if youre running the game on 32-bit or 64-bit?
  18. roweboat


    I was on the Nod wall there... powerless to stop that monstrosity XD
  19. Yep I think all valid concerns and voices have been heard. If there are any other comments questions or concerns, please make us aware =)
  20. We are currently dealing with technical issues, we're working to get everything resolved =)
  21. id recommend simply joining a game when its busy, and go to each building and observe where the mines are placed. There are variations to the mine placement, but basically its 3 mines to a door.
  22. can you post your launcher log? located at ...Renegade X\UDKGame\Logs
  23. oddly enough I did notice this problem a bit more the last few days. maybe its just a coincidence with more people randomly trying to buy tanks. I think the issue comes from, the fact that you can still access the vehicle menu even if slots are full now; so if 2 people are trying to use the last slot at the same time, there's no indicator beyond that your credits weren't used. (i think before you would be kicked out of the menu, since it wasn't accessible if full)
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