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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. yes unfortunately the learning curve for commander is ridiculously skewed as well
  2. @Backfromhell I say it jokingly of course with the ethics course. People will be people, come as they may bottom line, I think the current role and power structure of commander is too concentrated. I think the concept would work better spread between 2-3 people. not a fully squad system, but something like a "offensive lead", (has radar, smoke and offensive buff - and able to use /r commands) "defensive lead" (has radar, emp and defensive buff, and able to use /r commands) and "scout lead" (has radar and able to use /r commands) this would help mitigate blame and 'pressure' from one player, plus it would force team work even between those with "leadership" roles. again this is coming from someone who frequently used the commander role. I hope changes can be made in some way to encourage MORE players to want to try it.
  3. Naturally in most social situations, esp. situations where cooperation, teamwork etc are involved, people will always look for leadership. Before commander mode, trying to coordinate involved either spamming chat or using votes. My favorite part of the commander mode is the ability to flash messages on screen. And personally, I will use all the commander powers all day, but I feel they actually take away from the team aspect somewhat. The team shouldn't be that reliant on one person. And this coming from someone who's tested and learned the commander mode from day one. Heck these days I can't even have time to spawn into a match without being voted in as commander 😂 Bottom line is effective organization will not happen without some kind of leadership, or command, and someone has to take blame for those decisions. Does RenX need an ethics tutorial too? 😂
  4. Those should definitely be votable options
  5. I've always wanted Renx CRT mode. Thank you. brings me back to 1997.😅
  6. I keep forgetting to check the new version of this map out... ill have to check it out soon =D
  7. Many of us still going strong, 7+ years later =D
    I've always thought this map has alot of charm!
  8. Yes I've never noticed it before either. but I'm sure it's one of those things that's always been there haha
  9. None of the fun stuff ever happens when I'm in game 😅
  10. the worst part is, there is nothing stating that the gun requires a "press and hold to fire", so many new players might not understand how to fire the weapon.
  11. roweboat

    Renegade X - The Bad Ending

    Doesn't matter. All I need are Rockets.
  12. Yes I think its great, 😃 add it. But don't change anything else, please 😃
  13. well, ill try to help how i can 😃
  14. I'd be interested in checking it out @iridesence, is there a more recent version than what was posted in March?
  15. I think something like this is being developed for Firestorm, but don't quote me
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